
1. 这些天布什正忙着竞选美国总统呢。
Bush is very _____ _____ _____ the president of America these days.
2. 上周六小布什花了一整个下午做海报。
Little Bush _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ the poster _____ _____.
3. 去年我花了四万多块钱买这辆汽车。
I _____ _____ _____ 40000 yuan _____ this car _____ _____.
4. 昨天渔民们用木头做了一条船。
The fishermen _____ a boat _____ _____ wood yesterday.
5. 他让老师信任他,他向老师保证以后再也不犯那样的错误了。
He _____ the teacher _____ _____ him. He _____ the teacher that he wouldn't make such a mistake later on.
 6. 刚才他站在班级前边的时候觉得有点紧张。
Just now he_____ _____ _____ _____ while he was standing in front of the class.
7. 杰克这次中文考试不及格,他的父母为他非常担心。
Jack _____ _____ the Chinese exam this time, his parents _____ _____ _____ him.
8. 看! 比尔正在那边忙着拉选票呢。
Look!Bill _____ _____ _____ _____ his classmates' votes over there.
9. 劳驾!我可以借用一下你的电子辞典吗? 我的坏了。
Excuse me! _____ I _____ _____ electronic dictionary?  _____ is broken.
10. 你一定要自信,否则你会在竞选中输掉的。
You must _____ _____ _____ yourself, or you will _____ _____ the campaign.
1. busy running for
2. spent the whole afternoon making …last Saturday
3. spent more than …on/ buying… last year
4. made … out of
5. made … believe in …promised
6. felt a little nervous
7. failed in … were worried about
8. is busy asking for
9. may … borrow your  … Mine
10. be sure of …fail in

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