
Expressions cover all parts of our life. They may be around your ears every day. You may know a lot of Chinese expressions that describe how you feel. Here are some English ones for your enjoyment.
Have Your Heart in Your Mouth
This expression means that you’re really afraid or anxious about something. When your heart starts beating so much that you can feel a thumping(怦怦跳) in your throat, it may feel like you "have your heart in your mouth."
Have Butterflies in the Stomach
How did butterflies get in your stomach? Well, those really aren’t butterflies in there. It is a way of describing those nervous feelings you might get before a test or a very important decision.
These stomach flutters (跳动) are normal and happen to many people. Some people believe having a few butterflies might even help you perform better.    
Sick as a Dog
If you’ve ever been very sick, you may have used this expression. Because dogs eat just about anything they find, they often get sick. So it’s all right to describe someone who’s not feeling well as being "sick as a dog".    
Under the Weather
When it’s rainy all day outside, how would you feel? This expression comes from the idea that bad weather might hurt a person’s health and mood(心情).
小题1: The expression "__" is most probably used while you are watching a thriller.
A. have your heart in your mouth    B. sick as a dog    C. under the weather
小题2:Someone believes__ if you "have butterflies in the stomach" before a test.
A. you’re sure to fail      B. you will forget everything C. you might do better
小题3:It’s __ to say somebody is "sick as a dog" when he is not feeling well.
A. impolite   B. suitable       C. wrong
小题4:When somebody says "under the weather", he must feel     
A. upset      B. happy            C. calm
小题5:All expressions discussed in this passage are about      
A. health      B. habits           C. feelings


小题1:根据Have Your Heart……may feel like you "have your heart in your mouth."这段可知当你看紧张恐怖的东西时会有提心吊胆的感觉,故选A。
小题1:根据How did butterflies get in your stomach?……help you perform better. 这段可知在考前或者做重要决定前会紧张,主要就是想做的更好,故选C。
小题1:三个选项分别表示不礼貌的,合适的和错误的,这里sick as a dog意思是病的非常严重的意思,故选B。
小题1:Have Your Heart in Your Mouth、Have Butterflies in the Stomach、Sick as a Dog、Under the Weather,这四个短语说的都是人的感觉,故选C。
K.L. Rothey, 71, from the United States, a retired lawyer ?
Rothey has given himself the Chinese name of Luqi or “roadside beggar(乞丐)”. In his eyes, beggars are doing important work collecting rubbish. What they do is not dirty. Littering the street is, he adds.?
Rothey first visited China in 1984 and soon he became interested in Chinese culture. Married to a Chinese calligrapher (书法家), he lived in Huangshi, Hubei Province.?
Many people know him because he often shows up in the street collecting rubbish. “Huangshi is my home so I hope it becomes cleaner and more beautiful,” says Rothey. He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities, including Wuhan.?
Rothey says he’ll continue collecting rubbish, as long as he is able to.?
Jill Robinson, 50, from Britain, founder(创立者)and CEO of Animals Asia Foundation.
She has been working for nearly 20 years to stop people from getting the bile(胆汁)from moon bears for use in traditional medicine.?
She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Hong Kong in the mid-1980s. A business trip to a bear farm in the mainland in 1993 changed her life. She saw so many moon bears killed by people. That made her cry. She said she would be back to set them free.?
In 1998, she set up the Animal Foundation. In July 2000, the foundation agreed to free 500 farmed moon bears. In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue(救援)Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.?
Now, bear farms have been stopped in the area of two-thirds of China. “As much as we rescue them, they rescue us. These bears rescue us every single day and they teach us to be better people,” Robinson says.?
Jill Robinson
He first visited China in 1984 and became interested in Chinese culture.?
He often 78.       in the streets in Huangshi.?
He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities.
She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in the mid-1980s.
?79.               in the mainland changed her life in 1993.?
She set up the Animal Foundation in 1998.
In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.
The two passages are about two foreigners who have helped improve Chinese lives with their contributions(贡献).We should 80.           them and do what we can to protect the environment.

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