
Do you want to be the most popular person in the class? You don’t need to change your character; you just need to improve your personality. The most popular people are trusted (信任) and loved because they stay normal but still have something that makes them different from the rest of us. Here are some pieces of advice on how to become the most popular person in the class.

·If you want others to like and respect (尊重) you, you have to start by liking yourself. Do not change yourself in order to please others.

·Be helpful to everyone and do it happily. Being nice to people is almost like helping them, too, because by being nice you make others happy.

·Be active and have a positive attitude (积极的态度) towards life. Develop confidence in yourself.

·Stay clean and wear fresh clothes. Do not try to follow fashion to please others.

Respect cannot be bought with big words or money. You have to get it by being honest. It also helps your personal growth. You must be a person that can be trusted to get respect.

To be a1.person

Something you don’t need to do

·Don’t try to follow2.or change yourself to make others pleased.
·You can’t3.respect with big words or money.

Something you4.
to do

·Win others’ respect5.liking yourself.
·Be honest, helpful and6.to everyone.
·Have an7.and positive attitude towards life and develop confidence in yourself.
·8.fresh clothes and keep clean.


(9.your personality instead of10.your character, and you will be popular.

Colin and James were neighbors. Colin was poor, while James was very rich. Colin was very relaxed and happy. He never worried about closing the doors or windows of his house at night. He slept very well. Although he had no money, he was happy.

James was always worried about something. He closed all the doors and windows of his house at night. He did not sleep well. He was always worried that someone might break into his house and steal (偷) his money. He envied (嫉妒) the peaceful Colin.

One day, James gave Colin a box of money. “Look, my dear friend,” he said, “I am very rich, but you are poor. Take this money and buy what you want.”

Colin was very happy and excited. Night came and Colin went to bed as usual. But this time, he could not sleep. He went and closed the doors and windows. He still could not sleep. He kept looking at the box of money and couldn’t sleep the whole night.

As soon as day broke, Colin took the box of money to James. He gave the box back to James. “Dear friend,” he said to James, “I am poor, but your money took away my peace. Please take your money back. I’m sorry.”

1.Why did James have a poor sleep at night? (不超过10个词)


2.How did Colin feel when he got the money? (不超过5个词)


3.What can we learn from the story? (不超过10个词)



What is the best place to relax in our city on weekends? Here are three ideas.

I’m David Wang. I think Orange Island is the best place to relax in Changsha. It’s a beautiful place and I like to take a walk there on sunny evenings. I sometimes even dance with the old ladies, haha. After Metro Line 4 was opened in May, 65.从我家到那里只要花十分钟。More importantly, it is free for the old. How relaxing my life is!

I’m Ada Li. I like going to Shazhichuan Outlet in my free time. It’s one of the biggest shopping centers in Changsha now. 66. I can buy my favorite clothes and shoes at the best prices with the best service. If I’m tired, I can watch a movie at UME International Movie Theater. It has the most comfortable seats and the newest movies. 67. Of course, having a cup of milk tea at Sexy Tea(茶颜悦色) is a must-do activity for me. So I think it’s the best choice for housewives.

I'm Michelle Zhang. I think Reading Garden Bookstore is the best place to relax on weekends. Every Saturday after I finish doing homework, I go to the bookstore to read books with my sister. 68. 当我阅读一本好书时,它就像在和一个朋友说话。There are many kids reading books there. You can see in their eyes that they are having a different journey with each new book. 69. If you are a book lover, you can have a special and wonderful day there."






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