

1.Carter’s daughter is about five years old. She has her own room. Carter wants to paint her room pink because the little girl likes pink. Meanwhile their house needs new wallpaper. Carter wants some professionals to help with the job.

2.The Millers move into a small house which has a history of 30 years. They are pleased with the environment but not the electrical work. They have a lot of household appliances(家用电器) which require good electrical support. They need help.

3.Mrs. Hill finds there is something wrong with her shower room. Each time she takes a shower, a lot of water spreads out of the shower room into the living room. She has to find someone to fix the shower room.

4.Andrew, a carpenter has a customer who wants to make some furniture for his new house. Andrew can help him, but he needs some wood first.

5.Edward is considering paving the driveway. He wants to know how he can get some stones.

A.We are one of the most famous stone factories. We have specialized in stone for many years, and we have many kinds of stones used widely in building, landscape, etc. All in high quality, filling at the price!

B.Experienced builder and decorator- interior and exterior painting, plastering, wallpapering, flooring carpet fitting tiling. Call for free quotation(报价单) and unbeatable prices, 13236467211/07834224451.

C.Building &window designs for electrical work -- All electrical work undertaken include rewiring, power upgrades, fault finding, emergencies, extra sockets(插座), door entry systems, interior and exterior lighting. Twenty four hours call out 48303560.

D.EX kitchen offers complete and professional service, all leading brands are available; all associated building works are undertaken 07092424744.

E.Building/Repair. From shelves to shower rooms, from fitting kitchens/bathrooms to painting and paperhanging 20-year experience. Friendly prompt and reliable, qualified 019035334477.

F.Wood! Wood! Wood! At Bristol Wood Recycling Project. Wide selection, always changing, bargain prices. Hard, soft, flooring &dimensioned wood. Cutting sanding (砂纸打磨)&delivery service. Tel:01179723219. Open Mon-Fri.



You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the p 1. where you learn to get along well with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just don't like one of your classmates?

If you d 2.that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容). Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others. We cannot change the w3. that other people do, so it is important to learn to live h 4. with them.

Tolerance will make everyone get on b 5. with each other. Knowing others constantly(不断地) make us understand others’ differences

Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance t 6.us to keep an even temper and open mind.

You need to remember an old saying, "Treat others how you want to be treated. "You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, s 7. it is important to treat them kindly too. if you tolerate something, it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just m 8. that you should respect the differences in others and not to try to make them change.

It is important to practice tolerance because it will make e 9. life easier. Learn to accept people for their different abilities and i10.. The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make things better.

Imagine that the battery on your mobile phone has run out. You can't make any calls for help and no one can contact you. You are all alone--- well, not quite. Just reach into your pocket and take out a piece of sugar. Put it into the battery, wait a minute and you are back on the phone.

Thanks to a couple of American scientists, this situation could become real. Swadesh Chaudhuri and Derek Lovely have invented the “bacteria battery”. This kind of battery gets its power from bacteria that eats sugar and turns it into electricity.

“This is a special organism (有机体),”Lovely said. “You can get enough electricity to power a cell phone battery for about four days from a spoonful of sugar.”

In the past, bacteria batteries have been expensive and not long-lasting. But this battery uses a more efficient bacterium that can turn 80 percent of sugar into electrical energy. This is 30 percent more than similar batteries can manage.

The bacteria battery could become as small as a household battery. It is also cheap and stable, because sugar can be taken from waste and crops.

But the sugar-to-electricity process is slow: it could take weeks for the bacteria to change a cup of sugar into electricity.And it produces “greenhouse” gases which pollute the environment.

The scientists understand there is a lot more work to be done. “It is still young,” said Lovely.

“Where we are now is where solar power was 20 or 30 years ago.”

He also believes the battery will be used in scientific equipment at the bottom of the ocean.

Other ideas include using sugar in the blood to run medical devices in the human body and taking sugar from animal waste to provide energy to power homes in rural areas.

1.What's the passage mainly about?

A.How to change sugar into electricity. B.A scientific invention of a new type of battery.

C.How to use the new bacteria battery. D.A new kind of mobile phone and its future.

2.Which of the following is NOT the advantage of the newly-developed battery?

A.Convenient. B.Stable. C.Inexpensive. D.Quick.

3.Which of the following are the scientists working on to improve the new battery?

A.Increase the bacteria. B.Solve the pollution problem.

C.Bring down the price. D.Change the size of the battery.

4.What does the underlined sentence actually mean?

A.The bacteria battery shares some similarities with solar energy.

B.Scientists will continue their work until they find solar power.

C.There is still much room for the improvement of the bacteria battery.

D.The bacteria battery will be as popular as solar power in twenty or thirty years.

5.According to the last paragraph, who will find the bacteria battery less useful?

A.Divers. B.Farmers. C.Doctors. D.Architects.

Your English teacher has introduced a play to your class. Read the play.

Characters: Bob, reporter, 25 years old

Jenny, student, 15 years old

Laura, student, 14 years old

Time: One Saturday morning in spring

Place: On the street

(Bob met Jenny and Laura in the street and began to have an interview with them)

Bob: Excuse me, would you mind me asking you some questions?

Laura: Of course not. And may I have your name?

Bob: I’m Bob. Your uniforms look so great. Which school are you studying in now?

Jenny: We are both from Highgate Junior High School. My name is Jenny and this is my classmate Laura.

Bob: How do you feel about your school uniforms?

Jenny: I think they are very good. Uniforms help the school look smart. I wear my school uniform every day.

Bob: What’s your opinion, Laura?

Laura: I can’t agree more. My father is a firefighter. Every time he wears his uniform, he says he feels a sense of duty. He is proud of the fact that he can help many people who are in need. He looks more handsome when he wears his uniform.

Bob: So you love uniforms because of your father’s influence on you.

Laura: I think so.

Jenny: Besides, when all students wear the uniforms, nobody needs to worry about fashion. In this way, students can pay more attention to learning.

Bob: I see. Both of you think school uniforms are good for you. I believe most students will agree with you. Thank you so much.

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Laura and Jenny don’t want to be interviewed by Bob at first.

B.Laura and Jenny don’t wear school uniforms on weekends.

C.Laura and Jenny are studying at the same school.

D.Laura and Jenny wear different school uniforms.

2.What can we know about Laura’s father?

A.He is proud of his work.

B.He likes Jenny’s school uniform.

C.He is more handsome than others.

D.He wants to be firefighter.

Sitting among the cheering fans of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team in Rio de Janeiro, a Polish fan caught a lot of attention. It is not because he is not Chinese, but because he has followed the team closely from the very beginning.

The 60-year-old Jozef fell in love with the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team at the first sight when he he watched the girls at the London Olympics on TV in 2012. The Polish man was crazy about the performances of the young team, especially by its core player Hui Ruoqi. Before that Jozef was a loyal fan of his home team — the Polish men’s volleyball.

Since then, Jozef has become crazy about the team and has kept track of almost all their international competitions. Back in the 2013 Montreux Volley Masters of Switzerland, the Polish man, for the first time, came to cheer up for the team on site. He also drove all the way from Poland to Italy to lend support for the girls during the 2014 Women’s World Volleyball Championship.

The hardcore fan traveled hundreds of miles from Polancl to Brazil, and booked ticktes for all matches of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball.This time, Jozef was interviewed by TV and has been recognized by not just fans, but millions or Chinese TV audience.

The “Polish grandpa” was a nickname given by Chinese volleyball Fans. He has 18,000 followers on Sina Weibo, China’s answer to Twitter, where Jozef has been sharing his obsession with Chinese Internet users since 2013.

1.Why did Jozef get much attention?

A.He was interviewed by Chinese TV.

B.He is a famous and loyal Polish fan.

C.He has supported the Chinese team from the start.

D.He was sitting among the fans of the Chinese team.

2.When did Jozef first become interested in the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team?

A.In 2012. B.In 2013. C.In 2014. D.In 2015.

3.How did Jozef come to Italy to support the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team?

A.By car. B.By bus. C.By bike. D.By plane.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Jozef has already had millions of fans in Poland.

B.Jozef has been a fan of his home team since 2012.

C.Jozef first cheered up for the Chinese team on site in 2014.

D.Jezef has followed most of the international matches of the Chinese team.

5.What has Jozef been doing on Sina Weibo?

A.Giving support to the Polish team.

B.Sharing his love for the Chinese team.

C.Answering quesitons about playing volleyball.

D.Booking tickets for matches of the Chinese team.

A photo of a boy who arrived at school with a head full of icicles (冰柱) has drawn widespread attention to children from poor rural families.

Wearing only a thin jacket, Wang Fuman, 10, had braved -9℃ weather to travel over an hour from his village home to reach Zhuanshanbao Primary School in Zhaotong, Yunnan province. “After walking more than 4 kilometers through the freezing snow, he arrived with his hair and eyebrows completely frozen, causing laughter among his 16 classmates,” said Fu heng, the school’s principal, who uploaded Wang’s photos on Monday morning. Fu added that his classrooms do not have heating because of a lack of money.

After hearing Wang’s story, the Yunnan China Youth Development Foundation offered a public donation for children from poor families on Tuesday. It has promised to give each needy child 500 yuan ($75) to help them stay warm in winter. By 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the provincial foundation had collected over 300,000 yuan in public donations according to their websites.

Wang, who has been nicknamed “Snowflake Boy” by netizens (网友), became well-known online. By Wednesday morning, his picture had been “liked” more than 260,000 times on Sina Weibo. “Many children in cities don’t have the strong willpower of this boy. I hope all his efforts will be rewarded,” a netizen wrote on SinaWeibo.

The name Fuman translates as “full of happiness”, but Wang does not come from a rich family. He lives in a mud hut (土坯房) with his grandmother and an elder sister, and seldom sees his parents because they are migrant workers in other cities.

“I love school. We can have bread and milk for lunch, and we learn lots of things in class,” Wang said. His village now has electricity and tap water, and my family is getting help to build a new house close to the school, he said. “I think our life will get better.”

1.Why did Wang’s classmates laugh when he came in?

A.Because they thought Wang was poor. B.Because they wanted to laugh at him.

C.Because he appeared with a head full of icicles. D.Because Wang was late for class again.

2.What did the netizens do according to the passage?

A.They took photos of Wang Fuman and uploaded them in time. B.They expressed their support and admiration.

C.They promised to give each needy child 500 yuan. D.They helped Wang return to school.

3.The underlined phrase “a lack of money” can be replaced by “ ________”.

A.being short of money B.losing money

C.plenty of money D.saving money

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