

Mr. Bush comes from  1  . He now works  a middle school in our city. He has sixty students. He often says his class is too big and it is hard work for him to ___3_ with every student in English. He enjoys  4 black tea and green tea. He likes Chinese food  5 _, too. He doesn't  6  drinking milk. He likes playing basketball, but he  7   play well. His son and I  8 in the same class.  9 __ name is James. We are   10.

1.                A.America        B.American       C.a America D.a American


2.                A.for            B.on             C.in   D.to


3.                A.say            B.talk            C.tell  D.speak


4.                A.to drink        B.drinks          C.drink D.drinking


5.                A.very much      B.very           C.many D.much


6.                A.like            B.likes           C.liking D.to like


7.                A.isn't           B.aren't          C.don't D.doesn't


8.                A.be            B.am            C.is   D.are


9.                A.My            B.Your           C.His  D.Her


10.               A.teachers        B.doctors         C.workers   D.classmates

















2.根据题干,本句的意思是“他现在在我市的一所中学工作。”“在一所中学”应用in a middle school。所以本题选C。

3.根据后面的with可知,应该用talk,talk with表示“与某人交谈”。所以本题选B。


5.根据题干,本句的意思是“他也很喜欢中国的食物。”选项中只有very much表示“非常”的意思。所以本题选A。



8.根据 His son and I是两个人,是复数形式,故动词应该用are.所以本题选D。

9.根据题意和His son可知,本处是指布什儿子的名字,故用his。所以本题选C。







Mr. Black works in a hospital in a town. He is a good   1  , and people in the town like him very much. He is very     2  to his patients(病人),  3  many people like to ask him for help.

One day, Mr. Black gets to the hospital and 4  a fat(胖) woman in the waiting room. He calls her to his office and asks,“ What’s  5   with you?,madam?”“It’s my birthday today, sir”says the woman.“My husband(丈夫)”  6  me a present(礼物). But I can’t go in it.” “It doesn’t matter, madam,” says Mr. Black. “You 7  lose some weight(减肥)”.Then, you can go in 8   your coat.” “You are   9   ,doctor, says the woman. “He buys me not a coat, but a  10   !

1.                A.doctor         B.nurse          C.office worker  D.teacher


2.                A.friend          B.bad            C.sorry D.kind


3.                A.because        B.before         C.after D.so


4.                A.find            B.looks at         C.listen to  D.sees


5.                A.matter         B.your name      C.wrong    D.doing


6.                A.takes          B.gives           C.goes D.comes


7.                A.like            B.want           C.should   D.would like


8.                A./              B.a              C.an   D.the


9.                A.right           B.wrong          C.easy D.difficult


10.               A.bike           B.car            C.lamp  D.computer




Mr. and Mrs. Jones don’t often go out     36  , but last Saturday, Mrs. Jones    37___ to her husband, “There is a good    38   tonight. Can we go and see it?”

Mr. Jones was quite    39   about it, so they went and both of them liked the film very much. They came out of     40   at 11 o’clock, got into their   41   and began to drive home. It was quite dark, then Mrs. Jones said to Mr. Jones, “Look! A woman is running along the road very    42   , and a man is running after her. Can you see them?”

Mr. Jones said, “Yes, I can.” He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her, “Can we     43    you?” “No, thank you,” the woman said, but she didn’t stop     44    . “My husband and I always run home after the film, and the    45   one does the cleaning at home.”

1.                A.in the morning   B.in the evening    C.in the afternoon    D.at noon


2.                A.told           B.talked          C.spoke    D.said


3.                A.film            B.match          C.meeting  D.message


4.                A.angry          B.afraid          C.worried  D.happy


5.                A.the film         B.TV             C.the cinema    D.the shop


6.                A.seats           B.chairs          C.car  D.train


7.                A.fast            B.slowly          C.late  D.long


8.                A.leave          B.notice          C.help D.love


9.                A.to run          B.running         C.runs D.ran


10.               A.last            B.angry          C.happy D.great



       Mr.  Smith works in a hospital.  His medical skills are   1    and he is a popular doctor in the
hospital.  And he is often   2    in the daytime.  So he   3   to have a good rest at home.  He lives
in a building outside the city.  All his neighbors keep   4    except (除了) Mike,  who moved there
last month.  The young man lives just upstairs.  He   5    music and bought a piano last week.  He
always plays the piano after supper.  He can't play well,  so he    6   a lot of noise.  Mr.  Smith
can't stand that.  
       Two weeks later,  Mike is ill.  He    7    go to the hospital.  Mr.  Smith looks him over and says, 
 "If you stop   8    the piano at night,  you'll soon be all right. "
       After the young man left,  a nurse asks,  "Does playing the piano have    9   to do with his recovery
(康复),  Mr.  Smith? " "Yes, "   10    Mr.  Smith,  "He's one of my neighbors! "
(     )1. A. good    
(     )2. A. free    
(     )3. A. feels    
(     )4. A. quite    
(     )5. A. listens
(     )6. A. enjoys  
(     )7. A. must    
(     )8. A. making  
(     )9. A. anything
(     )10. A.speaks  
B. well      
B. busy      
B. decides  
B. quiet    
B. gets      
B. shows    
B. can      
B. playing  
B. something
B. tells    
C. bad      
C. relaxed  
C. lets    
C. quietly  
C. plays    
C. makes    
C. has to
C. to play  
C. nothing
C. talks    
D. fine        
D. boring      
D. hopes      
D. quick      
D. likes      
D. tries      
D. had to      
D. to make    
D. everything  
D. says        

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