
What do you think life on earth will(A)________in 100 years? More comfortable ?More high-tech? Maybe. But many scientists see a different future. (B) They say that by the year 2100 the earth will become a worse place for us to live.

   Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)are warming up the earth, melting(熔化)ice, and raising the level of the oceans. All these changes may bring more disasters( 灾难),including earthquakes and floods( 洪涝).

   Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Luckily, things may become so bad. Most countries in the world have agreed to slow down earth warming.

   In February, the Kyoto Protocol (京都议定书)began.(C) 这是全世界141个国家间的协议。 They want to produce less greenhouse gas and slow the rising temperature. (D) By 2010,35 developed countries will cut greenhouse gas by 5 percent of the amount they produced in 1990. (E) In order to produce less greenhouse gas, countries have to use cleaner cars and fewer coal power stations. They also need to look for new types of energy(能源).Countries that signed the agreement include China, Japan, Russia and the countries in the European Union( 欧盟).





5.将划线部分(E)改写为:Countries have to use cleaner cars and fewer coal power stations _____________they can produce less greenhouse gas.

1.be like  


3.This is an agreement between 141 countries around /


5.so that



  Many earthquakes(地震)happen without warning, so it is important to know what to do wherever you are during an earthquakeHere are some top tips on how to stay safe in an earthquake

  ?Keep a cool headWorry may make bad decisionsThink about what you should doThe first several seconds are important

  ?If you are indoors during an earthquake, hide under a heavy desk and protect your headStay away from windows and anything that could fall on you

  ?If you are in a crowded hall away from the door, don't rush to the exitYou will find too many people trying to get out at the same timeInstead, hide under a desk or a tableDo not get into a lift during an earthquake!

  ?Stay in a safe area until you are sure it's OK to leaveSome aftershocks(余震)may follow an earthquakeThese are as dangerous as the earthquake

  ?If you are at home and you smell gas, open a window and leave the building quickly

  ?If you are outdoors, find a clear place away from buildings, trees, street lights and power lines

  ?If you are buried in debris(埋在废墟), you may make noises by knocking at the rocksShouting will use up your energyYou could be without help for up to 72 hoursTry to find some water and foodThese are important for you


The underlined wordstop tipsmean ________'

[  ]


useful advice


boring news


interesting stories


If you are in a crowded hall away from the door when an earthquake happens, you mustn't try to get out because ________

[  ]


it's more dangerous outside


you may lose the way


people may hurt each other when rushing out at the same time


Which one is right during an earthquake?

[  ]


If you smell gas, stay at home and wait for help


Hiding under a heavy desk if you are indoors


Using the lift to go downstairs


You should ________ if yo, u are buried in debris

[  ]


find a clear place


keep shouting for help


catch people's attention by knocking at the rocks


From the passage we know that ________

[  ]


keeping a cool head is very important during an earthquake


we can hide under the tree during an earthquake


we needn't care about aftershocks

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