
It was Saturday again. Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays. That was another thing the twins had in common. They shared the same clothes and tied their hair in the same manner. In fact, it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell them apart sometimes.

Unlike their classmates, they had to get up early at seven every Saturday to prepare for their lessons. Grace had to attend the art lesson and Karen had to attend her ballet (芭蕾) lesson. "How I wish I could do something different today," said the twins with one voice. All at once, an idea came to Grace and Karen at the same time. "How would you like to be me for a day?" they asked each other. It seemed like a wonderful plan to them. After giving each other a description of their own friends. Grace put on Karen's ballet dress while Karen put Grace's.

When the art lesson started, Karen was lost. Unlike Grace, Karen was poor at drawing. When the art lesson finally ended, Karen didn't dare to hand in her work.

Meanwhile, Grace was struggling (挣扎) in the ballet class as well. As she had no idea about the dance steps, she had to follow her classmates blindly. As a result, she kept knocking into them. Their ballet teacher became impatient with her, "Karen, you should remember the basic steps."

When Karen and Grace got home, they were tired out. They decided that they would never try to be someone else they were not. It seemed that the grass was not always greener on the other side.


1.Did Grace and Karen like Saturdays? (答题不超过5个词)


2.How did Karen feel at the beginning of the art lesson? (答题不超过10个词)


3.Why did they decide that they would never try to be someone else they were not? (答题不超过15个词)



Personal computers and Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.

Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but the new technology will also let them communicate more with those they care most about. I know this from personal experience.

Email makes it easy to work at home. I spend most weekends and evenings at home. My working hours aren’t much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before email became such a practical tool.

The Internet also makes it easy to share ideas with a group of friends. Say you do something fun — see a great movie perhaps and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you use a telephone to call each one, you may tire of telling the story. With email, you just write one note about your experience, at your convenience, and send it to all the friends you think might be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and read only as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.

Email is also an inexpensive way to communicate with people who live far away. More than a few parents use email to communicate with their children at college every day.

We just have to keep in mind that computers and Internet offer another way of communicating. They don’t take the place of any of the ways.

1.The use of email has made it possible for the writer to________.

A.spend more time at the office B.spend much less time working

C.have more free time with his child D.work at home all weekends and evenings

2.According to the writer, what is the advantage of email over the telephone?

A.The user can send much more information than the telephone.

B.The user can keep the communication as personal as possible.

C.The user can communicate with the friends faster than the telephone.

D.The user can send messages to a group of people almost at the same time.

3.What does the underlined word “convenience” mean in Chinese?

A.方便 B.信心 C.自由 D.忙碌

4.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.Email is not an expensive way to communicate with people far away.

B.Computers and the Internet make communication more convenient.

C.Email makes it easier for people to live at home and work at the office.

D.Computers and the Internet are useful tools to keep good friendship.

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