
--- ____________ you seen the 3-D film Titanic yet?
--- Yes. I __________it a few days ago.
A.Did , sawB.Have, sawC.Do, have seenD.Have, have seen








5.A.It is six o’clock. B.It’s October 10th. C.It’s a public holiday.

6.A.Fourteen. B.Sixteen. C.Fifteen.

7.A.Not at all. B.That’s all right. C.Certainly.Here you are.

8.A.Either is OK. B.Thank you. C.This way, please.

9.A.It is wet. B.It was sunny. C.It is cloudy.

10.A.Yes, I think so. B.I’ll do it. C.Yes, it’s difficult.

11.A.No, I can’t. B.Yes, I can. C.Of course, go ahead.

12.Three years ago. B.In three years. C.For three years.

13.A.It’s from China. B.He likes it very much. C.He thinks it’s 10 yuan.

14.A.I hate you. B.I don’t want to stay here. C.Sorry.It’s getting late and I must go now.


15.Did the woman know who won the match?

A.It’s hard to say. B.No, she didn’t. C.Yes, she did.

16.Where is the woman from?

A.New York. B.England. C.London.

17.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a classroom. B.On a farm. C.In a dining room.

18.What’s Li Ying’s son.

A.He is an engineer. B.He is a doctor. C.He is a cook.

19.What kind of music does the man like?

A.Jazz. B.Rock music. C.Pop music.

20.Who gave the party for the girl?

A.her aunt. B.He friend. C.Her mother.

21.What is the man probably going to do?

A.To take a train. B.To take a taxi. C.To take a bus.

22.What’s wrong with Mike?

A.He hurt his foot. B.He hurt his leg. C.Nothing was wrong with him.

23.What are they doing?

A.They are singing songs. B.They are walking. C.They are making a phone call.

24.Why hasn’t Jane received the email?

A.Because she is ill. B.Because she is too tired. C.Because here computer doesn’t work.



25.What was the won doing last month?

A.Se was taking care of her sick mother

B.She was writing a novel.

C.She was taking care of her father while she was writing a novel.

26.How is the woman’s father now?

A.He was getting worse.

B.He is much better.

C.He doesn’t feel well.

27.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.To read a novel.

B.To move the heavy box.

C.To take her father to the hospital.


28.Why do Lan Lan’s parents send her to s sports school?

A.Because Lan Lan likes sports.

B.Because they live near the school.

C.Because Lan Lan is a lazu girl.

29.What does Lan Lan drink for breakfast?



C.Orange juice.

30.How does she go to the gym every morning?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By bicycle.


  You will have a lot of reading to do in this grade this year.You can do more of it in less time if you learn to read rapidly.

  Perhaps you have been told about some habits(习惯)which keep a person from reading fast and have been strongly asked to break those habits which you might have.

  Do you still have any of these bad habits? Check yourself by answering “yes” or “no” to these questions.

  (1)Do you move your lips(嘴唇)when reading silently?

  (2)Do you point to words with your finger as you read?

  (3)Do you move your head from side to side as you read?

  (4)Do you read one word at a time?

  If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, start at once to break the habit.If you move your lips, hold your fingers over them, or hold a piece of paper between your lips while you are reading.Then if your lips move, your will know it and can stop them.

  If you point to words, hold the two sides of your book, one side with your left hand, the other side with your right hand.Then you won’t have a free finger to use in pointing while reading.If you move your head, place your chin(下巴)in one hand and hold your head still(静止不动的).

  If you read no more than one or two three words at a time, you need to work very hard in learning to take in(吸收)more words at each glance(一瞥)as your eyes travel across the lines of words.

  Even if you do rather fast now, you can learn to read even faster.As you probably have been told, the se of fast reading is to take in whole groups of words at each glance.Read in thought groups and force(迫使)your eyes along the lines of words at fast as you can make them go.Anyone who practices doing these things will be able to read faster.


You may hold your fingers over your lips while reading so as ________.

[  ]


to tell others to be silent


to feel whether your lips move or not


to hold a piece of paper between them


to keep yourself from talking to others


When you read, ________.

[  ]


don’t keep your head still


don’t hold your books with your hands


don’t stand up near a desk


don’t use your finger to point to words


If you learn to read fast, ________

[  ]


you can read more in less time


you can write faster


you can understand better


you can read less in more time


You must ________ those habits that we are talking about in this reading.

[  ]






get rid of(改掉)




This reading mainly about ________.

[  ]


the way of reading fast


the importance of fast reading


the bad habits in reading


how to speak quickly

BEIJING--Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has Visited the "left-behind"(留守) children whose parents are working in cities before Children's Day.

    During a visit to northwest China's Shanansi Province, Wen visited the home of Yang Saike, a primary school boy in a village of Xingping City.

    Yang, whose parents ~were working in Fujian, thousands of kilometers away, was cared for by his grandparents. His parents fail to go home even once a year.

    The premier held Yang in his arms and looked through his exercise book praised him for his hard work.

     Wen talked with many children and asked them many questions about their schooling and 1ife.

     "You are se pretty;" Wen said to Liu Mengqi, a seven-year-old girl living with her grandmother. Liu's parents were also working in the city.

    "Have you been to school yet?" Wen asked two other girls.

    "We are going to the pre-school class,” said one.

    "Morn mad. dad at home?" Wen asked. The children shook their heads.

    "Children cannot see their parents very often, which is a new problem in the countryside. We should give them more care and love," said the premier.

    With fast economic(经济的) development, more people in the country chose to work in. cities and left their children with grandparents or relatives back home, said Wen.

    The premier asked local governments to do something to protect and care for such children at home and freeing(释放,使自由) their parents in cities from worries about their children.

1. Wen says a new problem in the country is that, “left-behind” children_______.

   A. seldom get care from the government

   B. seldom get together with their parents

   C. cannot do well in school like others

   D. cannot get any love from their parents

2. Children whose parents have moved to work in cities are probably looked after by_______.

A. their teachers             B. their neighbors   C. their grandparents     D. their friends

3. According to (根据) Wen, more country people go to work in cities because of______.

   A. great losses of farmland.            B. their hope for city life

   C. economic development                     D. their poor country life

4. Wen Jiabao requires local governments_______.

   A. to do more for "left-behind" children and their parents

   B. to let the parents see their

   C. to stop the local people from going to work in cities

   D. to build more schools for the " left-behind " children

5. The proper title (标题) for the passage is "wen: Give_______ more love."

   A. poor children       B. disabled children C. country children D. "left-behind" children

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