The cartoon series Bears Note《熊出没》is popular with people of ages in China at the moment.Bald strong,a logging(原木)team boss,came to the beautiful Heilongjiang forest to harvest logs with a boss,Lee’s trust.But the forest had hidden(已经藏着)two terrible rivals(对手) forest owner,bear brothers!Xiong Da and Xiong Er!

Looking at the forest was destroyed,bear brothers decided to fight with Bald strong to protect the forest.Xiong Da is so clever that he can beat Bald strong easily.Xiong Er is not as clever as his brother but his brute force(蛮力).But the cunning(狡猾的)head cannot leave so easily.For a long time home defense(防 御)lasted and Bald strong tried different thoughts to beat bear brothers and cut down logs,but every time he failed.Finally Bald strong lost Boss Lee’s trust and got nothing.As the saying says,doing good will be repaid and doing evil(罪恶)will be punished(被惩罚).

The cartoon story shows us an active topic in laughter,and two bears facing the failure feel hopeful.It also tells us to protect forests,protect the environment,protect ecological balance(生态平衡)in our everyday life.

1. is popular with people of ages in China now.

A. Mickey Mouse B. Winnie the Pooh C. Bears Note D. The Snow White

2.Who do you think destroyed the forest?

A. Bald strong. B. Xiong Da. C. Xiong Er. D. Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

3.Can Xiong Er sometimes also beat Bald strong with his brute force?

A. Yes,he can. B. No,he can’t. C. No,he can. D. Yes,he can’t.

4.The story shows

A. an active topic in laughter

B. two bears facing the failure are hopeful

C. more to encourage people in pleasure

D. all of above are right

5.From the cartoon television series,we know

A. bear brothers decided not to fight with Bald strong to protect the forest

B. doing good will be repaid and doing evil will be punished

C. Xiong Er is so clever that he can beat Bald strong easily

D. it tells US that we should not protect forests

Answer the question.

Pop princess Britney Spears would be very happy (or sad, maybe) if she knew what her songs can do for some German farmers. 

Recently, some farmers in Germany have been playing Britney’s songs very often on their farms. Not that they like her songs a lot, but that her songs can drive away the troublesome wild boars! 

As the boars are an endangered species(物种) in Germany, people can’t shoot or kill them. Farmers there tried to stop the boars from destroying their crops but failed. 

One day, one of the German farmers noticed that all the boars were scared away when he started to play one of Britney’s songs! 

The farmer was delighted and then he tried some other singers’ songs on the boars. Madonna’s and Robbie Williams’ songs didn’t work at all. Only Britney’s songs seemed to have the magical power. Every time her songs were played on his farm, the boars would go running away in a rush.  

It’s reported quite a number of German farmers are using Britney’s magic songs to protect their vegetables and fruits. 

Notes: boar – n. wild pig    scare- v. frighten    troublesome-adj. full of worries delighted- adj. happy 

Answer the questions:

1.Did some farmers in Germany invite Britney Spears to sing for them not long ago_____________________________________________________________

2.Madonna’s and Robbie Williams’ songs can’t drive away the boars, can they? 


3.Why must we protect pandas from shooting or killing? 


4.How many good ways did the German farmers have to protect their vegetables and fruits before they knew the magic of Britney’s songs? 


5.what did the boars do when they heard Britney singing ? 


6.What can pop princess Britney Spears’ songs do for some German farmers? 

They ________ from the troublesome wild boars.

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