Friendship can’t be measured (测量) nor can it be weighed. We stopped a few people on the street to find out what part friendship played in their lives. Here is what they said.

My best friend Mark and I really enjoy spending time playing basketball every evening. Even over 10 years after college, we still get the same amount of joy when playing basketball together.—James, 34

The importance of friendship in my life is more than what I can put into words. My childhood friends recently pulled me through hard times when my father died. —Gemina, 38

I didn’t realize the importance of friendship until it was too late. I didn’t keep in touch with friends, but now I have realized that life is much better with friends around. —Tom, 42

(Are we all learning something from Tom’s lesson in life?)

We all should wake up and realize the true importance of friendship because friends accept you for what you are, not for what you can be. —Jane, 21

(Jane has hit the nail on the head, do you think so?)

My friends and I love sharing a beer each weekend. Everything in the world can change but not our dates with our beers. For me, the importance of friendship lies in enjoying the time we spend together with nothing to worry about. —a policeman (who was on duty at the corner of the street)

1.James and Mark __________.

A.have the same hobby B.became friends recently

C.only meet when playing basketball D.studied at the same middle school and college

2.Using Tom’s lesson, the write wants to tell us to __________.

A.remember our friendship forever B.always be there for our friends

C.value our friendship right now our friends as often as possible

3.What does the writer want to express by saying “hit the nail on the head”?

A.Friendship is important to everyone.

B.We should make as many friends as we can.

C.We should make friends with people like Jane.

D.Friends are those who accept us for who we are.

4.What do the five people have in common?

A.They think friends are important. B.They spend much time with friends.

C.They have gone through hard times in life. D.They have made a lot of friends in their lives.

When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called "Brownie". My brothers and I all loved Brownie and did different things with her. One of us would walk her, another would feed her, then there were baths, playing catch and many other games. Brownie, in return, loved each and every one of us. One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them. We always felt better when she was around.

One day, as I was getting her food, she chewed up (咬破) one of my Dad's shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. I knew Dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was wrong. When I looked at her and said, "Bad girl," she looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes.

Brownie turned out to be more than just our family pet. She went everywhere with us. People would stop and ask if they could pet her. Of course, she'd let anyone pet her. She was just the most lovable dog. There were many times when we'd be out walking and a small child would come over and pull on her hair. She never barked (吠) or tried to get away. Funny thing is she would smile. This frightened people because they thought she was showing her teeth. Far from the truth, she loved everyone.

Now many years have passed since Brownie died of old age. I still miss the days when she was with us.

1.We can know that Brownie from Paragraph 2.

A.would eat anything when hungry B.felt sorry for her mistake

C.loved playing hide-and seek D.disliked the author's dad

2.Why does the author say that Brownie was more than just a family pet?

A.She was treated as a member of the family. B.She played games with anyone she liked.

C.She was loved by everybody she met. D.She went everywhere with the family.

3.Some people got frightened by Brownie when she .

A.smiled B.barked C.rushed to them D.tried to be funny

4.Which of the following best describes Brownie?

A.shy B.generous C.brave D.caring

Once upon a time, there was a poor orphan boy called Dick Whittington. The people in his village believed that the streets of London were paved with gold. So Dick decided to travel there and become a rich man.

Dick walked for many days, but when he arrived in London, there were no streets of gold! Tired and hungry, he fell asleep on the steps of a great house.

The house belonged to a rich businessman who found Dick and gave him a job cleaning the kitchen. Dick worked very hard and was happy. He had enough to eat and at night he could sleep by the fire. There was a problem though! At night, rats ran around the kitchen and kept him awake.

So Dick went out and found the fastest rat-catching cat in London! The cat caught all the rats that came into the house and Dick could sleep at night.

The businessman heard about the amazing cat and asked Dick if he could take it on his ship to catch rats on his next journey. Dick agreed, but was very sad to see the cat go.

While the businessman was away, the other servants were very mean to Dick. So Dick decided to run away. But as he was leaving, one of the great church bells rang. It seemed to say, "Turn back, Dick Whittington, Mayor of London!”

So Dick came back to the house and soon the businessman returned. He was very happy because Dick's cat had caught all the rats on the ship. He gave Dick a reward and promoted him to his assistant.

Dick worked hard for the businessman and learned everything he could. Eventually he married the businessman’s daughter and started a very successful business of his own. And, yes, he did become Mayor of London!

1.When poor Dick first arrived in London, he felt ________.

A.surprised and happy B.excited but tired

C.tired and hungry D.hungry and sad

2.Which is the right time order of what happened in the story?

a. The businessman took the cat on his ship to catch rats.

b. Dick's cat caught all the rats that came into the house.

c. Dick decided to travel to London and become a rich man.

d. A rich businessman gave Dick a job cleaning the kitchen.

e. The businessman gave Dick a reward and promoted him to his assistant.

A.d-c-b-a-e B.b-d-a-c-e C.d-b-a-e-c D.c-d-b-a-e

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The other servants treated Dick kindly and he felt very happy.

B.Dick finally found a lot of gold in London and became quite rich.

C.Dick became Mayor of London because he caught all the rats in London.

D.The fastest rat-catching cat helped Dick get the trust from the businessman.

As teenagers we often have some bad days. If you have a bad day, here are some ways of cheering you up.

Go out with a friend for a walk, a cup of coffee or a lunch date. You need not to discuss your problems at all. Sometimes all you need is a good laugh to get you going again.

Being relaxed is one of the most useful ways to solve stress. Too much stress in your body can influence your feelings. Learn right breathing and practice relaxing your body. They are helpful in dealing with stress.

Some people found it more relaxing when they do physical exercise. Go out for some walking or ride a bike when you are free. You just need to keep moving.

When you are feeling down, why not do some chores like cleaning up your room, doing some washing,or even cooking a meal? You would find it a wonderful way to relax. And getting them done is also an achievement.

You can spend some of your time helping others in a charity. Helping others can not only make you happier but also improve yourself. For example, if you love animals, help at an animal center. If you like helping people, do this at a soup kitchen. Having lots of helping hours will make you better at more things.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

It talks about how to_________if you have a bad day.

2.How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage?

_____________are mentioned in it.

3.What does the writer think of being relaxed?

Being relaxed is one of__________to solve stress.

4.What does the writer advise teenagers to do when they are feeling down?

When they are feeling down, they had better________like cleaning up rooms,doing some washing or even cooking a meal.

5.Why does the writer advise teenagers to help others in a charity?

Because it can both _______and improve themselves.

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