
Have you ever offered a helping hand to those who are in trouble?
One day, two ______  were walking along the road to school when they saw an old woman carrying a large basket of pears. They thought the woman looked very ______. They went up to her and said, “Are you going to town? If you are, we will help carry your basket.”
“Thank you,” ______ the woman, “you are very kind. You see I’m weak and ill.” Then she told them that she was now going to market to ______ the pears which grew on the only tree in her little garden.
“We are all going to the ______.” said the boys. “Let us have the basket.” And they took hold of it, one each side. They walked ______  with the heavy basket, but happily.
The other day, I saw a little girl stop and ______a piece of orange peel (皮), which she threw into the dustbin (垃圾桶), “I wish ______ would throw that on the sidewalk,” said she. “Someone may step on it and fall.”
Perhaps some may say that these are not ______  things. That is right. But such a little thing shows that you have a thoughtful mind and a feeling heart. We must not wait for the ______ to do great things. We must begin with little things of love.
A.take outB.cut offC.put downD.pick up


小题1:考查名词及语境的理解。句意:一天,两个男孩正走在上学的路上,这时他们看见一个老太太提着一大篮子梨。boys 男孩;girls女孩;men男人;women女人。根据下文第三段中…said the boys.可知,这里说的是两个男孩。故选A。
小题2:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:他们觉得这个老太太看起来非常的累。bored 厌烦的;tired 累的,疲惫的;pleased 高兴的;surprised惊奇的。根据文意可知,这两个男孩想要帮助这个老太太拿篮子,所以他们是觉得这个老太太拿着这么大一篮子梨很累。故选B。
小题3:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:“谢谢你们。”这个老太太回答说,“你们真好,你们看,我又虚弱,病得又厉害。”ask 问,要求;told是tell的过去式,意思是告诉; replied的原形是reply,意思是回答; spoke的原形是speak,意思是说。根据句意可知,这里是老太太回应两个男孩的帮助。故选C。
小题4:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:然后她告诉他们她现在正想要去市场卖梨,这种梨生长在她的小花园的唯一的一棵树上。bring 带来;buy 买;take 带走;sell卖。根据文意可知,老太太拿着一大篮子梨是要去市场上卖,故选D。
小题5:考查名词及语境的理解。句意:男孩们说:“我们都要去镇里。让我们拿篮子吧。”town 镇,城镇;market 市场;garden 花园;school学校。根据文意可知,这个男孩是去镇里的学校上学,而老太太是去镇里的市场卖梨,所以他们都要去镇里。故选A。
小题6:考查副词及语境的理解。句意:他们提着重重的篮子慢慢地走着,但是非常的开心。weakly 虚弱地;quickly 迅速地;快地;slowly 慢慢地;quietly安静地。根据句意和空后的the heavy basket可知,篮子很重,所以他们走得很慢,但是还是很开心。故选C。
小题7:考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:还有一天,我看见一个小女孩捡起一块橘子皮,把它扔进了垃圾桶里。take out 拿出来;cut off 切断;put down 放下,镇压;pick up捡起。根据句意可知,这里是捡起橘子皮。故选D。
小题8:考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意:她说:“我希望没有人把橘子皮扔到人行路上,也许有人会踩在上面摔倒。”nobody 没有人;everybody 每个人;anybody 任何人;somebody有人。根据句意可知选A。
小题9:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:也许有人会说这些并不是多么伟大的事情。little 小的,少的;good 好的;great 伟大的;bad糟糕的。根据句意可知,上面作者给我们的这两个例子都是生活中的小事,所以也许会有人觉得这些事情是微不足道的。故选C。
小题10:考查名词及语境的理解。句意:我们不能等时间去做一些大事情,我们必须从充满爱心的小事开始做起。pay 付款;time 时间;advice 建议;love爱。根据文意可知,这里作者建议我们不能等着去做大事情,而是要从身边的小事开始做起。有时候一些小事也会有很大的意义。故选B。
A leading biologist has found the angels and fairies that sit at top of Christmas trees did not get there under their own power.
Prof Roger Wotton, from University College London, found that flight would be impossible for angels with arms and bird-like feathered wings. 
"Angels cannot take off and cannot use powered flight,” said Prof Wotton. “They would need to be exposed to very high wind velocities at take off - such high winds that they would be blown away."
Some the world’s most famous religious paintings and architecture make most Americans believe in angels.
The study found that 68 per cent of the 36,000 adults thought that angels and demons (魔鬼) were at work in the world.
According to the latest study, angels lack the powerful muscles which allow birds to beat their wings.
Prof Wotton’s paper explores why there are so many stories about angels. “Angels are very powerful religious icons for people with faith. Their similarity to humans adds to their power. At the same time, they have wings on them because they are more than human. They take messages to heaven and therefore have to fly.” said the academic.
小题1:What did the leading biologist find?
A.The angels and fairies are very powerful.
B.It’s impossible for angels and fairies to fly.
C.The flight would be possible for angels with arms and bird-like feathered wings.
D.The angels and fairies can sit on the tree under their own power.
小题2:What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “architecture” ?
小题3:According to the article, how many adults thought that there were real angels and demons?
小题4: Which of the following is True?
A.Angels can’t fly because they lack the powerful muscles which allow birds to beat their wings.
B.Most Americans don’t believe in angels.
C.Angels can take off and can use powered flight.
D.Angels are not the same to the humans.
小题5:Why do many people believe angels can fly?
A.Angels are real human beings.
B.Angels with wings can take messages to heaven and therefore have to fly.
C.Angels are very similar to the humans.
D.Angels are powerful.
Jack was a big, fine figure of a policeman, and always had a lot of work to do.
One day, he was too busy to have enough lunch and had to keep on working. He walked up and down Market Street, keeping a          eye on things and getting hungrier and hungrier. He passed Tony’s      store. “Would you like to have a banana, Jack?” greeted Tony. But Jack      his head and said, “No, thank you.” He never ate when he was at     . Then he went past another shop that was full of cheeses, cold meats, potato chips, and so on. And when the shopkeeper offered him a pack of sausage, he        again. So it went, all day long. The      man went past the sweet store, the bakery, the peanut man and the toffee-apple man, saying, “No, thank you, not on duty.” He got much        . At last, his day ended, and he immediately ran back home. He went     the stairs and into the kitchen.
“You must be hungry, man!” cried his wife, who had prepared well for the dinner, “ Sit at the      and eat!” Jack sat down immediately and began to enjoy the meal. It seemed that it was the most delicious and biggest meal he had ever had. He said, “Thank you, my dear.” “It’s always a pleasure to      for you,” his wife replied.
A.poor B.luckyC.smartD.worried
A “Gap Year” is a period of time when a student takes a break before going to university. It is often spent travelling or working. It can give young people useful learning experiences and new skills.
Gap years are popular with European and Australian students, but remain less popular in America. However, in recent years, more and more American students are preparing for college by taking a gap year. The advantages of taking a gap year are as follows:
Learn about the World and Yourself
Although you don’t have to go abroad to experience gap years, most gap year students catch the chance to travel abroad. You are able to work out who you are and what you are for. The experiences of different cultures offer you interesting lessons. You can learn more about the world and get to know yourself better.
Face Challenges and Have Fun
A gap year is not only a time to take a vacation, but also a time to face challenges. Gap year students usually work, volunteer or take service projects. You have to learn how to get along in the real world. This process isnt always easy, but it is an important part of growing up. Only in this way can you enjoy life and have fun.
Save Money and Improve Your College Admission Chances
Theres a common thought that gap years are only for rich students, but it’ s not true. Actually, taking a gap year can save your money. Gap year students often take a part-time job. Besides, at the end of a gap year, students are much more likely to know what to study in college. Clear learning goals ran keep the students working hard instead of wasting time and money playing.
Imagine an admission officer trying to admit (录取) only one between two students. Both of them are excellent and have high grades. However, one student has much practical experience or has volunteered in his vacation. Who do you think the admission officer will choose?
小题1:A “Gap Year” means       in the passage.
A.going abroad in a year for further education
B.travelling around the world in a year
C.taking a break before going to a university
D.doing a part-time job to make money during a vacation
小题2:Besides having fun, gap year students have to face the        .
小题3:Having a gap year may make you       .
A.become very rich B.remain less popular
C.experience foreign culturesD.have no chance to break
小题4:The last sentence implies(暗含) that       will probably be admitted by the admission officer.
A.either of the two students
B.the student with high grades
C.neither of the two students
D.the .student with a gap year experience
A great way for teens to cool off during the summer is at water parks. If you live near a water park, you might think about getting a season pass. This way you can go as often as you like.
Check to see if there are any water parks around you. Many are indoor facilities. So even if it isn’t warm enough where you live to swim outdoors, you can enjoy swimming in a temperature controlled area.
The prices are usually good. For example, one ticket to Water World, a water park, is only $5.
Some teens like to get a part time job over the summer to make some pocket money. Older teens shouldn’t have much trouble finding jobs.
An idea is to get some teens together to form your own summer job business. You can walk dogs, bring in the newspapers, feed the cats, collect rubbish, water flowers, etc.
Being that it’s summer, many people go on vacation and could use someone to look after their houses while they’re away. You can also think about other jobs you can do for them.
Teens love freedom. Sure you would like to get to such places as the small, movie theaters, the zoo, the beach, picnic, bowling and local amusement park instead of staying home all summer. Then a summer bus pass will be helpful. Check to see if your area has one for you teens.
Such a pass costs only $10 for the whole summer. The price is reasonable(合乎情理的) and also your parents don’t have to always drive.
小题1:Who is the text written for?
小题2:What is NOT mentioned as a part tome job for teens?
A.Washing carsB.Feeding cats
C.Walking dogsD.Watering flowers
小题3:If Sally goes to Water World with two friends, they should pay________.
小题4:A summer bus pass is helpful for teens to ______.
A.find part time jobsB.go out for fun
C.go to summer classesD.do outdoor sports
小题5:What’s the text mainly about?
A.Part time jobsB.A summer pass
C.Water park swimmingD.Things to do in summer
Have you ever wondered what goes through your mind when you choose where to sit in a new classroom? Or in a waiting room full of strangers? Or on a bus? Researchers have found out some interesting facts.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, we prefer to sit closer to people like ourselves. Girls sit by girls and boys sit by boys. Adults sit together and young people choose another young person to sit near. But it goes further than this. We even choose to sit near someone who looks like us. People with glasses are more likely to sit near other people with glasses. People with long hair sit closer to other people with long hair.
We seem to believe that people with similar habits or hobbies will share similar attitude and we are more likely to be accepted by people like ourselves or even, we think we may be safer with people who look like us. Sometimes that’s true but it's a pity if we always stick to the same people, the same group. The danger in always staying in our comfort zone (舒适区)is that we just recycle the same opinions, the same tastes and the same ideas. We lose the chance to learn something new, find out about interesting things, hear funny stories and discover difference.?
When we always stick to the same people, how can we ever break down the barriers which prevent us from getting to know people with different ideas? And how can we avoid the ignorance (无知),which too often leads to prejudice (偏见) and even fear? If instead you want to live in a society that opens to changes and new things and different opinions, be the cat among the pigeons.
Move out of your comfort zone. Go and sit next to someone different. And don't just sit there in silence. Say hello. Ask a question. Start a conversation. That’s how we make friends. That’s how we learn about people. That’s how we open our minds to new ideas. That's how we live an exciting life.
小题1:From the passage, we know that people prefer sitting by someone who
A.is like themselves
B.has a sense of humor?
C.is open-minded
D.lives an exciting life
小题2:People like staying in their comfort zone because they may
A. remain comfortable and special
B. be accepted easily and feel safe
C. find out more interesting things
D.discover differences among themselves
小题3:What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To tell us just to be ourselves in social life.
B.To introduce ways to learn about the world.
C.To explain how people communicate with others.
D.To encourage us to meet people of different kinds.
I will never forget one day in my first year in high school. I was sitting on the stairs, putting my head in my hands and crying out to my parents because I would never be able to save enough money for college. My parents tried to comfort me, but it seemed impossible to save$64,268, the cost for the private college that I wanted to enter.
Now let me tell you the amazing story of how I saved this sum of money. It all began with a newspaper route in Ankeny, IA. I hated delivering newspapers that route, but decided to continue for six months until my family moved to Wausau. With a few dollars from my newspaper route, a small nest egg began to develop. My next job was working in an athletic company. The money continued to grow very slowly. Half a year later, I worked for a fruit store. Then, when I was in junior high school, I began to be a waitress at Denny’s restaurant. It was hard work, but the money began to roll.
By the time my senior year arrived, I had saved a large sum of money. This was encouraging, but I knew that I would also need some help, so I began to apply for scholarships. Sometimes I got upset because I was rejected again and again. Then, my first scholarship offer came in,$2,000 a year to play tennis. This is only a small sum of money at a school that costs about$14,000 a year, but it was a start. Several other scholarships also came and soon I was up to have$9,050 in scholarships. With scholarships and savings, I saved enough money for my first year.
Several years later, I was off to college. Because of careful saving, I did not have to work during the school year.

小题1:How much should the writer pay for college?
小题2:Which is the writer’s first job?
A.Serving as a waitress.
B.Delivering newspapers.
C.Working at a fruit shop.
D.Working in an athletic company.
小题3:Why did the writer want to get scholarships?
A.Because he needed some help.
B.Because he liked playing tennis.
C.Because he didn’t want to pay for college.
D.Because he hated to work in an athletic company.
小题4:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Different JobsB.My First Scholarship
C.Save Money for CollegeD.Make Money to Be Rich
Everyone needs friends . There is an old saying,“Friends are God`s way of taking care of us.” But how do you ____real friendship and keep it?
The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some good____to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is3__planting a tree. You plant the seed and ____it to make it grow well.
First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good loook. A good friend should be____and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to____complains and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you cannot be____shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.
But things cannot always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do____you have a fight with your friends? You have to talk to him or her . If he or she doesn`t want to talk, you could write a letter.
There are three steps to make you____friends again.
Tell him or her how you are feeling; say what your friends has done is wrong, and explain why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the____important thing in your life.
A.to findB.findC.findsD.finding
A.just likeB.looking likeC.feeling likeD.just unlike
A.take offB.get ready forC.take care ofD.take up

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