下列各项中,对作品故事情节的叙述不正确的两项是( )(4分)A.铁槛寺老尼净虚为了帮长安府太爷的小舅子抢亲,答应给王熙凤三千两银子,凤姐便通过关节暗地使长安节度云光逼婚,结果迫使一对青年男女自尽。 |
B.宝钗劝宝玉留心“仕途经济”,宝玉说要是黛玉“也说这些混账话,我早和他生分了”。恰黛玉听见,百感交集,不觉又喜又惊,又悲又叹。 |
C.宝钗生病,宝玉前去看望。宝钗要看宝玉之玉,只见正面写着通灵宝玉,下面有“莫失莫忘,仙寿恒昌”,反面写着“一除邪祟,二疗冤疾,三知祸福"。宝玉也要看宝钗的金锁。上面写着“不离不弃,芳龄永继”。 |
D.黛玉去怡红院访宝玉,因晴雯不开门,吃了闭门羹,而闷闷不乐。又眼看着宝玉送宝钗出来,更生误会,不由触动了寄人篱下的凄凉心境,于是在沁芳桥畔含泪葬花,“一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知”借落花悲叹自己的命运。 |
B E解析:
The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London ________ 2012.
A.at | B.on | C.in | D.for |
Smoking is bad for your health. You’d better _______.
A.set it up | B.give it up | C.pick it up | D.look it up |
Everything was placed exactly ___________he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.
A.while | B.when | C.where | D.though |
— The doctor told me____ too much but I find it difficult.
— The doctor is right. The less you drink, ______ you will be.
— The doctor is right. The less you drink, ______ you will be.
A.don't drink; the healthier | B.not to drink; the healthier |
C.not to drink; the more healthier | D.don't drink; healthier |
Are these books ____.
— No. they are not mine. They belong to ______.
— No. they are not mine. They belong to ______.
A.your, her | B.yours, her | C.you, hers | D.yours, she |
— Good morning. I've got an appointment with Ms King in her office.
— Morning. You _______be Mr Jones. This way, please.
— Morning. You _______be Mr Jones. This way, please.
A.will | B.must | C.can | D.might |
I still remember my first teacher ________ we haven’t seen each other for
a long time.
a long time.
A.it | B.until | C.though | D.because |