
1. 他们曾经居住过的房子已经拆毁。 
2. 似乎每件事都有它的利与弊。
3. 昨天,直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。
4. 这是如此吸引人的一幅画,我第一次看见就喜欢上了它。
5. 无论在生活中发生什么事情,我们绝不应该失去希望和信心。
1. The house (which/ that) they used to live in has been pulled down.
    The house where they used to live has been pulled down.
2. It seems that everything has its advantages and disadvantages.
3. The children didn't leave the school until the rain stopped yesterday.
4. It was such an attractive picture that I liked it the first time I saw it.
    (or: It was such an attractive picture that I liked it when I saw it for the first time.
    or: It was so attractive a picture that I liked it at the first sight)
5. Whatever (No matter what) happens in our life, we shall never lose hope and confidence.
1. 他每天学习长达3.5个小时,我想他不会在考试中取得低分的。
2. Max是一个诚实的朋友,他不会在你有难过的时候袖手旁观,反而会说笑话逗笑你。
3. 他妈妈经常鼓励他尽自己最大努力独立完成作业,不随意乱扔一张纸。
4. 在这三个地方中,昆明由于全年最温暖湿润,数以万计的游客从全国各地匆匆赶来游玩。
5. 由于沙尘暴,整个城市被黄沙所覆盖,大多数人们不能再正常上班,政府希望人们能理解到

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