
Usually different feelings can be represented by different things. For instance, red stands for fire, heat, blood and life. It is said that red is an exciting and active color. They associate red with a strong feeling like   1   . Red is used for signs of danger, such as STOP signs and fire engines(消防车). Orange is the bright, warm color of   2   in autumn. People say orange is a

3     color. The orange is related with happiness. Yellow is the color of   4   . People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow with happiness as well. Green is the cool color of grass in spring, refreshing color. In general, people   5   two groups of colors—warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and   6   .Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be active. Those who like to be with   7   like red.The cool colors are black and blue. Where these colors are, people are usually worried.Some scientists say that time seems to   8   more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good   9   for a living room or a restaurant. People who are having a dinner or are having a break do not want time to pass quickly.   10   colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

1. A.sadness                      B.anger               C.worry            D.smile

2. A.land                            B.grass                C.leaves            D.mountains

3. A.lively                          B.dark                 C.noisy             D.frightening 

4. A.moonlight                   B.light                 C.sunlight         D.stars

5. A.speak                         B.say                  C.tell                D.talk about 

6. A.green                          B.yellow              C.white             D.gray

7. A.the other                     B.another             C.other one       D.others

8. A.go round                     B.go by               C.go off            D.go along

9. A.way                           B.one                  C.fact               D.matter

10. A.Different                   B.Warm               C.Cool              D.All 

1—5  BCACD          6—10  BDBAC


To save time,many Americans often buy fast food.On holidays,families enjoy nice meals at home.For example,on Thanksgiving Day,the fourth Thursday in November,families come together for a dinner.Usually they enjoy a big turkey and pumpkin pies(南瓜馅饼).

The United States is famous for its fast food,such as hamburgers,sandwiches,pizzas,and ice creams.People can easily find fast food restaurants,such as McDonald's(麦当劳)and Kentucky Fried Chicken(肯德基),in most of the big cities in the world.

There are many foreign restaurants in the USA.Chinese,Italian and French cooking are the most popular.People can buy foreign foods in these restaurants.These years,many people have paid more and more attention to(越来越关心)their health.They come to eat foods with little fat.Many of them are also worried because some people like to put something in the foods.This can make the foods good-looking,but it is not good for man's health.

1.What do the Americans often buy to save time?

A.clothes                B.cars                     C.fast food                D.nice meal

2.When is Thanksgiving Day?

A.December 25th.                                    B.April 1st.

C.Tuesday.                                                D.The fourth Tuesday in November.

3.Is now McDonald’s the famous fast food in the United States?

A.Yes,it is.                                            B.No,it isn't.

C.Yes,it did.                                             D No,it didn't.

4.What do many people pay more attention to now?

A.restaurant            B.fast food                 C.McDonald's            D.their health

5.What do you think we should eat?

A.food with a lot of fat                                       B.food with little fat

C.good-looking food                                      D.fried food

A professor told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟)to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to write reports about each boy's life in the future.Every one of the students wrote, "He doesn't have any hope."

Twenty-five years later, another professor read about the earlier study.He told his students to find out what had happened to these boys.Of the 200 boys, 20 had moved away or died. Nobody knew what had happened to them.They tried very hard and found the other 180 people.Among them, 176 had become successful as doctors, teachers and scientists.

The professor was very surprised and decided to study it further.Luckily, all of them were living near the place and he was able to ask each one, "What made you successful?" Each one answered with feeling, "There was a teacher".

The teacher was still living there, so the professor found her and asked the old woman what she had used to pull those boys out of the slums, and change them into successful people.

The teacher's eyes began to shine and she said with a sweet smile, "It's really very easy. I loved those boys."

1. Why did the students go to the slums?

A. To help the poor children.                       B. To look for a good teacher.

C. To study the life of some young boys.     D. To become successful people.

2. Of the 180 boys, how many were known to be not successful?    

A. 4.                      B. 20.                    C. 24.                    D. 176.

3. What changed the boys' life?    

    A. The professor's study.                               B. The teacher's love.

C. Their parents.                                      D. The slums.

4. Why was the second professor surprised?

A. Because some boys had died              B. Because most of the boys lived a hard life.

C. Because a few boys didn't have hope.D.Because the earlier reports were wrong.

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. Some of the boys became doctors.

B. The second professor talked to the 180 people and their teacher.

C. The teacher still remembered the boys.

D. The boys didn't want to talk about their teacher.

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