
Frank is eleven. He's from Australia. His house isn't in a city. It's in the countryside.

Frank's parents have a big sheep ( 绵 羊 ) farm. They have a lot of sheep.

Frank's family has two dogs. Their dogs aren't pets. They can't eat or sleep in the house. They can't play with the children. Their dogs are farm animals (动物). They help to get the sheep.

There isn't a school near Frank's house. He has lessons on the computer at home. He uses the Internet (因特网) to talk to his teachers.

Frank often helps his parents to do some farm work. He enjoys his life in the countryside.

1.Frank's family live .

A.in the city

B.on the hill

C.in the forest

D.in the countryside

2.Their two dogs can .

A.play with the children

B.help to get the sheep

C.sleep in the house

D.eat in the house

3.How does Frank have lessons?

A.He goes to a school.

B.He listens to some CDs.

C.He watches lessons on TV.

D.He studies on the computer.



The main characteristic of a bird is feathers. No other animal has feathers. Other important features for birds are wings and hollow bones.

Birds fly by flapping their wings and using air pressure(压力)to create lift under their wings. Just like airplanes do. The peregrine falcon is one of the fastest birds. It can reach speeds of over 100 miles per hour when diving. Feathers are important to birds because they keep them warm, help them to fly, and provide camouflage(伪装). Hollow bones also help in flying because they help make the bird light enough to fly.

Although an important characteristic of frost birds is flying. not all birds fly. Some birds that don't fly are penguins, kiwis and ostriches. Penguins actually spend much time in the water where they are swimmers. Ostriches on the other hand are very fast runners. An ostrich can outrun a horse!

There are all sizes of birds. Hummingbirds are some of the smallest birds, while ostriches are some of the biggest. Different types of birds eat different things. Some birds feed on plants, some birds eat insects. and still others eat other, animals like fish, snakes, mice or rats. Birds are also known for their migrating(迁徙)patterns to large groups. Some birds will travel tong instances each season to stay in a climate that is good for their survival. Birds are sometimes kept as pets. The most popular birds for pets are tropical (热带的) birds like parrots. Birds also have a history of helping out humans in different tasks. They can carry messages (homing pigeons) and help hunt (falcons).

Read more about birds.

An ostrich can run as fast as 43 miles per hour and grow as tall as 9 feet.

Blue birds can't see the colour blue.

The hummingbird can fly backwards, but it can't walk.

The egg of a kiwi can weigh as much, as 20% of the mother's body weight.


Features of birds

?What makes birds 1. from other animals is feathers, wings and hollow bones.

How birds fly

?Birds flap their wings and 2. air pressure to fly.

?Birds are light enough to fly 3. of hollow bones.

Not all birds fly

?Penguins. are good at 4..

?Ostriches are fast runners.

5. of birds

?Hummingbirds are very small while ostriches are very big.

?Different birds eat different things. Plants, insects and other animals can

be on the 6. of birds' food.

?Some birds travel 7. to find a better place to stay.

?Some birds are kept as 8. and some are trained as helpers.

Fun 9.

about birds

?An ostrich Stan run at a 10. of 43 miles per hour.

?Blue birds can't see blue and hummingbirds can't walk.

If you used“add oil”to express encouragement or support someone in your spoken English or your homework in the past. Your English teacher would tell you that you were wrong. But now, things are different, the phrase has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. "Add oil" has been “legal(合法的)” Chinglish as well as "lose face”and “long time no see".

The phrase,“加油(jia you) in Chinese means adding oil into the engine(发动机). Chinese often speak it loudly in games and competitions to encourage players.

Even though the phrase is widely used in the Chinese language, it's always been difficult to come up with a proper way to translate it into English. The phrase is used oil, so after that some people jokingly(开玩笑地)translate it into “add oil”.

Before taking in “add oil”, some other Chinese phrases have been included in the Oxford English Dictionary such as guanxi (personal connections that aid business) and lucky money(money given in red bags). In recent years, the Oxford English Dictionary has taken in other Chinese popular words like tuhao (meaning rich person who comes from countryside) and dama(referring to elderly women).

In 2014, the American Urban Dictionary took in a few Chinese Internet popular words such as no zuo no die(which translates into English as “if you don't do stupid things,they won't come back and bite you in the back”),"you can you up, no can no BB”(which translates into English as "if you can do it you should go on and do it, instead of criticizing(批评)others ' work").

According to the Oxford English Dictionary website, more than 1,400 new words and phrases have been added into it. With the development of China, there will be more Chinese popular words in English.

1.From the first paragraph, we can know________.

A.we can't use "add oil” in written English but spoken English

B.teachers don't allow the students to use “add oil” in written English

C.we can find “add oil"in the Oxford English Dictionary now

D.“lose face”and"long time no see”are not legal Chinglish

2.Why is the phrase “add oil”added into the Oxford English Dictionary?

A.Because it can be widely used in important competitions.

B.Because people who speak English like using it very much

C.Because some people want to use it to play jokes.

D.Because it's used widely and it's difficult to translated it into English.

3.The third paragraph tells us________.

A.“guanxi”was add to the Oxford English Dictionary earlier than “add oil”

B.“tuhao”and“dama”will be added to the Oxford English Dictionary soon

C.if a person who has lots of money, we can call him/her“tuhao"

D.“lucky money” in the money in red bags that given by“tuhao"

4.Which of the following is WRONG?

A.Some Chinese popular Internet words have been added to the American Urban Dictionary.

B."No zuo no die”means “if you do something stupid,you will be punished badly".

C."You can you up no can no BB”is used against people who criticize others' work.

D.Over 1,400 new words and phrases have been added into the Oxford English Dictionary

5.What's the writer's opinion?

A.Chinese is getting more and more popular around the world.

B.English will take in more and more Chinese popular words.

C.More and more English popular words will appear in Chinese.

D.English is getting more popular than before in China.

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