
Tobey likes zoos. He enjoys spending his weekends in zoos learning about animals. 1. He can see cows or horses around his house, but he can’t see elephants or lions.

However, he went to a different place last Sunday. There is an animal shelter (动物收容处) near his house. 2. There are usually dogs and cats in common shelters, but this shelter has lions and tigers.

As he arrived, he found the shelter was small but clean. The volunteers there were very helpful. 3. In zoos, he couldn’t get near animals at all. In this shelter, he was almost close enough to reach out and touch the animals, although there were two fences (围栏) between him and the animals. There weren’t as many people as zoos, either.

4. Each animal had a story posted (张贴) on the fence. It showed how people saved the animal. Because of many people’s care and help, now Tobey could meet the animals. When it was time to go, Tobey gave away some money. It made him feel good to help out any way he could.

The animal shelter is a great place, and Tobey can’t wait to return.

A.The best part about the shelter was the stories.

B.It is different from common shelters.

C.There are elephants and lions in zoos.

D.It is great to see animals that don’t live around his house.

E.Tobey found the shelter was different from zoos.


Marty would turn ten in three days. His mom asked him what he wanted as a gift. He thought maybe a bicycle, a _________ or a telescope (望远镜). He told his mom his choices and said any of these gifts would be great. In fact, he hoped for the telescope. He _________ learning about the planets.

Marty’s parents _________ the gifts one night after Marty went to sleep.

“Marty will just get tired of the basketball,” said Dad.

“We _________ bought him a bicycle last year. It’s new,” said Mom.

“We should get Marty a telescope,” said Dad. “He’s so interested in space and the planets; he will like _________.”

“Sounds good,” said Mom.

Dad stopped by the _________ the next day after work and bought a telescope. He put it in his car. He _________ until Marty was asleep and brought it into the house.

“This is _________,” said Marty’s mom after she saw it. “He would love it.” Dad put it in the attic (阁楼).

Marty’s birthday came and he was excited. He ran into the kitchen. His gift was usually there, _________ he didn’t see anything. Dad came into the kitchen and saw Marty was looking for a gift. He asked Marty to __________ him to the attic.

“This is fantastic!” said Marty. “Thanks so much.” That night, Marty saw many beautiful stars and planets.

1.A.volleyball B.basketball C.soccer ball

2.A.enjoyed B.remembered C.risked

3.A.gave away B.talked about C.heard of

4.A.also B.even C.just

5.A.it B.you C.him

6.A.hospital B.store C.bank

7.A.worked B.waited C.imagined

8.A.wonderful B.personal C.common

9.A.so B.but C.or

10.A.invite B.send C.follow

February 17th should have been the start of the new term for many middle and primary schools in China. However, because of the new coronavirus outbreak, many schools put off the start of the term. But students in China didn’t stop studying.

Instead of having class at school, many students in Beijing and Guangzhou began their first day of online classes on February 17th. Students in Shanghai started online classes on March 2nd. Students mainly took classes to review previous knowledge rather than taking new classes during the online study period. Online courses were required to include content about epidemic prevention (流行病防疫) , psychological health (心理健康) and educational activities.

“Online courses are only temporary measures (暂时的措施) taken during the epidemic, so when the new term begins, schools should not replace classroom teaching with online classes,” Lu Yugang from the ministry told China Daily.

The ministry also listed out some points to guide schools:

※ Don’t increase students’ schoolwork burden (负担).

※ Don’t ask students to study online for long periods of time or study things beyond their courses.

※ Don’t spend all time learning without enough time for students to rest. Also, protecting students’ eyesight must be a priority (优先).


1.Why did many schools put off the start of the new term?


2.When did many students in Beijing and Guangzhou begin their first day of online classes?


3.Where did students start online classes on March 2nd?


4.How many points did the ministry list out to guide schools?


5.What must be a priority?


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