

Basketball is a much-loved and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. It is over 100 years old and is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries. In China,you can sometimes see people playing basketball in parks, schools and even in factories.

Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861. When he was at college, his teacher asked the class to think of a game that can be played in the winter. Dr. Naismith created a game to be played inside on a hard floor. Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game. The purpose of the game is for players to get a ball into the “basket”. Players on the same team must work together to help each other get the ball in the other team's basket. At the same time, they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket. That is basketball game.

1.Basketball is now played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries.

2.James Naismith was born in 1681 and he was a Canadian doctor.

3.Dr Naismith created a game to be played outside in winter.

4.The game which James Naismith invented is played between two teams.

5.In China, basketball is a much-loved and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise


Thousands of years ago, in China ,there was an emperor(皇帝),Shi Huang. He made people from all over China work on the Great Wall. The work was long and hard. Many workers died (死). A beautiful woman, Meng Chiang-nu, lived with her husband(丈夫)in a small village(村庄). Her husband had to go north to work on the Great Wall. It was very ,very cold in the north. He was gone for many months.

One day, Meng Chiang-nu went to find her husband. She walked for days and days. She walked across rivers and mountains. Finally, she reached the Great Wall. “Where is my husband?” she asked. “Oh, he died long ago,” a man said. “We buried (埋葬)him here, by the Wall.” Meng Chiang-nu cried. She cried for days, and many people cried with her. Their tears made a river 300 meters long. They cried so hard that a part of the wall fell down.

When the emperor heard about the woman, he came to see what had happened. He saw her crying, and fell in love with her. “Will you marry(嫁)me ?” he asked. “I will marry you,” Meng Chiang-nu said. “But first, you must build a tomb(坟墓) for my husband.” The emperor agreed. When the tomb was finished, Meng Chiang-nu wouldn’t marry him. She jumped into the river. “Catch her! Catch her!” the emperor shouted. But Meng Chiang-nu became a beautiful silver fish. She swam away, into the green blue water.

1.How long did Meng Chiang-nu wait for her husband ?

A.many years B.some days C.many months D.a few months

2.Why did Meng Chiang-nu travel to the Great Wall of China ?

A.To help her husband B.Her husband asked her to

C.To work on the wall D.To find her husband

3.Which word describes(描述)Meng Chiang-nu’s trip to the Great Wall ?

A.easy B.happy C.difficult D.interesting

4.What made part of the wall fall down?

A.The workers’ shouting made it fall down

B.Meng Chiang-nu and many people’s crying brought it down

C.The workers hit it , and made it fall down

D.The wall wasn’t strong enough

5.In paragraph three, what does the underlined word shouted mean ?

A.said loudly(大声) B.said quietly C.said slowly (慢慢) D.said carefully

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