A special copyright (版权) case has recently drawn attention because it is related to (和….有关的) artificial intelligence (AI). A court (法庭) in Shenzhen ruled that a news report written by Tencent's AI enjoys copyright protection. 1.

This is the first case in China that has provided copyright protection to work done by AI. But what does it indicate (表明)? 2.

Probably not. AI is not yet able to write creative stories. The news report mentioned above is mainly about data. 3. Some newspapers also use AI to report on stories about natural disasters (灾害), which mainly require basic facts such as "where" and "when". As Forbes wrote, instead of losing their jobs, journalists can make their work more efficient (高效的) by using AI so that they can focus more on storytelling and less on numbers.

4. For example, Wayne MeGregor, a British choreographer (编舞), is famous for using AI to create new dances. For him, AI is a powerful tool that can help choreographers break out of common movements. MeGregor is not worried that AI might replace human artists. " 5."

"It's time to stop worrying about if AI can be creative," according to Forbes. Instead. we should focus on how humans and AI can work together in ways that we have never dreamed of before.

A.AI can't judge (判断) the quality (质量) of the choreography

B.AI is actually being helpful in many creative fields.

C.Will AI take the place of creative workers in the future?

D.A website broke the law because it used the article without permission (允许).

E.Since AI is good at processing data, it is often used to write financial (金融的) reports.


If you find it hard to learn English, think of the foreigners who learn Chinese. The number of people learning Chinese around the world reached 100 million in 2017, 1. Europe’s first Chinese-English primary school recently opened in the British capital of London. But do you know how foreigners learn Chinese? Mike Fuksman, Teens’ foreign editor (编辑) from the United States, has lived in China for more than seven years. 2.他想和我们一起分享他学习中文的故事。

Like many foreigners, Mike only knew two words of Chinese (“hello” and “thank you”) when he came to China in 2009. As we can probably guess, his life was difficult for a while after he arrived.3. Simple tasks like ordering food or taking a taxi were quite stressful. Milk knew he had to learn more Chinese, so he signed up for a class. His teacher was very helpful, although Milk didn’t learn enough to have a real conversation. 4.后来,他也坚持自学,但是进步缓慢。 He became very disappointed.

Finally, he found that the best way to learn Chinese is to make friends with native (本土的) speakers and spend time with them. Around this time, 5. Mike started playing in a band with a Chinese woman who became one of his best friends in Beijing. He learned a lot of Chinese by hanging out with her. In this way, he’s learned enough Chinese to take care of many tasks.






Four fathers were in the waiting room of a hospital, while their wives were about to have a baby.

The nurse came near and said to one of them, "Congratulations, Sir! You're the father of twins."

"Oh! What a coincidence(巧合)! "the man said proudly. "I work for Twins Football Team."

The nurse returned in a little while and turned to the second man, "Sir, you are the father of


"Wow! That's such a coincidence!"he answered. "I work for Three Bears Fast Food Restaurant."

An hour later, while the four men were talking, the nurse came back. This time, she turned to the Third man. She said that his wife had just given birth to quadruplets.

He was too surprised to reply."Is there anything wrong?" asked the nurse.

After a few seconds, the third man said, "I can't believe it! It's such a coincidence! I am a teacher at No. 4 Middle School."

After hearing this, everybody's attention was caught by the fourth man who had just fainted (晕倒)onto the floor. The nurse rushed to him and after some time he slowly regained his consciousness(知觉).The nurse asked. "Sir, are you all right?"

"Yes," said the man, "I'm OK now. I just had a surprising thought. I work at 7 Days Inn ..."

1.The second man is the father of _________

A.one baby B.twins C.triplets D.quadruplets

2.The underlined word "quadruplets" may mean "_________" in Chinese.

A.双胞胎 B.三胞胎 C.四胞胎 D.五胞胎

3.Why was the third man surprised?

A.Because he worked at No. 4 Middle School.

B.Because he worked for Twins Football Team.

C.Because he worked for Three Bears Fast Food Restaurant.

D.Because he worked at 7 Days Inn.

4.According to the passage, the fourth man thought that he might have ________

A.three babies B.seven babies

C.at least three babies D.at least eleven babies

5.The best title for the passage is _________

A.Twins B.Triplets C.Quadruplets D.Coincidence

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