Traffic is not just up set for drivers, but it can be dangerous for walkers and bike riders.

You might have been a pedestrian before when you were walking to school or to a friend’s house. If you are walking near traffic, always use the side walk. Avoid walking on the edge of the sidewalk. Walk closer to buildings just to give some extra room between yourself and traffic.

What if you need to get to a different side of street? Use something called crosswalk. This is a lane that protects pedestrians. There are traffic signals at a crosswalk that will tell you when it is safe to walk and when you should wait. Even if the sign says it is safe, always look in both directions to make sure a car isn’t coming.

Sometimes you might want to ride your bike to go to visit a friend or to school. There are some important things to remember when traveling by bike to stay safe from traffic.

Always wear brightly-colored clothing. If it is dark outside and you are wearing dark clothes, a driver may not be able to see you. Use reflectors on you bike. These are small pieces of plastic that can be fitted on your tires, front handles, and other areas of your bike. They reflect the light from car headlights so that drivers can see you.

Ride your bike in the same direction as the traffic. And don’t think that traffic lights and signals are just for those driving cars! They are important for you too. So always pay close attention.

1.If you are a pedestrian trying to get to the other side of the street, you should ________ to be safe.

A.walk on the edge of the sidewalk B.use the crosswalk

C.walk closer to buildings D.use the bike lane

2.Which is the following statement is true?

A.When the sign is safe, just cross the road.

B.When the sign is safe, you should wait.

C.When the sign is safe, you also need to look in both directions to make sure a car isn’t coming.

D.Traffic lights and signals are just for cars.

3.When riding a bike around traffic, what should you wear?

A.A black jacket. B.Brightly-colored clothes.

C.A dark helmet(头盔)and a suit. D.A dark T-shirt and jeans.

4.The underlined word ‘reflectors ‘in the passage means "________" in Chinese.

A.反光镜 B.保险杠 C.货物架 D.挡泥板

5.What is the main purpose of writing the passage?

A.To ask more people to use the sidewalk safely.

B.To show why traffic can be dangerous to people.

C.To tell us how to travel be bike to stay safe from traffic.

D.To introduce some ways to stay safe when you are around traffic.

Special Talent

Tom sat at his desk, looking out of the window for a long time. His class project had to be done tomorrow, which was that everyone in his class had to write about their own special talent.

His friends had already _______ theirs, but Tom still had a problem with what to write about.

Earlier in the week, Tom had been helping his friends with their _______. Betty came over for help and to enjoy Tom's amazing milkshakes. Tom suggested that she should write about drawing because Betty drew wonderful pictures. Betty was pretty pleased and went home _______. Tom washed the milkshake glasses.

Tom sighed (叹气). He thought about the time he had with Scott at the library a couple of days ago. Scott was worried about his project. Tom _______ him to write about swimming because he was a very good swimmer. Scott hurried home to work on his project.

Tom still couldn't _______ out what his special talent was. He thought about his friend.

Ellie, who he walked to school with last week. Ellie tap-danced (跳踢踏舞) along beside him. Suddenly, Ellie stopped because she was upset about her project. Tom told her to write about dancing. Ellie was so happy that she leaped(跳) into the air and danced the rest of the _______ .

However, Tom still couldn't decide on his special talent. Finally, he had an idea.

The next day, everyone _______ their projects, and so did Tom.

"It took me so long to decide that I started to think I didn't have one. "

"But. . . I do have a special talent. "

'I'm good at helping my friends," he said. "All of the things I do are much more fun because I do them with my friends."

The whole class clapped (鼓掌). His friends clapped louder than everyone else.

"You forgot something _______, Tom," said Betty. "You make the best milkshakes."

Scott and Ellie nodded.

"Thank you," said Tom.

1.A.finished B.produced C.caught D.forgotten

2.A.experiments B.projects C.practice

3.A.angrily B.quietly C.sadly D.happily

4.A.allowed B.invited C.advised D.required

5.A.point B.find C.carry D.take

6.A.term B.class D.way

7.A.recorded B.discussed C.presented D.repeated

8.A.important B.terrible C.serious D.useful

Masks, a simple protective tool, have been used by people for a long time. They can not only prevent epidemics, but also protect us from other harmful things, such as smog (雾霾) and chemicals. When was the protective mask first invented and how did it develop? Let's take a look.

1st century

At this time, lots of people in the Roman Empire worked underground in mines (矿井). Many died of lung (肺部) diseases caused by dust. Pliny the Elder (23-79), a Roman philosopher, used animal bladders (膀胱) to protect miners from the dust. This was the first recorded use of protective masks.


Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) advised people to wear a woven (纺织的) cloth dipped in water over their faces to protect against harmful chemicals.

19th century

In 1848, American Lewis Hassley became the first person to patent (注册专利) a protective mask for miners. In 1897, Polish-Austrian doctor Johann von Mikulicz Radecki designed a simple mask with one layer of gauze (纱布). He advised medical workers to wear it to prevent infection. This was the first use of a surgical (外科的) mask.

20th Century

In 1910, the pneumonic plague (肺鼠疫) broke out in Northeast China. Chinese doctor Wu Liande designed a face mask called 'Wu's mask'. It was made of two layers of gauze. The mask was praised by experts around the world because it could be produced easily and cheaply.


With several outbreaks of flu and the air pollution in recent years, masks have continued to develop. For example, in 2012, when China suffered from smog, mask models such as N95 and KN95 became popular. They can filter out (过滤掉) fine particulate matter (微粒物). China is now the world's largest mask producer, making out half of the world's masks.

1.Masks have been used as __________ by people for a long time.

A.a modern fashion B.a kind of cloth C.a pretty decoration D.a protective tool

2.The first recorded use of protective masks was made of __________.

A.gauze B.animal bladder C.cloth D.chemicals

3.__________ advised people to wear a woven (纺织的) cloth dipped in water over their faces to protect against harmful chemicals.

A.American Lewis Hassley

B.Polish-Austrian doctor Johann von Mikulicz Radecki

C.Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci

D.Chinese doctor Wu Liande

4.In 19th century, what the inventors did for the mask was to___________.

A.make its models such as N95 and KN95 B.patent (注册专利) them for doctors them with one layer of gauze D.filter out (过滤掉) fine particulate matter

5.The advantage of 'Wu's mask' is that __________. was used to prevent epidemics was invented to prevent infection. was praised by experts around the world could be produced easily and cheaply

6.The best title of the passage can be __________.

A.Protecting miners from dust B.Wearing masks to prevent infection

C.Producing masks throughout time D.Improving masks throughout time

An idiom is a phrase that we can’t understand from the meaning of each word. For example, if an American boy asks his mom what’s for dinner tomorrow, she may say “I’ll play it by ear”, that means she doesn't have plans for dinner and she will decide later.

“Play it by ear” used to mean playing music without using the sheet music(乐谱), but now people often use it when they’re not talking about music!

There are many idioms in English. If you learn to use them, your English will be much more vivid(生动的)and colourful.

Have you ever heard the idiom “He bought the farm”? It means he died. Do you know how it became popular? It was first used during World War I. When a soldier died, the government gave his family enough money to buy a farm.

In the early 1930s, people in the U.S. often did not know when or where their next meal was coming from. So as soon as they got something in their hand that could be eaten, it would go into their mouth. That was how people began to use the idiom “living hand to mouth” to mean “living a poor life”.

And don’t be angry if your English friend says this to you, “Break a leg in your game!" In fact, he is wishing you good luck! Hundreds of years ago, people believed in sprites. Sprites enjoyed causing trouble. If the sprites heard you ask for something, they would make the opposite take place. Tell someone to “break a leg” and the sprites would make something good take place.

Aren’t English idioms interesting? And break a leg in your next football match!

1.The idiom “play it by ear” means“________”

A.have no plans for dinner today. B.have no plans for dinner tomorrow. music with sheet music. D.have no plans and will decide what to do later.

2.If someone is very poor, we can say he_________.

A.buys the farm. B.lives hand to mouth.

C.breaks a leg. D.plays it by ear

3.We can infer(推断)that in the early 1930s common American people________

A.loved buying farms. B.lived a hard life.

C.had meals at different places and times. D.liked eating from their hands.

4.British people used to believe the sprites liked to________

A.make something good take place. B.break a leg.

C.make trouble. D.make bad things take place

5.If your friend is having a basketball match, you can say all of the following excpt “_______”.

A.Bad luck B.Good luck C.Have fun D.Enjoy the game

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