
Alan, Mr.Brown, the Whites, the Smiths和the Williams正各自打算买房子。请仔细阅读第1-5题中的个人情况说明和A到E五所房子的介绍,选出符合各自要求的最佳选项。

1.Alan, a young man, works as an engictory.He has shared a flat with others for about two years.Nowving of $8000 and he wants to buy a single flat.

2.The Brown family has two cars.One is for him, the other for his wife.He prefers the house with two garages where they can eir cars.

3.The Whites’ twin sons, who like water games very much, will start school next year.The couple are looking for a house with a walking distance to a primary school.

4.The Smiths, a middle-aged couple, want to open a restaurant.Now they are looking for a shop house in the city centre.They douch about the price.

5.The Williams are very rich, and find a modern and comfortable house.The house should be convenient for their parties.




Here are four messages on Alan Marshall’s answer phone.

Monday  9:21

   Alan? Alan, if you’re at home, please answer the phone. Are you really not there? Well, I’d just like to say that I’m really annoyed with you—and your father is too. You know how much he loves our monthly family lunches. This is the fifth one you’ve missed. I hope you’ve got a really good reason this time. Oh, umm, this is your mother speaking.

Monday 10:02

Mr Marshall, this is Rose, Mr Smith’s assistant. I’m calling to make sure tomorrow’s lunch with Mr Smith of Rising Sun Computer Games. Mr Smith wants you to know that this meeting is very important. Please remember to bring the designs with you. He says that he is ready to pay for your new game! The restaurant is The Four Stars in Gower Street and I’ve booked a table for a quarter past one. Be there on time—please!

Monday 11:23

My name is Karen Miller. I’m manager at Superstar Computer Games, Australia. I saw your game “Kill the Enemy!” at the International Computer Game Fair. I think your work is great and I’d like to talk with you about buying your new game. Perhaps we can interact over lunch and know more about each other. I’m in London until Wednesday. My mobile number is 6130800.

1.Alan Marshall is a ________ according to these telephone messages.

A. psychologist    B. veterinarian    C. movie director   D. computer game designer

2.Alan’s mother was _________ when she called her son.

A. angry         B. patient            C. terrified     D. excited

3.________are going to buy Allan’s new game.

A. Mr Smith and Mr Marshall           B. Alan and Rose 

C. Mr Miller and Mr Smith             D. Alan and Karen

4.The underlined word “interact” means “_______” here.

A. discuss      B. play games     C. eat     D. fight


Alan is in Class Two, Grade Seven.He is 12.His English teacher is Mr. Smith.He is English.Mr. Smith has a daughter. Her name is Helen Smith.She is 13.Alan and Helen are good friends.They like English.This is Helen’s school ID card.Its number is A-270789.Is that Alan’s school ID card? No.He can’t find his school ID card.If you find it, please call Alan at 346-2838.Thank you.

1. Alan and Helen are        .

A. in Class Seven            B. in Grade Two   C. teachers       D. friends

2. Alan is        .

A. Chinese                      B. English            C. a student      D. eleven

3. Mr Smith is        .

A. Alan’s father                                             B. an English teacher 

C. Helen’s friend                                           D. a Chinese teacher

4. Alan can’t find        .

A. Mr Smith                                                 B. Helen          

C. his ID card                                               D. his school ID card

5. Alan’s        number is 346-2838.

A. phone                        B. ID card           C. school ID card       D. book

Alan, Mr. Brown, the Whites, the Smiths和the Williams正各自打算买房子。请仔细阅读第1—5题中的个人情况说明和A到E五所房子的介绍,选出符合各自要求的最佳选项。

1.Alan, a young man, works as an engineer.He has shared a flat with others for about two years.Now saving of $8000 and he wants to buy a single flat.

2.The Brown family has two cars.One is for him, the other for his wife.He prefers the house with two garages where they can stop cars.

3.The Whites’ twin sons, who like water games very much, will start school next year.The couple are looking for a house with a walking distance to a primary school.

4.The Smiths, a middle-aged couple, want to open a restaurant.Now they are looking for a shop

house in the city centre.They talk about the price.

5.The Williams are very rich, and find a modern and comfortable house.The house should be convenient for their parties.







* Price: $975,800

* Size:

* A downtown house

* Parking to the front

* Fit for Sandwich Shop   & Café.


* Price: $209,665

* Size:   

* Bedroom: 4

* Bathroom: 2

* Garage: 2

* No improvement


* Price: $560,000

* Size:   

* Bedroom: 4

* Bathroom: 3

* Garage: 3

* Big living room





* Price: $5700

* Size:   

* Bedroom: 1

* Floor: 2/4

* Close to the subway

* No improvement


* Price: $380,790

* Size:   

* Bedroom: 3

* Bathroom: 2

* Near the city school

* Good neighbors

Alan, Mr. Brown, the Whites, the Smiths和the Williams正各自打算买房子。请仔细阅读第71-75题中的个人情况说明和A到E五所房子的介绍,选出符合各自要求的最佳选项。

(     )71 Alan, a young man, works as an engineer. He has shared a flat with others for about two years. Now he earns $8000 and he wants to buy a single flat.

(     )72. The Brown family has two cars. One is for him, the other for his wife. He prefers the house with two garages where they can park cars.

(     )73. The Whites’ twin sons, who like water games very much, will start school next year. The couple are looking for a house with a walking distance to a primary school.

(     )74. The Smiths, a middle-aged couple, want to open a restaurant. Now they are looking for a shop house in the city centre. They think about the price.

(     )75. The Williams are very rich, and find a modern and comfortable house. The house should be convenient for their parties.






* Price: $975,800

* Size:

* A downtown house

* Parking to the front

* Fit for Sandwich Shop   & Café.


* Price: $209,665

* Size:   

* Bedroom: 4

* Bathroom: 2

* Garage: 2

* No improvement


* Price: $560,000

* Size:   

* Bedroom: 4

* Bathroom: 3

* Garage: 3

* Big living room




* Price: $5700

* Size:   

* Bedroom: 1

* Floor: 2/4

* Close to the subway

* No improvement


* Price: $380,790

* Size:   

* Bedroom: 3

* Bathroom: 2

* Near the city school

* Good neighbors

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