
1. 你何不把这次奇妙的经历写下来?
     ____________ write downthe _______________?
2. Sam邀请我参加这个活动为贫困儿童募捐.
    Sam has invited me____________the activity to____________for poor children.
3. 我的朋友花了五年多的时间到世界各地去旅行.
    It____________my friend____________five years to____________
4. 在Eivis十六岁那一年,他的父亲给他买了一把吉它作为生日礼物.
    ____________ 16, Etvis's father ____________ him a guitar for his birthday.
5. 当他们正在河边野餐的时候,一只长尾巴的猴子出现了一两次.
   They ____________ by the river, when a monkey ____________ a long tall appeared ____________ .
6. 如果你觉得紧张,也许听一段音乐台好点儿,或者深吸一口气.
   If you feel nervous, perhaps a piece of music ____________ or ____________ 
7. 真是很可惜!由于资金不够,他们不能到我们的城市来举办音乐会了.
    It's a pity they couldn't ____________ in our oity city ____________ the shortage of money.
8. 你去过非洲了吗? …还没有.但我父母现在去了埃及,他们下个月就回来.
    Africa yet? …____________. But my parents____________Egypt. They will come back next month.
9. 你喜欢听古典音乐,是吧?
    You enjoy ____________ classical music, ____________?
10. 对我们来说,保护环境很重要.
      ____________for us to orotect ____________

1. Why don't you; wonderful experience
2. to; raise money
3. took; over; travel around the world
4. At; bought
5. were having a picnic; with; twice
6. will make you better; a deep breath
7. hold the concert; because of
8. Not yet; have gone to
9. listening to; don't you
10. It is very important; the environment


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