How are you getting on with your study? Maybe you are the best in your class. In the last few exams one or two even several classmates have got higher marks than you. How do you feel? Are you jealous of them? Are you grateful to them? Please think it over after reading the following text. You will probably learn a lot.

Once a zoologist worked on antelopes (羚羊) which were living on both sides of a river in the Republic of South Africa. He discovered that the antelopes on the east side multiplied (繁殖) more quickly and ran faster than those on the west.

The zoologist was puzzled after long thought about the difference. As two groups of antelopes lived in the same environment and they fed on the same kind of grass.

One year, with the help of the Animal Protecting Society, he caught ten antelopes on each side and exchanged them. A year later, the ten antelopes sent to the west bank multiplied by fourteen while only three of the ones sent to the east remained. Where are the other seven? They had been eaten by wolves!

At last the zoologist understood why the antelopes on the east were stronger. That was because on the east side there were living a group of wolves ---their natural enemy!

Now everything is plain sailing in your life. It's your opponents (对手) that you are improving indeed, so thanks must go to your opponents. It's a true!

1.The zoologist was puzzled when he found________.

A.the antelopes on the west side multiplied more than those on the east.

B.the antelopes on the east side ran faster than those on the west.

C.the two groups of antelopes lived in the same environment.

D.the two groups of antelopes fed on the same kind of grass.

2.What does the underlined word “jealous” mean in the passage?

A.害怕的 B.生气的 C.嫉妒的 D.憎恨的

3.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Antelopes should be raised on the same side of the river. B.Antelopes should be raised with wolves.

C.We should learn from the zoologist. D.We should be grateful to our opponents.

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