
Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it doesn’t     1    that you don’t have a mental health problem.
Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or     2   . Most of the time those feelings pass,    3    sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesn’t always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move     4   different stages(阶段) of your life.
Here are four practical     5    to look after your mental health. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can     6  them.
●Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isn’t a sign of      7   , but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.
●Eat well. What you eat and how you feel are     8    connected. A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.
●Keep in touch. Friends and family members can offer     9    suggestions which may help you keep active and solve practical problems.
●Take a break. It could be a weekend     10   new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax you.

A.awayB.insideC.through D.against


【小题1】A. agree同意     B. mean意味着    C. doubt怀疑    D. notice注意  根据句意:虽然你的心理是健康的,这并不意味着你没有一个心理健康问题。
【小题2】A. excited兴奋的    B. satisfied满意的    C. surprised感到惊讶的    D. stressed感到有压力的  根据句意:我们都有感到心情低落或者压力大的时候。故选D
【小题3】A. but但是    B. and 和    C. so所以    D. as 根据句意:大多数的时候这些情绪会过去,但是有时候它们会发展成一个更严重的问题。故选A
【小题4】A. away离去    B. inside里面的    C. through 通过     D. against反对  根据句意:随着你的生活通过不同的阶段,环境发生改变了,心理也会发生改变。故选C
【小题5】A. answers回答   B. replies回答   C. ways方法   D. chances机会 根据句意:这里有四个照顾你的心理健康的实用方法。故选C
【小题6】A. follow随着    B. find找到    C. advise 建议    D. count计数  根据句意:任何人都可以跟着他们做。故选A
【小题7】A. weakness弱点,缺点    B. laziness懒惰   C. happiness 幸福     D. richness富裕  根据句意:这并不是缺点。故选A
【小题8】A. easily容易地    B. closely紧密地   C. equally公平地    D. hardly几乎不 根据句意:你的饮食和情绪是有着紧密地关系的。故选B
【小题9】A. difficult困难的   B. terrible可怕的    C. strange奇怪的  D. various各种各样的 根据句意:朋友和家人能够帮助你提供各种解决实际问题的建议。故选D
【小题10】A. protecting保护       B. exploring探索的        C. providing提供     D. imagining想象  根据句意:周末去探索一个新的地方去亲近自然。故选B

Joe lost his arms in an accident that killed his father. Since then, he has had to depend on the     36   of his younger sister Ella. In order to take care of him, Ella became his shadow, never leaving him     37    for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do anything in his life. 
As they grew up together, they had their share of     38   and they would often quarrel. Then one day, Ella wanted to separate from Joe, living    39    own life. So Joe was heart-broken and didn't know what to do.
A     40    misfortune (不幸) struck Rosa, too. One night her mother, who suffered(受苦) from mental illness,     41    . So her father went out looking for her mother. She tried to cook meals for her parents, only to overturn the kerosene light on the stove, resulting in a fire which took her hands away.
Though her elder sister Susan showed her willingness to take care of her, Rosa decided to be    42    independent. And most of all she learned to do things on her own. Once she wrote the following in her composition: “I’m lucky. Though I lost my arms, I still have legs. Though my wings are broken, my heart can still     43  .”
  One day,Joe and Rosa were both invited to a television interview program. Joe told the TV host about his     44    future at being left on his own, while Rosa was full of hope for her life. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. Joe wrote:My younger sister's arms are my arms;     45     Rosa wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.
They had both stood the same sufferings, but their different     46    determined(决定) the nature of their lives. It is true that life is unpredictable. How you deal with misfortune is the true test of your character. If you choose only to complain and run away from the suffering,it will always     47    you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.
A.legsB.armsC.eyes D.hands
A.sad B.afraidC.worriedD.alone
A.questions B.accidentsC.problems D.business
A.andB.so C.whileD.or
Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for thousands of years, and today it is still one of the favorite drinks in the world. Many people in the world begin their busy day by drinking a cup of or several cups of coffee. They have always said that a cup of coffee in the morning helps them begin their day in the right way. So they say a cup of coffee is necessary for them in the morning.
Do you know what in the coffee makes our bodies and brains(大脑) active? It is caffeine(咖啡因). Caffeine may increase a person’s mental and physical abilities(精力和体能). For example, two cups of coffee will make you breathe faster and augmentbody heat. All this makes you heart beat faster, and doctors warn that this may be a little dangerous.
Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, chocolate and some other foods. A little caffeine is probably not harmful. But much caffeine can make people nervous and sleepless.
【小题1】A good title for this passage is              .
A.Coffee Is HarmfulB.Coffee and TeaC.Caffeine and HealthD.Caffeine Is Useful
【小题2】 The word “augment “ means               .
【小题3】 From this passage, we may know that drinking a cup of coffee late at night might             .
A.give you a headacheB.make you fall sleepC.keep you awakeD.be dangerous
【小题4】Caffeine is found in             .
A.tea and waterB.fish and meatC.coffee and jamD.coffee, tea and some other foods

Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it doesn’t     1    that you don’t have a mental health problem.

Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or     2   . Most of the time those feelings pass,    3    sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesn’t always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move     4   different stages(阶段) of your life.

Here are four practical     5    to look after your mental health. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can     6  them.

●Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isn’t a sign of      7   , but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.

●Eat well. What you eat and how you feel are     8    connected. A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.

●Keep in touch. Friends and family members can offer     9    suggestions which may help you keep active and solve practical problems.

●Take a break. It could be a weekend     10   new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax you.

1.                A.agree          B.mean          C.doubt    D.notice


2.                A.excited         B.satisfied        C.surprised D.stressed


3.                A.but            B.and            C.so   D.as


4.                A.away           B.inside          C.through   D.against


5.                A.answers        B.replies         C.ways D.chances


6.                A.follow          B.find            C.advise    D.count


7.                A.weakness       B.laziness         C.happiness D.richness


8.                A.easily          B.closely         C.equally   D.hardly


9.                A.difficult         B.terrible         C.strange   D.various


10.               A.protecting      B.exploring       C.providing  D.imagining



After the killer earthquake hit Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008, love and charity(慈善) began spreading through China from all over the world. Rebuilding after the quake begins now, and it will last long into the future. First of all, the most important thing is to help the people in the disaster area take care of their mental(心理的) health.

Here are Professor Le’s suggestions:

Dos: Do have enough sleep every day.

Do stay with your family and friends.

Do treat yourself to healthy food.

Don’ts: Don’t hide your feelings.

Don’t feel shy to talk to others how you feel. Try to get them to understand you and they can help you.

Don’t run away when your relatives talk about their experience during the earthquake.

Don’t force yourself and your family to forget the disaster.

But how long will it take to recover psychologically(心理上恢复) from the earthquake? “It depends on the person’s character. They have to help themselves, which is more efficient(有效的) than passively receiving comfort and sympathy(同情) from others,” said Professor Le, a member of the Chinese Psychological Society.

1.When did the terrible earthquake hit Sichuan Province?

A. On May 12th B. In May 12th C. On May 13th D. In May 13th

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Keeping your feeling in your mind.

B. Have enough sleep and healthy food every day.

C. Don’t tell others when you feel sad.

D. Be happy and force yourself to forget the disaster.

3.From the passage we can know _______________.

A. not only Chinese people but also people throughout the world support the people in the disaster

B. people haven’t begun to rebuild their home yet

C. it will take a very short time to get the disaster area back on track(轨道)

D. it’s not important to give money and things

4.What’s the main idea of Professor Le, a member of the Chinese Psychological Society?

A. Helping themselves on mental health is more efficient than depending on others.

B. Recovering from the earthquake mainly depends on others.

C. Don’t talk to your friends when you are in bad mood.

D. You needn’t protect people from danger.


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