
   A Chinese couple forced their 4- year- old son to run naked (裸体的)during a snowstorm with the temperature dipping to -13℃ in New York, where they were enjoying a holiday.
The boy's father calls himself "Eagle Dad". He says he follows the parenting style of eagles, which are known to push their babies off cliffs(悬崖)so that they learn to fly by themselves.
Different people have different ideas about it. Some people think it is proper to do like "Eagle Dad". The 4- year- old boy, Duoduo, was weak since he was born, so his father tried to help him train to keep strong. But others disagree, they think we should concentrate more on the best ways to teach children in these fast changing times.
Different families use different methods to teach children, but all of them should be allowed by the law. Parents should pay full attention to children's physical and metal conditions, and make sure the ways can help their children think and act positively.
As long as parents know this, they can use different methods to educate children. Every child has different character. Some children grow up to be success under the guidance of (在......指引下)"eagle dads" or "tiger moms". Others are also successful growing up under more considerate elders.
小题1:Duoduo was made to     on a snowy day.
A.stay at homeB.exerciseC.jump from a cliffD.go to school
小题2:Duoduo's father was inspired by     .
A.the ways eagles train their babiesB.how eagles feed their babies
C.how baby eagles fell from the cliffsD.the place where eagles live
小题3: The third paragraph mainly tells us      .
A.the best way to train childrenB.Duoduo was weak when he was born
C.modern society has influenced on childrenD.two different opinions to the event
小题4:The writer thought parents should     .
A.be strict with childrenB.be kind to children
C.choose proper ways to educate childrenD.tell children to obey the laws
小题5: Which of the following is WRONG?
A.The event happened in America.B.Duoduo was only four years old.
C.The writer didn't agree "eagle dad’s” educating method.
D.Different children have different characters.


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“   A Chinese couple forced their 4- year- old son to run naked (裸体的)during a snowstorm with the temperature dipping to -13℃ in New York, where they were enjoying a holiday.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“He says he follows the parenting style of eagles, which are known to push their babies off cliffs(悬崖)so that they learn to fly by themselves.”理解可知。
小题3:理解归纳题,根据文中语句“Different people have different ideas about it.”理解可知。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“As long as parents know this, they can use different methods to educate children.”理解可知。
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Some children grow up to be success under the guidance of (在......指引下)"eagle dads" or "tiger moms". Others are also successful growing up under more considerate elders.”理解可知。
It was a nice day, an old man decided to go fishing. But he got nothing.Finally, he gave up and went back home. He found the door open when he got home. He walked into his house and saw a big bear. The bear poured his honey all over the floor. His paws(爪子) were full of(充满…) honey.
The old man was very angry, so he shouted to the bear. The bear ran out of the door strangely. And the old man ran after him.
The bear ran to the riverside. Standing on his back legs, he walked into the water. Soon many flies(苍蝇) were on his paws. A big fish jumped out of the water and tried to eat the flies. The bear gave a swat(猛击)to the fish and the fish flew to the riverside. Then another one… Soon
there were lots of fish on the riverside.
After a while, the bear went back to the riverside and ate lots of fish.He looked through the trees where the old man was, and then walked away.The old man came out the trees and found the bear had left six large fish for him.
小题1:Why did the bear run strangely?
A.Because his paws were full of honey.
B.Because there was something wrong with his legs.
C.Because he liked walking like that.
D.Because he wanted to get more honey.
小题2:The bear let some flies on his paws in order to     .
A.eat themB.get some fish
C.give the old man some fishD.get more honey
小题3:What is the correct order of the following events?
a.The bear got many flies with his paws.
b.The bear ate some fish.
c.The bear got lots of fish.
d.The bear got honey on his paws.
e.The old man got some fish that the bear left.
小题4:What’s the best title for this article?
A.The HoneyB.How a Bear Got Fish
C.An Old Man and a BearD.A Clever Man

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