
Mary, a 22-year-old young woman, stands in the kitchen of the Edsa Shangri-La Hotel inManila, preparing a cake. It would seem to be ?? ?? for a cook, but Mary is not normal. She has no hands.

Her disability (残疾), however, only slows her down while working. Using other parts of her body, Mary can cut grapes and strawberries into pieces. “When I first saw Mary, I was worried she might hurt herself when using a knife, but that has never been a ?? ?? ,” says the boss of the hotel. “She does not get special treatment and works just as hard as the rest of the cooks.”

Mary has come a long way since the day in September 2002 when she and her uncle were attacked by two men, who were trying to force her family off their land. The 11-year-old girl passed out (晕倒) as she tried to ?? ??? herself from the attack. After she came to her sense, she found her uncle dead and saw her arms broken. Later, the doctors did an operation. They saved her life but could not save her hands.

In 2006, with the help of the family, Mary went to live at the House with No Steps, a Manila rehabilitation (康复) and training centre for disabled people. She learned how to write and do housework there. And more ?? ?? , she became used to her disability. She believed she could live a normal life although she was disabled. She thought she had something important to do in life because she was ?? ??? alive after the terrible attack. After she finished high school, she took a two-year Hotel and Restaurant Management course because she had enjoyed cooking since she was a little girl.

Mary didn’t shy away from the attention when she was reported on television. “I wanted others living with disabilities to believe it’s ?? ??? to live a normal life,” Mary says. “It is difficult to make a living, but I don’t lose hope. I believe nothing is impossible if you dream and work hard.

1.A. attractive????????????? ????????????? B. natural????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. necessary????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. important

2.A. moment????????????? ????????????? ??? B. way????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. problem????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. topic

3.A. save????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. keep????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. prevent????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. protect

4.A. strangely????????????? ????????????? B. importantly????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. suddenly????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. politely

5.A. yet????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. already????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. just ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. still

6.A. possible????????????? B. excellent????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. simple????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. exciting?????????????











1.考查形容词及语境的理解。根据句意,玛丽,一个22岁的年轻女子,站在爱莎香格里拉的酒店里准备一个蛋糕,这似乎对一个厨师来说是很自然的事,但玛丽不正常,她没有手。attractive引人注目的,nature自然的 necessary必要的,important重要的,故选B

2.考查名词及语境的理解。根据句意当她用刀的时候我怕她会伤到她自己,但这从来都不是个问题。moment此刻,现在,way方式,方法problem问题,难题 topic 话题。故选C

3.考查动词及语境的理解。根据句意,当她保护自己免受攻击的时候,这个11岁的女孩晕倒了。protectfrom 保护不受伤害,故选D

4.考查副词及语境的理解。根据句意,她学会了写作和做家务,但更重要的是她习惯了她的残疾。strangely????????????? 奇怪地????????????? importantly????????????? 重要地 suddenly突然地 politely礼貌地故选B

5.考查副词及语境的理解。结合句意,她想她有很多重要的事要做,因为在可怕的袭击后她仍然活着。yet????????????? 还;already????????????? 已经; just 刚刚;still仍然。故选D

6.考查形容词及语境的理解。我想让其他的残疾人相信过正常的生活是可能的。possible可能的; excellent优秀的,卓越的;????????????? simple简单的????????????? exciting令人兴奋的。故选A





(  )1.What does the woman want to learn?




(  )2.What is Tom’s animal sign?




(  )3.What does Daniel have?




(  )4.Which international charity does the sign mean?




(  )5.Which festival does Millie like best?






(  )6.What is the man looking for?

A.A coat

B.A shirt

C.A dress

(  )7.Who does the man buy it for?

A.his teacher

B.his mother

C.his friend

(  )8.Which coat will the man buy at last?

A.The red one

B.The blue one

C.The green one


(  )9.What is Mary going to do tomorrow?

A.Have a picnic

B.See a film

C.Play basketball

(  )10.What day is tomorrow?




(  )11.Will Tom and Jack do their homework tomorrow?

A.Yes, they will

B.No, they won’t

C.I don’t know.

(  )12.Who went to buy some food for Mary?


B.Mary’s mother



(  )13.How does the man seem to feel after this interview?




(  )14.How many people have been asked for a second interview?




(  )15.Who is John ?

A.Mark’s friend

B.Mark’s father

C.Mark’s teacher

(  )16.What does the man’s girlfriend want?

A.She wants to find a job near Mark.

B.She hopes Mark offered the job.

C.She hopes Mark will find a job near her.


(  )17.What were the two speakers going to do?

A.Go to school.

B.Go to watch games.

C.Go to the cinema.

(  )18.Why was the man late?

A.Because he lost his way.

B.Because his bike was broken.

C.Because he forgot the time.

(  )19.How long has the film been on?

A.For 5 minutes.

B.For 15 minutes.

C.For 25 minutes.

(  )20.Was the woman angry?

A.No, she wasn’t

B.Yes, she was

C.just so so.



(  )21.What did the Frenchman come to England to do?

A.To visit his friend.

B.To study English.

C.To read books.

(  )22.Where did the Frenchman live in England?

A.Near a bird cage.

B.In a language school.

C.In an old lady’s home.

(  )23.What did the Frenchman often do in the morning?

A.He sat in the garden.

B.He saw the bird.

C.He did some reading.

(  )24.Where was the bird cage often hung in the morning?

A.On the tree in the garden.

B.On the window upstairs.

C.Either on the tree in the garden or on the window upstairs.

(  )25.What happened to the old lady one morning?

A.She dropped her cage.

B.She fell off the window.

C.Her bird flew away.

“Wanted: Violin. Can’t pay much. Call…”

         That advertisement in the newspaper made me remember my childhood. I, too, had wanted a violin, but we didn’t have the money. Even though times were   16  , I couldn’t wait any longer to ask. “Daddy, may I have a violin of   17  ?” Daddy’s face looked   18  . But a few weeks later, Daddy went home, with a case in his hand,   19  ,“Mary, I found this secondhand violin for seven dollars.”

         The day when I carried my violin to school for my first lesson , no one could know how   20   I was. I practiced, joined the school orchestra(管弦乐队), gave performances……Several years seemed to run even quickly and I found myself in the first violin chair. More years   21  , and my violin made every move with me, until one day, I carefully   22   it away.

         Now here   23   this want advertisement, I discovered the case deep in my closet(储藏室). I put it on the table. Then I picked up the   24  , walked to the telephone and called by the   25 .

         Later in the day, a man of about 30 knocked at the door. “I’ve been expecting someone would  26  my advertisement. My daughter wants a violin so  27 ,”he said, examining my violin. “How much are you asking?”

         I said, “Seven dollars.” “Are you sure?” he asked,   28   he did not believe his ears. “Seven dollars.” I   29   and then added,” I hope your little girl will enjoy it   30   I did.”

I smiled, but I found my tears(眼泪) rolling down my face.

1.A. easy                             B. hard                                 C. late                                  D. long

2. A. my                               B. mine                                C. myself                             D. me

3.A. angry                           B. happy                              C. sad                                   D. funny

4.A. answering                  B. saying                             C. asking                             D. telling

5.A. surprised                    B. excited                            C. interested             D. embarrassed

6. A. past                   B. was passed                    C. passing                      D. passed

7.A. carried                         B. put                                   C. took                                 D. threw

8.A. about                           B. by                                     C. in                                      D. for

9.A. advertisement          B. violin                                C. case                        D. newspaper

10. A. date                          B. name                               C. number                           D. address

11.A. offer                                    B. answer                                     C. receive                            D. find

12.A. badly                          B. easily                               C. quickly                   D. luckily

13. A. though                     B. when                               C. as if                                  D. until

14. A. repeated                          B. continued                       C. reminded              D. suggested

15.A. which                         B. when                               C. what                                D. as


(     )1. Alan, a 22-year-old
boy, wants to have a female
pen pal who is from Asia,
because he is interested in
Asian countries and their
(     )2. Sandy is a Chinese
girl. She likes music,
traveling and playing sports.
She wants a pen pal from
(     )3. Mary is from Brazil.
She wants to write to her pen
pal because she doesn't have
a computer.
(     )4. Jennifer is16. She
wants to have a pen pal who
is the same age as her.
(     )5. Sam loves talking
with his friends on the
Internet. He thinks it's slow to  write e-mails.
A. Roy, the USA 
    I love sports, music and traveling. I want to meet people
from Asian countries.
B. Bonnie, England
    I'd like to make friends with those who come from all
over the world. I love music, sports and movies.
C. Mario, Egypt
     Hi! I want to have a lot of friends from all over the world.
I prefer to write letters to my friends.
D. Shirley, Japan
     Hi! I'm a university student, a 21-year-old girl. I like to
make friends. I'd like to talk about my country, the culture
and so on.
E. Peter, Korea
    I'm a 15-year-old boy. I like playing computer games,
listening to music and seeing movies. I like to talk with my
friends on the Internet.
F. Sam, France
     Hi! I'm 16. I'd like to make friends with those who are as
old as me. I like listening to R&B and hip-hop music.
G. John, Italy
     I like traveling and meeting new friends. I'm a bit shy, but I can get along well with people.

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