

假设你是保护树木俱乐部(Trees Protection Club)的成员,一所学校邀请你为同学们做一次关于保护树木的演讲。你要向同学们说明树木的重要性并呼吁同学们爱惜树木、保护树木,节约木材资源。请根据以下要点写一篇不少于80字的演讲稿,可以作适当发挥,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总数。







Boys and girls,

As we know, trees are our best friends.




Thank you for listening!


Boys and girls,

As we know, trees are our best friends. They help us in many ways. First, trees are pollution fighters. They can keep the air clean and fresh, and they can take in harmful gases and produce oxygen. Second, trees are home to birds and animals. What’s more, many things in our daily lives come from trees, such as paper, tables and beds. They make our life more convenient. Trees also provide us with food and fruits.

But many people don’t know the importance of trees. They cut down lots of trees and burn the forest. There are fewer and fewer trees. Without trees, we can’t have a good life. To have a better future, we should plant more trees and take care of them. Let’s try our best!

Thank you for listening!



写作亮点:这是一篇优秀的范文,首先这篇短文内容非常的充实,作者按照提纲的要求详细的阐述了保护树木的重要性;其次这篇短文结构非常完整,安排也很合理。整篇作文共分成三个部分,其中第一个部分占篇幅较长,是文章的一个中心,而第三部分呼吁大家共同保护树木比较简短。最后这篇短文中使用了较好的句式和短语,如As we know, trees are our best friends.、they can take in harmful gases and produce oxygen、What’s more, many things in our daily lives come from trees, such as paper, tables and beds、Trees also provide us with food and fruits.、To have a better future, we should plant more trees and take care of them.等。


【题目】Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top _______, but on their way back conditions were very ______. Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon continued alone, he would probably get back safely. But Simon decided to risk his _______ and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope().

As they _______ down, the weather got worse. Then another _______ happened. They couldn’t see or hear each other and, by mistake, Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁). It was _______ for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up. Joe’s _______ was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. _______, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to make a decision. In tears, he cut the rope. Joe _______ into a large crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He couldn’t walk, but he _______ to get out of the crevasse and started to _______ towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers _______.

Simon had _______ the camp at the foot of the mountain. He thought that Joe must be _______, but he didn’t want to leave immediately. Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joe’s voice. He couldn’t ______ it. Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive.

【1】A. hurriedly B. carefully C. successfully D. early

【2】A. difficult B. similar C. special D. normal

【3】A. fortune B. time C. health D. life

【4】A. lay B. settled C. went D. looked

【5】A. damage B. storm C. change D. trouble

【6】A. unnecessary B. practical C. important D. impossible

【7】A. height B. weight C. strength D. equipment

【8】A. Finally B. Patiently C. Surely D. Quickly

【9】A. jumped B. fell C. escaped D. run

【10】A. managed B. planned C. waited D. hoped

【11】A. run B. skate C. move D. march

【12】A. around B. away C. above D. along

【13】A. headed for B. travelled C. left for D. returned to

【14】A. dead B. hurt C. weak D. late

【15】A. find B. believe C. make D. accept

【题目】How do students spend their spare time after finishing their homework? Watch TV, play computer games, or go outside to relax? Here’s a good example.

Tim and Kerry Meek are both teachers. They live in the UK with their two daughters: eleven-year-old Amy and nine-year-old Ella. Recently, the Meek family has become the focus of the whole country after they completed 100 different outdoor activities in one year.

The Meek couple didn’t want their children to spend all their free time in front of the TV and become “couch tomatoes”. So about one year ago, the Meeks decided that watching TV and playing computer games were not permitted. Instead, they set 100 tasks for the two girls to do outside. Although Mr. and Mrs. Meek are not outdoor activity fans, they took part in all the activities to encourage their daughters. It turns out that the two sisters really had a good time joining activities.

Every holiday and weekend, whether it’s sunny, rainy or snowy, the Meeks’ would set off to try the activities on their list, including hiking, sailing, climbing, skiing, and so on. The two little girls not only had a wonderful time, but also learned a lot of skills from the activities. They were even able to stand up in front of their school to give a talk for charity. “Our friends spend a lot of their free time doing things which are harmful to their health. Luckily, we’ve had the chance to experience something different.” Amy and Ella also helped their parents to draw up a new list of challenges for the next 12 months.

So we should do more outdoor exercises to keep healthy in our spare time.

【1】What are Tim and Kerry Meek? (No more than 4 words.)


【2】Why did the Meeks become the focus of the UK? (No more than 10 words.)


【3】When did the Meeks go out to do the activities? (No more than 4 words.)


【4】What did the two little girls learn from the activities? (No more than 4 words.)


【5】What should we do to keep healthy in our spare time? (No more than 6 words.)


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