

(Ted and Bob are having breakfast.)

Ted: Hi, Bob! Eating fried chicken? 1.

Bob: Eggs and milk? I don’t want to have them every day. 2.

Ted: But don’t have too much unhealthy food. 3.

Bob: OK, I won’t. By the way, I find some students throw away eggs and milk.

Ted: That’s too bad.4.

Bob: Yes. But what do you think we can do?

Ted: 5.                                                                   .

Bob: Let’s have a try, then we may have different kinds of food every day.


It’s bad for your health.                  It’s delicious.

How about asking our teacher to stop it?     Can we do something to stop it?

I want something delicious.               Aren’t the eggs and the milk enough?

Why not advise our school to prepare different kinds of food.





1.Aren’t the eggs and the milk enough?

2.I want something delicious

3.It’s bad for your health

4.Can we do something to stop it ?

5.Why not advise our school to prepare different kinds of food?


1.根据下文,鸡蛋和牛奶?我每天都不想吃他们。可知选Aren’t the eggs and the milk enough?,鸡蛋和牛奶够了吗?

2.联系前文及下文,但是不吃太多不健康的食品。可知选I want something delicious,我想要些美味的是食品。

3.联系前一句描述,可知选It’s bad for your health,对你的健康不好。

4.联系上文,我发现许多学生扔掉鸡蛋和牛奶。可知选Can we do something to stop it ?我们能做些什么来阻止这件事吗?

5.联系上文问句及下文,让我们试试吧,那么我们每天就可能有不同种类的食品了。可知选Why not advise our school to prepare different kinds of food? 为什么不建议我们的学校准备不同种类的食品呢?



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