
It's a common belief that over time, pet owners start to look like their animals. Now comes the terrifying news that cats look up to their owners as role models and copy their behaviour.

Next time you reach for your fridge, think twice. If your cat is watching, she will probably overeat as well.

In a new study from the University of Messina, it turns out that indoor cats who live closely to their owners “mirror” the lives of their caregivers. They sleep at the same time, eat at the same time, and can even become more or less social depending on the behaviour of their owners.

“Cats are clever animals with a long memory,” Jane Brunt, director of the Catalyst Council, told Discovery News. “They watch and learn from us, noting the patterns of our actions, knowing where their food is kept and what time to expect to be fed, how to open the cupboard door that's been improperly closed, and where their feeding and toileting areas are.” Because cats copy our habits, if you spend a lot of time raiding(搜刮)the fridge, your cat will return to its food bowl for that midnight snack, too. According to the study, this explains why “human and cat overweight rates often seem to match”.

There's no word if drinking green tea and making sure you go to yoga will benefit (使受益) your cat, but based on the study, it sounds like sticking to a healthy eating and sleeping habit is best for both of you.

There's a lot we can learn from our cats in return. “When they sit softly breathing , eyes half closed, the sense of peace and calm that comes over us is like a private less on in inner meditation(冥想),”Brunt said. They're probably pretty good at remaining calm.

So, according to science, though we think that cats are not close to us all these years, it turns out they are in fact learning from us and looking up to us. Scary, huh?

1.What does the word “terrifying” in paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.可怕的 B.高兴的 C.伤心的 D.无聊的

2.According to the passage, which of the following is WRONG?

A.Cats can copy humans' behaviours. B.Cats are smart and have a long memory.

C.Green tea and yoga can benefit cats. D.Humans can learn from cats in some way.

3.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Humans' keeping searching the fridge. B.Humans' drinking green tea and going to yoga

C.Cats' copying humans' habit of looking for food. D.Cats' going to their owners for food.

4.What can we learn from our cats?

A.To remain peaceful. B.To be able to copy.

C.To stay hungry. D.To look up to friends.

5.The best title for the passage could be “________”.

A.Your cat can bring you pleasure B.You are copying your cat

C.You can make your cat social D.Your cat is copying your habit


This year has been a busy year of travelling for me, and the end of the year is no exception. I booked an early morning flight so I had to get up at 4:30 am to get to the airport. The thought of such an early flight made me not very happy, but then I started to think about the people who would make that early journey possible for me: my taxi driver, check-in agent, security staff, gate agents, flight crew, etc. They all do their jobs at an early hour so I can get to my destination safely, often for very little money.

When that trip came, I realized I had a choice: I could be angry about having to take an early flight, finally showing my anger to everyone I see. Or I could choose to be grateful to this modern machine of safe air travel and the people who made it possible. Just thinking about the latter choice got my mind working about how I could show my thanks, and I decided to do a little “experiment”: what if I got a little gift for every worker I met my journey? How many gifts would I end up giving out?

Then I started to think about what kind of gift would be good for such an experiment.

The payback from this experiment started immediately. For the first time in years I actually looked forward to getting up at 4:30 am! I ended up giving a gift cards to my taxi driver, airport security agent, two gate agents, and four fight attendants, and all of them said thank you and smiled sweetly. And, instead of arriving tired and sad after four hours of sleep and a long flight, I was excited and happy to share my story.

Change your attitudes( 态度)and choose to do something good for others can help yourself feel good, too.

1.At first, the writer felt when she thought of getting up so early.

A.worried B.unhappy C.excited D.nervous

2.What is "payback" of the writer's experiment?

A.She spent some money on some postcards.

B.She showed thanks to the people around.

C.She felt great towards the coming travelling.

D.She got lots of presents from the other people.

3.What's the passage mainly about?

A.The reasons why the writer don't like travelling early in the morning.

B.How the writer's attitudes towards her travelling changed.

C.Why we should be thankful for others help.

D.The writer's most wonderful travelling experience.

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. In fact, she_______nobody except her boyfriend, for he was always_______to help her. She used to tell her boyfriend, “If I could see the_______, I would marry you. ”

One day, someone donated(捐赠)a pair of_______to her. When the bandages(绷带)came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend, for the_______time. He asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you_______me?” The girl looked at her boyfriend and was greatly surprised to see that he was_______She had never expected that.She would not like to be with a blind husband for the rest of her life,so she_______to marry him.

Her boyfriend left in tears and a few days later wrote a_______to her,saying,“My dear,take good care of your eyes________they are yours. They were mine.”

This is how the human brain(人脑)often works when our status(地位)changes.Only a very few remember what________was like before.And we often ask for more than we need.Life is a gift. Today, before you complain about the________of your food,think of someone who has nothing to________.Before you complain about life,think of someone who went to heaven(天堂)too early. Before you complain about your old________, think of the people who are living in the streets.And when you are tired and complain about your job, think of those who have no jobs.So________what you have and don’t forget your past.

1.A.forgot B.loved C.disliked D.thanked

2.A.ready B.unhappy C.angry D.sad

3.A.sight B.world C.earth D.people

4.A.shoes B.glasses C.trousers D.eyes

5.A.first B.second C.next D.1ast

6.A.follow B.love C.marry D.see

7.A.ugly B.sick C.short D.blind

8.A.decided B.agreed C.refused D.wanted

9.A.diary B.note C.song D.story

10.A.Before B.After C.Once D.Since

11.A.mind B.work C.school D.life

12.A.taste B.size C.color D.shape

13.A.do B.wear C.eat D.make

14.A.food B.house C.clothes D.Bus

15.A.forget B.spend C.enjoy D.pay

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