
完成句子, 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。
1. 在业余爱好上花些时间对我们来说是必要的。
    It is necessary _______________________________ on our hobbies.
2. 那个报告使每一个听到的人感到振奋。
    _______________________________ everybody who listened to it.
3. 布朗先生已经离开无锡三个多月了,他将于一周后返回。
    Mr Brown _______________________________ for more than tree months. He will come back in a week.
4. 你认为今天报纸上的那幅卡通画与文章相配吗?
    Do you think that _______________________________ in today's newspaper?
5. 校长正在伏案疾书,所以我们没有惊动他。
   The principal was busy writing at his desk, so _______________________________.
6. 刚才没有人注意他所说的话。
    Just now no _______________________________ he said.
1. for us to spend much time
2. That report excited
3. has been away from Wuxi
4. the cartoon picture matches the article
5. we didn't disturb him 6. one paid attention to what

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