
It is easy to say “to be Best Friends Forever (BFF)”. However, a true BFF helps out when the other is in trouble, not just once or twice, but for a lifetime.
Milo is six years old. He has become Eddie’s BFF. They are special because they are not humans, but dogs. Their owner, Angie Baker, brought them up. They spent many years playing together.
However, last year, Eddie suddenly started walking into dustbins and walls. Soon he lost his eyesight. When Milo felt something was wrong, he decided to act as Eddie’s “guide” dog. He leads Eddie through the house. When they go for walks, he holds Eddie’s leash (狗链).
Once, Milo had to spend a few nights at the hospital himself. Poor Eddie often bumped (碰撞) into walls and furniture. Ever worse, he got lost during walks. Angie realized how much Eddie depended on his friend. Luckily, Milo is now fine and back at his BFF’s side, guiding him through life again.
小题1:Eddie’s BFF is _______.
小题2:What is Eddie’s problem?
A.He lost his friend.B.His leg was broken.
C.He lost his eyesight.D.His owner dislikes him.
小题3: What does Milo do for Eddie?
A.He takes Eddie to the park.B.He acts as Eddie’s guide.
C.He stays with Eddie at the hospital. D.He finds food and drinks for Eddie.


小题1:细节理解题。问题:埃迪的最好的朋友是谁?分析原文: Milo is six years old. He has become Eddie’s BFF. 句意:米洛是六岁。他已经成为埃迪的永远的好朋友。明确了提出埃迪与米洛是好朋友。故选A
小题2:细节理解题。问题:埃迪的问题是什么?分析原文:last year, Eddie suddenly started walking into dustbins and walls. Soon he lost his eyesight. 句意:去年,埃迪突然开始往垃圾箱里面走。不久他就失明了。因此表明他的视力出现了问题。故选C
小题3:细节理解题。问题:米洛为埃迪做了什么?分析原文:When Milo felt something was wrong, he decided to act as Eddie’s “guide” dog. 句意:米洛感觉不对劲时,他决定做为埃迪的“导航”的狗。原文的介绍明确解决答案。故选B
The first day of school, our professor introduced an old lady Rose to us.
“Why are you in college at such an age?” I asked her. She replied, “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” We became friends quickly.
At the end of the term I invited Rose to make a speech to our football team. I’ll never forget what she taught us. She said, “There are some secrets of staying young and being happy. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You must have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you will die. There is a huge difference between growing old and growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t need any talent or ability. To grow up, you must always find the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The people who are afraid of death are those with regrets.”
At the end of the year, Rose finished her college. One week after graduation, Rose died peacefully in her sleep. We would always remember the great woman.
小题1:From the passage, we can learn that Rose ________.
A.went to college at an old age
B.became a professor later
C.once worked in a hospital
D.died before college graduation
小题2:At the end of the term the writer invited Rose to ________.
A.go to a partyB.play football
C.make a speechD.write a book
小题3:The underlined word “talent” in the third paragraph means “________” in Chinese.
小题4: If you want to stay young and be happy, ________, according to Rose.
A.never grow up
B.don’t be afraid of death
C.have a dream and never lose it
D.don’t find the opportunity in change
小题5:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Laughing every day
B.Never too old to learn
C.Growing old and growing up
D.How to stay young and being happy
Before I started school, people felt that I was not going to be successful.At the age of four I started speech lessons because I could not speak well enough for anyone to understand me.
The first grade was a struggle (挣扎).I had difficulty speaking, I also couldn’t learn to read.The second grade was not much better.I still struggled with the inability to read.In the third grade a new school was built. It was near my home. I went there with my parents and helped to get the school ready so that we could move to the new one. However, things didn’t get better for the next two years.
It was in the fifth grade.Mrs.Wakefield was my teacher, and she was a good teacher.She did not make me feel unconfident. Instead, she did her best to let me know that I could be whatever I wanted to be.And that is just what I did.
For the past 22 years, I have been a fifth grade teacher.Because of Mrs.Wakefield's influence on my life, I am now encouraging students who have had difficulties in their lives to believe that they can deal with any difficulty successfully and become someone.I have won many awards(奖项) up to now, such as Teacher of the Year.I think I should thank my fifth grade teacher. She believed in me and helped me to be all that I could be.
小题1:The writer started speech lessons at the age of four because_________.
A.he could not speak wellB.he could not read
C.he wanted to be a good teacherD.he wanted to go to a new school
小题2: The writer ______ when he was in the third grade.
A.did better in readingB.met a good teacher
C.received a high awardD.went to a new school
小题3:We can know that the writer ______.
A.has taught speech lessons
B.thinks teaching is a good job
C.is a very successful teacher now
D.works in the same school with Mrs. Wakefield
At the age of sixteen, I went on my first volunteer program in West Virginia to repair or build homes for poor families. When we arrived, we discovered that the family we were going to help was living in a trailer(拖车式活动房)that was in poor condition, no bigger than two parking spaces. A group of people had been working on it for two weeks, but every time they finished one problem, another appeared.
We soon decided that the only way was to build a new house. It was something unusual because normally our goal was to repair old homes. The family was pleased with their new house that was 20 by 30 feet with three bedrooms, a bath and a kitchen.
On Tuesday of that week, I asked the family’s three boys, Josh, Eric and Ryan, “What do you want for your new room?” Kids in the families we had helped usually wanted toys or posters, so we were surprised when Josh, the oldest boy said, “We just want beds.” The boys had never slept in a bed. That night we had a meeting and decided that beds would be the perfect gift. On Thursday night, a few adults in our group drove to the nearest city and bought beds and new bedding.
On Friday when we saw the truck coming, we told the family about the surprise. They were very excited.
That afternoon, while we were setting up the beds, Eric ran into the house to watch us with wide eyes. As Maggie, a member of our group, put one of the pillows on the bed, Eric asked, “What is that?”
“A pillow,” she replied.
“What do you do with it?” Eric went on asking.
“When you go to sleep, you put your head on it,” Maggie answered softly. Tears came to our eyes as she handed Eric the pillow.
“Oh . . . that’s soft,” he said, holding it tightly.
Now, when my sister or I start to ask for something that seems very urgent(急迫的), my dad always asks, “Do you have a pillow?” We know exactly what he means.
小题1:Why did the writer’s group build a new house for the family?
A.Because it was their normal work.
B.Because the family asked them to do it.
C.Because the trailer could no longer be repaired.
D.Because they thought it was a perfect gift for the family.
小题2:What can we learn from the story?
A.The family needed two parking spaces.
B.The boys of the family wanted toys and posters.
C.The family were excited about the beds and bedding.
D.The writer’s group made some furniture for the family.
小题3:What is the best title for this passage?
A.The PillowB.A New House
C.The FamilyD.An Interesting Program
Have you ever had a science class that you look forward to? It doesn’t happen often. But when you have a teacher like Mrs. Rheineck, it’s more than a science class. It’s a science class where learning is easy and fun. There is no getting down to a huge textbook or listening to a teacher about something you don’t care about.
My experience with Mrs. Rheineck didn’t start with science class, but with her as my tutor(导师,家庭教师). I was always a weak reader and wasn’t getting any better. My parents told me I needed to be tutored.
One day after school, I went into the library with my mom for my first tutoring time. I had no idea who was tutoring me. My mom practically had to pull me into the library. The first thing we did was to play a game to get to know each other and get rid of the awkwardness (笨拙,尴尬). We didn’t even play a reading game.
We also went around the library and I got to pick out a book I wanted to read. She didn’t make me read a boring textbook about something I didn’t care about. I didn’t even pick a book. I picked out a magazine about remote control cars. I thought to myself, how bad could it be? I got to read about remote control cars. She told me even though I was reading a magazine, I was still reading. After the first magazine, she picked out a book she liked. I would read a chapter(章) and then she would read a chapter to me, this way I didn’t have to read for long periods of time.
As I got better and faster at reading, I was able to read two chapters in the same amount of time, which used to take me to read one chapter.
Reading is one of the most important things in high school and college to be successful. If it wasn’t for her, I would not be the reader I am today and I thank her for that.
小题1:Why was the writer tutored by Mrs. Rheineck?
A.Because the writer was too shy to talk with others.
B.Because the writer found science easy and fun.
C.Because the writer liked her science class.
D.Because the writer couldn’t read books quickly.
小题2: It can be inferred from the third paragraph that __________.
A.the writer went to the library to play a game
B.the writer was unhappy to be tutored
C.the writer knew Mrs. Rheineck very well
D.the writer was awkward to read in the library
小题3:At the library, the writer __________.
A.chose any book he was interested in
B.played a reading game with Mrs. Rheineck
C.was asked to read one chapter after another
D.had to read textbooks rather than magazines
It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see morethan a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis were not able to run and were standing by the side of theroad. People were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog. Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no onecould take him. He tried to walk there but found he was quite lost. Suddenly he bumped into astranger. The stranger asked if he could help him. Mr. Smith said he wanted to get to the Housesof Parliament. The stranger told him he would take him there. Mr. Smith thanked him and theystarted to walk there. The fog was getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficultyin finding the way. He went along one street, turned down another, crossed a square and at lastafter about half an hour's walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Smith couldn'tunderstand how the stranger found his way. "It is wonderful," he said. "How do you find theway in the fog?"
"It is no trouble at all to me," said the stranger, "I am blind."
小题1: According to the passage, we can infer that " bumped into" means_______.
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The stranger has a better sight than Mr. Smith.
B.Heavy fog can cause traffic accidents.
C.It's easy to get lost on a foggy day.
D.The fog was getting thicker and thicker.
小题3: Why is it no trouble at all to the stranger to find the way in the fog?
A.Because he is a local inhabitant(当地居民) of London.
B.Because he lives next to the Houses of Parliament.
C.Because he is familiar with the route.
D.Because he finds the way not by sight but by heart.
小题4: This article mainly tells us that_______.
A.London is a foggy city
B.Mr. Smith works for the government
C.a blind stranger led the way for Mr. Smith on a foggy day
D.Mr. Smith had a very important meeting and lost his way in the fog
Some people have a very poor sense of direction.    , I am one of them. I      a place many times but I may still get lost there the next time.
When I was a little girl, I was very shy and      asked others the way. And so I used to walk round in circle and hope that by chance I would get to the place I was going to.
Now, I am no longer     shy to ask people for directions, but I often receive helpless or even wrong information. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. If anyone asks      the way somewhere, I would say, " Sorry, I am a stranger here."
Once on my way to work I      by a man. He asked me      I could tell him the way to the Friendship Building. I gave him my usual reply. But just as I walked on only a few steps, I realized that he had asked the way to my office building. However, I had no time to turn back and     him. I was rushing to meet with someone at my office and I didn't want to keep him     .
When I just got to my office, the secretary showed in the man who had asked me for directions. Imagine how       I was and how surprised he was when we saw each other at the first sight!
A.have visitedB.visitC.visitedD.will visited
A.stoppedB.leftC.was stoppedD.was left
A.look atB.look afterC.look forD.look like
A.waitB.waitingC.waitedD.to wait

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