
My name is Mike. This is a photo of my family. The young man in white T-shirt is my father. He is a worker. He often plays basketball(篮球)with me. He wants me to be“Yao Ming”. My mom is a teacher. She works in Fuzhou International School. She often cooks for us. I often help her. I am very happy with my mom and my father. That’s my happy family.

1.What does Mike’s father do?

A. A teacher. B. A worker.

C. A farmer. D. A doctor.

2.Who does Mike’s father like playing with?

A.Mike. B. Mike’s mother.

C. Mike’s friend. D. Mike’s sister.

3.Who does my father want me to be?

A. Deng Yaping. B. Yao Ming.

C. Liu Xiang. D. Li Na.

4.What does Mike’s mother do?

A. A farmer. B. A teacher.

C. A nurse. D. An office worker.

5. Where does Mike’s mother work?

A. In a farm. B. In an office.

C. In a hospital. D. In a school.


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