
_________ fruit do we need?
A. How many             B. How much         C. How far


解析试题分析:此题考查how many,how much和how far的区别。How many是用来询问可数名词的量,how much用来修饰不可数名词的量,how far是用来询问距离。根据语境可知此句的含义是我们需要多少水果?是用来询问名词的量,因fruit是不可数名词,故用how much来修饰,故选B。
考点:how many how much,how far的区别
点评:以how引导的短语很多并且是考查的重点,常用的有:how often”多长时间一次”对在某一特定的时间内进行的动作次数进行提问,其答语一般为“never  sometimes  usually”等频率副词。  how long“多长时间一次”是询问动作持续的时间,答语通常是表示时间的状语(two weeks等)前面一般跟介词for;有时也可以表示长度。how far “多远” 一般指的是一地到另一地的距离how many 和how much 均可表示“多少”how many 修饰可数名词的复数形式,而how much 修饰不可数名词,还可以用来询问价格。


There once was a master who went to India. He had never been there before. When he got there, he saw a lot of f 1. . In India they have plenty of fruit to sell, but much of it is expensive b 2.  they can’t grow much as a result of the water situation. He saw a big basket of some very red, long fruit. And it was the c 3.  in the shop, not expensive at all.

He went up and asked,“how much per kilo?”“Two rupees.”Two rupees in India is almost

n 4. ; it’s like dirt (尘土). So he bought a whole kilogram of it and started eating it. But

a 5.  he ate some of it: Oh, my god! His eyes watered, his mouth watered and burned, his eyes were burning, his head was burning and his face became red. He jumped up and down, saying,“Ah! Ah! Ah!”

But he s 6.  continued to eat! Some people looking at him shook their heads and said,“You’re crazy. Those are chilies (辣椒)! You can’t eat them like that. They’re not fruit!” However, the master said, “No, I can’t stop! I paid money for them, and now I’ll eat them. It’s my money!”

You may think that master was s 7. , right? Similarly, we sometimes do a lot of things

l 8.  that. We devote money, time or effort to a relationship. Even though the suffering experience tells us it won’t w 9. , and we know there’s no hope things will change in the future—we still continue just because we’ve devoted money, time, effort and love to it. Just like the man who ate the chilies and suffered so much but couldn’t stop.

So even if you’ve lost something, let it g 10.  and move on. That’s better than continuing to lose.


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