

69. - 这本书我能借多久?

- 三个星期。你得按时还。

- How long can I ________ the book?

- Three weeks. You must ________ it on time.

70. 你最好再不要上学迟到了。

    You’d better not ________ late ________ school again.

71. 昨天早晨李明八点才起床。

Li Ming ________ get up ________ eight o'clock yesterday morning.

72. 他说他不知道王女士将何时前往随州市。

He said he didn't know when Ms Wang was ________ ________ Suizhou City.

73. 麦克和哈里决心要更加努力地学习。

Mike and Harry have ________ up their ________ to study harder.

74. 我宁愿呆在家里看电视剧也不愿到外面踢足球。

I would ________ watch TV plays at home ________ play soccer outside.

75. 老师告诉这个男孩不要在玩游戏上花太多的时间。

The teacher told the boy not to ________ too much time ________ games.

 69. keep/have; return  70. be; for  71. didn't; until  72. leaving for 

73. made; minds  74. rather; than  75. spend; playing


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