1. 她慷慨大方,愿意和别人分享一切。
2. 她乐于助人,喜欢帮助需要帮助的人。
3. 她很幽默,擅长讲笑话逗大家笑。
4. 她总是帮助同学解决问题,同学们都想和她交朋友。
5. 她长大后想当一名社会工作者,帮助更多的人。
Lucy is my best friend. She is very generous . She is willing to share anything with others. She is very helpful, and likes to help people in need . She has a good sense of humour . She is also good at telling funny jokes to make everyone laugh . She always helps classmates to solve problems , so everyone wants to make friends with her . When she grows up, she wants to be a social worker to help more people .