
Many families prefer not having breakfast at home because of the morning hurry of getting ready for school and work. According to a survey, children can do better in school when they have breakfast each morning. But how can we go about providing breakfast for our kids if we can’t get our foot out of the door on time?

Luckily, most schools have a breakfast programmer before school begins. We should take part in this programmer!

You can get a piece of bread and an egg ready while helping your child with morning wash in the shower. Both will be ready before going to work and school.

Eat on the run! Take a piece of bread and a piece of fruit to eat while walking or riding to school. Use milk boxes for on the run eating.

Although it is almost time for camp and long vacations away from home, this does not dismiss (减少) the importance of breakfast in the mornings. You should always offer breakfast to your children ________ it helps them think faster, and keep a healthy lifestyle.

Kids start with life by learning from their parents! Have breakfast and help your children keep the habit to have breakfast.

1.完成句子Having breakfast every morning can help students ________ in school.

2.完成句子Why don’t many families have breakfast at home?


3.完成句子Why should parents have breakfast themselves?



5.将文中画线句子译成汉语。 _________________________________________________

Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change their names? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.

People have a lot of reasons for changing their names. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary(普通的), or that have a special sound. They chose the “new name” for themselves instead of the name their parents gave them when they were born.

Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. But with his family and Chinese friends, he uses Li Kaiming. For some people, using different names makes life easier in their new country.

In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husband’s after she gets married(结婚). But today, many women are keeping their own family name and not using their husband’s. Sometimes, women use their own name in some situations(情况) and their husband’s in other situations. And some use both their own name and their husband’s.

1.Hanna changes her name to Anne because “Anne” is ______ for people to remember.

A.louder B.easier C.prettier D.harder

2.Famous people want their new names to ____________.

A.have a special sound B.be ordinary C.have no meaning D.have some meanings

3.Li Kaiming uses his new name when he___________.

A.stays with his family B.is at his job

C.is among Chinese friends D.comes back to China

4.What is the best title of this passage?

A.Family Names B.Women’s Names C.Changing Names D.Special Names

Tim is a two-year-old elephant. He’s very happy today because many people take photos with him. He feels like a star. He wants to live with people. So he runs out of the zoo at night. He goes to a supermarket first. All the people run out of the supermarket after they see Tim. Tim finds people don’t like him out of the zoo. He’s a little sad. But he still has a good time in the supermarket. He eats some bananas and strawberries. They’re delicious. He drinks milk, too.

After that, Tim goes out of the supermarket. Then he hears someone shouting in a house. “Help! Save my son!” So Tim runs to the house. He sees a room in the house is on fire. He wants to help, but he can’t find water. Then he sees a swimming pool behind the house. He uses his nose to get water and sprays (喷洒) to the room. Tim does this many times. At last he saves the boy in that room.

1.Why does Tim feel like a star in the zoo?

A.Because he lives with many people. B.Because many animals like him very much.

C.Because he can take photos for people. D.Because many people take photos with him.

2.People run out of the supermarket because _______.

A.they want to go home B.they’re afraid of Tim

C.they want to buy food D.their houses are on fire

3.Tim eats some ________ in the supermarket.

A.vegetables B.rice C.fruit D.ice-cream

4.What’s the second paragraph (段)mainly(主要地) about?

A.How Tim saves the boy. B.How Tim runs out of the zoo.

C.Where Tim goes at first. D.Where Tim sprays the water.

5.What will the boy’s parents say to Tim at last?

A.Excuse me. B.Help me! C.Thank you! D.You’re welcome!

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