
Communication between parents and children is becoming a serious problem. I read a   41  about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed themselves after   42  with their parents. I think this is because they don’t have a talk with each other. Parents now   43  more time in the office,   44   they don’t have much time to stay with their children. As time passes, they both feel that they don’t have the   45  topic to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more with your   46 , get to know them and   47  them. And for children, show your   48  to your parents. They are the people who love you. So   49  them your thoughts. In this way, you   50  have a better understanding of each other.

A.get on well withB.look forC.give upD.enjoy


【小题7】此题考查固定短语get on well with表示和…相处非常好。
【小题9】此题考查动词,tell sb sth表示告诉某人某事。


I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can vaguely(模糊地)  1  the brightness of sunshine and what color red is. It would be wonderful to see things again,  2  a disaster can do strange things to people. It happened to me the other day that I might not have come to love  3  as I do if I hadn’t been blind. I believe in life now. I am not sure that I would believe in it so  4 . I don’t mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I  5  mean that the loss of  6  made me enjoy more of  7  I have now.
Life asks us to keep making  8  to reality. If a person is able to get ready for anything changeable his world will  9  more meaningful. I became blind, but I was  10 . My parents and my teachers saw  11  in me-a potential(潜力) to live, you might call it-which I didn’t see, and they make me fight it out with blindness.
The hardest  12  I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was what I had to do at least. If I hadn’t been able to do that, I would become a chair rocker for the  13  of my life. When I say I believe in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase  14 . That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that: A belief that I could deal with anything alone; that somewhere in the  15  there is a special place where I can make myself fit.
1. A. imagine       B. find             C. remember     D. guess
2. A. but           B. though               C. so           D. because
3. A. myself       B. life             C. eyes         D. blindness
4. A. that         B. therefore            C. happily      D. deeply
5. A. seldom        B. just             C. hardly           D. always
6. A. them      B. it                   C. blindness        D. light
7. A. that         B. what             C. which            D. where
8. A. moments      B. encouragements       C. improvements D. changes
9. A. become        B. change               C. look         D. end
10. A. brave        B. lucky                C. sad          D. wise
11. A. something    B. everything           C. nothing      D. anything
12. A. problem      B. experience           C. difficulty       D. lesson
13. A. rest     B. whole                C. need         D. last
14. A. lonely       B. alone                C. self         D. person
15. A. company  B. group                C. society  (社会)   D. family

Life in 30 years will be   31  because many changes will take place, but what will the changes be?
The population is growing fast. There will be    32   people in the world and most of them will live longer than before. Computers will be   33  smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important  34  in school.
People will work fewer hours than they are doing now, and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and  35 . And more people will go to other countries  36  holidays.
There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for  37   new towns and houses. Then there will be less  38  for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe people won’t eat it every day, they will eat more vegetables and fruit instead. Maybe people will be healthier.
Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will  39  by robots. Because of this, many people will not have  40  to do. This will be a problem. 
【小题1】A. same                    B. difference                C. different      
【小题2】A. little and little     B. less and less              C. more and more
【小题3】A. much                   B. many                   C. more          
【小题4】A. subject                  B. subjects                 C. way                   
【小题5】A. easily                   B. more easily              C. easier           
【小题6】A. for                     B. with                    C. at           
【小题7】A. build                   B. building                 C. to build        
【小题8】A. rooms                  B. room                    C. spaces        
【小题9】A. done                   B. do                      C. be done       
【小题10】A. works enough             B. enough works             C. enough work

Peter's job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier (边界) to make sure that they were not smuggling (走私) anything into the country. Every evening he would see a factory worker coming __36__ the hill towards the frontier, __37__ a bike with grass on it. When the bike __38__ the frontier, Peter would stop the man and __39__ him take the grass off. Then he would examine the straw very __40__ to see whether he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man's pockets __41__ he let him tie (捆绑) the grass again. The man would then put it on his bike and go off down the hill with it. Although Peter was always __42 __ to find gold or other valuable things hidden in the straw, he never found __43__. He was sure the man was smuggling something, but he was not __44__ to think out what it could be.
Then one evening, after he had looked __45__ the grass and emptied the worker's pockets __46__ usual, he __47__ to him, "Listen, I know you are smuggling things __48__ this frontier. Won't you tell me what it is? I'm an old man, and today's my last day on the job. Tomorrow I'm going to retire (退休). I promise I shall not tell __49__ if you tell me what you've been smuggling." The worker did not say anything for __50__. Then he smiled, turned to Peter and said quietly, "Bikes."

A.everyoneB.anyoneC.no oneD.someone
A.momentB.long timeC.sometimeD.some time

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