
     An Indian farmer took his old elephant to the market. When he arrived, he saw a stranger walking
around the animal. The stranger watched it carefully and did not say anything. The man was afraid that
the stranger and found that the elephant didn't cost so much, so he took the stranger a side and said, "If
someone comes to buy the elephant, say nothing till I sell it, and I will give you fifty rupees (卢比)."The
stranger looked at the farmer and didn't say anything.
     A few minutes later, a rich man came, he bought the poor elephant and took it away. The farmer gave
the stranger fifty rupees, and asked him how he found out the defect (缺陷) in the left leg of the elephant.
The stranger said he found nothing. He just want to know which was the head and which was the tail, for
he had never seen an elephant before.
1. Why did the farmer want to sell the elephant?
A. Because the elephant didn't have its left leg.
B. Because there was something wrong with its head.
C. Because he wanted to be a business.
D. Because of the defect in the left leg of the elephant.
2. Why did the stranger watch the elephant carefully?
A. Because he couldn't find its leg.
B. Because he had never seen an elephant before.
C. Because he wanted to find out the defect.
D. Because he wanted to buy it.
3. How much did the stranger thought the elephant cost?
A. Fifty rupees.
B. Not very much.
C. Less than fifty rupees.
D. He had no idea about it.
4. What did the Indian farmer ask the stranger to do?
A. Not to stand there.
B. To go away.
C. To stop watching the elephant.
D. To say nothing until he sold the elephant.
5. Who is cleverer, the Indian farmer or the stranger?
A. The Indian farmer.
B. The stranger.
C. Both of them.
D. Neither of them.
    An old man lived alone in his old house. He hardly ever came out. He wouldn't communicate with others.
    One day, a little boy selling magazines knocked at the man's door. The door slowly opened. "Uh, sir, would
you like to buy a magazine?" The old man just stared (盯着) at the boy. The boy saw lots of dog sculptures
(雕塑品)on the table. "Do you collect dogs?" the boy asked. "Yes, they are all my family." Hearing this, the
boy understood and felt sorry for him." I have a magazine here about dogs. It's perfect for you." The old man
was ready to close the door and said, "No, I don't need any magazines."
    The boy suddenly had an idea. He had a dog sculpture, which did not mean much to him. After a while, the
boy returned with a box. The old man shouted this time,"I told you no magazines!" "I bring you a gift." The
boy opened the box and handed him the sculpture. The man got surprised because no one had given him a gift.
From that day on, the old man started coming out of his house. He and the boy became friends. The boy even
brought his pet dog to visit the old man every week.
1. Did the old man live with his children?
2. What did the boy sell? 
3. Where were the old man' dog sculptures?
4. Why did the old man get surprised when he got the gift?
5. What do you think of the boy?

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