

The BBC was founded(建立) in 1922, including radio and television services, based at Broadcasting (广播) House in London.

The BBC is controlled(控制) by some governors(管理人员) sent by the government but these people have complete freedom and the government can’t interfere(干涉). That is, the BBC is not the mouthpiece (代言人) of the government. It has to be as fair as possible in giving radio and television time to, for example, political parties and religious (宗教) groups.

There is a kind of interesting service in Britain----rental services. Many people prefer to rent (pay money regularly for the use of) their television sets instead of buying them.

The rent for a black-and-white TV set is about 80 pence a week (1980). The rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black-and-white set. If the sets go wrong, people can have them repaired free of charge or replaced (take the place of) immediately.

Everyone who owns to rent a television set has to pay a yearly licence. There is no advertising on BBC radio or television. It is from the sale of licence that the BBC gets most of its money. A licence for a black-and-white set costs £ 18, and for a color set £ 18 a year.

There are four specialized radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programs. Radio 1 is mainly pop music. Radio 2 deals with light music, sport and other programs. Radio 3 broadcasts serious music, talks on serious subjects, etc. News broadcasts are mainly given by Radio 4.

There are special programs for Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and certain parts of England. The BBC also broadcasts as well as in English to all parts of the world.

(    )58. How does the BBC get most of its money?

A. It gets money from all kinds of advertisements.

B. The BBC depends on the rent of TV sets.

C. The BBC gets money by repairing TV sets that have gone wrong.

D. It gets its money mainly by selling licence.

(    )59.   Which of the following is true?

A. If you rent a television set and there is something wrong with it, you should fix it with your own money.

B. It costs more to rent a color TV set than a black-and-white one.

 C. You can’t listen to pop music from Radio 1.

 D. You needn’t buy the licence if you pay the rent on time.

(    )60. Which of the following is not true?

A. The BBC radio services including 4 radio channels.

B. The BBC broadcasts to foreign countries only in English.

C. The programs of the four radio channels are not only for foreign countries but also for different areas in its own country.

D. The BBC special programs are not only for foreign countries but also for different areas in its own country.


Mr Bean, who is silly, awkward (笨拙的)    1   always funny and enjoyable, is a world-famous comedy character on TV and in movies. He makes people    2 through a series of simple and funny acts   3  body languages. Rowan Atkinson is the   4  who plays Mr Bean. Mr Atkinson is quite   5   for playing Mr Bean. 
Rowan was born on January 6, 1955, and   6  his early years on the family farm with his mother, three older brothers and his strict father, who did not believe   7  the value of television. For a time, he attended the same school as Tony Blair, who was two years older than him. At the age of 13, he   8   at Newcastle University where he had the highest marks in his year. At Oxford he got his Master’s degree (硕士学位) in electrical engineering. He was particularly  9  fast cars, of which he has a large collection.
Rowan’s career change from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian was partly   10  some speaking problems he had in his childhood.
While he was still at primary school, Rowan had already shown great talent in    11  . Although his teachers predicted (预言) a career in acting, Rowan was not confident   12   he met a group of talented people at university, and he realized this could be a career for him. Another important event    13  . One day in 1976, he was playing around and making faces  14 . He realized something. “I discovered my face,” he said later. John Lloyd, who worked for the BBC, says, “When I watched Mr Atkinson act for the first time, I was   15  that he would be more famous than Chaplin.”

A.useB.usingC.to useD.to using
A.doctorB.writer C.actor D.farmer
A.honestB.friendly ` C.helpfulD.famous
A.workedB.studied C.playedD.helped
A.good atB.amazed atC.interested inD.worried about
A.becauseB.because ofC.soD.since
A.in the mirrorB.in classC.on the wallD.in the playground

Scientists have found a new use for children’s imaginations(想象力)—to make Stomachaches go away.   

The BBC reports a new study that shows: “Children can be taught to use their Imaginations to deal with stomachaches.” This may be very good news for parents who need a quick cure for their sick children.

Any mother or father understands the stomach problem is one of the most frequent(时常发生的) things their children complain about. Around twenty percent of children suffer from stomachaches that doctors cannot find a reason for.

This new research is especially good for kids with active imaginations. Researchers found that the more creative the child is, the better he or she is at imagining the pain away.

The researchers used a relaxing CD with children. A voice guided them through different fantasy(幻想) situations. One of these was pretending to be floating on a cloud. Thirty children took part in the tests. Half of them used the “guided imagery” method, and the other half received normal medicines. Researchers found 73.3 percent of the CD users reported a reduction in pain. This compared to only 26.7 percent of kids who got normal treatment.

Study leader Dr Miranda Tilburg was very excited about her findings. She believed that it was a very cheap and easy way to stop children’s stomachaches. She said it would not work as well with adults.

1.The new study may be good news for those who____________.

A. have less imaginations

B. don’t know how to relax

C. want to stop their kids’ stomachaches in a short time

D. can find why children suffer from stomachaches

2.What kind of kids will benefit most from the new research?

A. Kids who like listening to music.

B. Kids who are good at remembering things.

C. The independent(独立的) kids.

D. Kids with active imaginations.

3.From the end of the passage, we know that__________.

A. adults can also use their imaginations to make stomachaches go away

B. Dr Miranda Tilburg wasn’t pleased with her findings

C. the normal cure for stomachaches will not be used

D. a cheap and easy way to stop children’s stomachaches has been found

4. What is the best title for this passage?

A. How to stop stomachaches in public places.

B. Children can “imagine” their pain away.

C. Children’s imaginations are very active.

D. How to develop children’s imaginations.


Mr Bean, who is silly, awkward (笨拙的)    1   always funny and enjoyable, is a world-famous comedy character on TV and in movies. He makes people    2 through a series of simple and funny acts   3  body languages. Rowan Atkinson is the   4  who plays Mr Bean. Mr Atkinson is quite   5   for playing Mr Bean. 

Rowan was born on January 6, 1955, and   6  his early years on the family farm with his mother, three older brothers and his strict father, who did not believe   7  the value of television. For a time, he attended the same school as Tony Blair, who was two years older than him. At the age of 13, he   8   at Newcastle University where he had the highest marks in his year. At Oxford he got his Master’s degree (硕士学位) in electrical engineering. He was particularly  9  fast cars, of which he has a large collection.

Rowan’s career change from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian was partly   10  some speaking problems he had in his childhood.

While he was still at primary school, Rowan had already shown great talent in    11  . Although his teachers predicted (预言) a career in acting, Rowan was not confident   12   he met a group of talented people at university, and he realized this could be a career for him. Another important event    13  . One day in 1976, he was playing around and making faces  14 . He realized something. “I discovered my face,” he said later. John Lloyd, who worked for the BBC, says, “When I watched Mr Atkinson act for the first time, I was   15  that he would be more famous than Chaplin.”

1.                A.and            B.or             C.but  D.while


2.                A.laugh          B.sing            C.cry  D.dance


3.                A.use            B.using           C.to use    D.to using


4.                A.doctor         B.writer          C.actor     D.farmer


5.                A.honest         B.friendly `        C.helpful   D.famous


6.                A.cost           B.took           C.paid D.spent


7.                A.in             B.on             C.at   D./


8.                A.worked         B.studied         C.played   D.helped


9.                A.good at         B.amazed at       C.interested in   D.worried about


10.               A.because        B.because of      C.so    D.since


11.               A.swimming       B.driving         C.acting D.singing


12.               A.until           B.but            C.after  D.before


13.               A.caused         B.missed         C.caught    D.occurred


14.               A.in the mirror    B.in class         C.on the wall D.in the playground


15.               A.afraid          B.sure           C.worried   D.surprised




What are the limits(极限) of human body? The BBC’s Focus magazine has some answers.

How cold can you stand?

Normal body temperature is around 37℃. At 35℃ you’re unable to write your name. Even walking is very difficult. At 33℃ you may find it difficult to think, understand and form(形成) opinions properly. By the time you have cooled to 20℃, your heart would have stopped beating.

Limit: 0℃. Ice would form in your tissues(纤维组织), killing all the cells.

How spicy can you eat?

There is capsaicin(辣椒素) in many foods. The more capsaicin, the hotter the dishes are. If you’re healthy enough, you can survive(存活) eating a teaspoon of pure capsaicin. But you would find it impossible to eat anything else for a few hours.

Limit: 5g capsaicin.

How fast can you run?

The fastest man in the world is Asafa Powell. The runner finished the 100m in 9. 74 seconds in 2007. This gives an average(平均的) speed of 36. 96km/h.

Top runners are at their fastest around 80 metres, so a runner’s greatest speed may reach 43.06km/h.

Limit: 43.06km/h.

How loud is too loud?

The loudest sound you can hear is 168 dB(分贝). Sound louder than that may do harm to your ears. The loudest sound ever recorded was the eruption of Krakatoa(卡拉卡托火山爆发) in 1883. It was 180 dB, 160km away.

Limit: 168 dB


1.At what temperature will your cells die?


2. What will happen if you eat a teaspoon of pure capsaicin?


3. How fast can a runner run at most?


4. What sound can be heard by your ears?


5. Where can you read such an article?



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