
-Which basketball player do you like better, Kobe or James?
        of them. Lin shuhao is my favorite.

A.NeitherB.EitherC.BothD.No one


解析试题分析:No one 没有一个; Either两者中的任何一个;Both两者都; Neither表示两者都不。句意:科比和詹姆斯,你更喜欢哪个篮球选手?——两个都不喜欢。林书豪是我最喜欢的。结合语境可知选A。


  Foulsham House is a fine, large house of the 1790s. It stands by the River Byer, in twenty-five hectares (公顷) of the best farmland in the southwest.

  The house was built by Smithson, and the story goes back to George, the son of King of Whales, who fell in love with the beautiful Lady Kitty, at one of the first Foulsham's wild woods (野外) parties. Many years ago many great men rode on the hills about Foulsham House, and many fine girls took tea in the Green Room.

  The house has eight bedrooms; three bathrooms (浴室), two living-rooms and a dining-mom with a real Adam fire-place. Its library has a good view over the park and the river. All rooms are light and airy, with good, high windows, and wood floors.

  At the back of the house there is a room for four cars. The third Foulsham once kept horses there. In many other ways, this house of the 1790s meets the needs of the 1990s. If you wish to know more about Foulsham House, write to:Harvey. Platt, Longford & Sons 6, Castle Green, Gilham, Byreside.

1.Foulsham House is ________.

[  ]

A.an old farm house

B.a 25-hectare house by the River Byre

C.a large house for people to come to listen to its story

D.a house with a history of nearly two hundred years

2.We learned from the reading that ________.

[  ]

A.Smithson built the house for wild wood parties

B.many important people had been to the Foulsham House

C.George and Lady Kitty loved the house and had many parties here

D.the Green Room is a place for many girls to make tea

3.The sentence “Its library bas a good view over the park and the river” means “________.”

[  ]

A.The park and the river can be seen clearly from the library

B.The library has a picture of the park and the river on the wall

C.The library was built in the park by the river

D.Books about the part and the river can be read in the library

4.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.The 3rd Foulsham often rode his horses at the back of the house.

B.The house has a room for cars at the back of the house.

C.The road behind the house is wide enough for 4 cars to go.

D.There is some parking behind the house.

5. We can infer(推断) that Harvey ________.

[  ]

A.wants the house to meet the needs of modern life

B.wants people to know the history of the house

C.wants to sell the house

D.wants some money to make the house meet today's needs

Bill was fourteen years old and in the ninth grade.He had a part time job which got him up at five o'clock.He was a newspaper boy.

Each morning,Bill left the house at five fifteen to go to the center.The newspapers were delivered there by a truck at midnight.He carried them on his bike.

In the winter it was still dark when he got up.But during the rest of the year it was bright.Bill had to deliver the newspapers to his customers(订户) houses in all kinds of weather.He tried to put each paper in the box where it was safe from wind,rain and snow. His customers thought he did a good job. Sometimes they gave him tips (小费).

Bill made about $70 each month and he was saving some of the money to go to college.He spent the rest on tapes and clothes. Once a month he had to collect money from his customers.Since many o{ them worked during the day,Bill had to get the money al night.Sometimes when Bill was ill,his elder brother had to deliver the newspapers.Once his father had to help him.

Bill has 70 customers now,but he hopes to get more soon.Some day,when he bas many more customers, perhaps Bill will win a prize for being a very good newspaper boy.He wants to win a visit to Europe (欧洲),but he would be happy enough if he won a new bike.


1.Bill did part time job as_____.

A.a waiter               B.a driver                C.a newspaper boy     D.a salesman

2. In the passage,the underlined word “delivered” means_____.

A.收集                   B.印制                    C.分发                   D.制造

3.How often did Bill have to collect money from his customers?

A. Once a month                B.Once a week.      C.Once a year.       D.Once a day.

4.From the story we know the Customers like_____ people.

A.clever                  B.hard working         C.young                    D.poor

5.According to the passage,if Bill worked really hard, he could possibly win _____.

A.more friends                            B.more money

C.more newspaper                         D.a visit to Europe or a new bike

World Laughter Day was started in Mumbai, India in 1998 by Dr Madan Kataria, organizer of the worldwide Laughter Yoga activity.

The celebration of World Laughter Day is for world peace and is a plan to make good friends through laughter.Now more and more people are joining the Laughter Yoga movement.On the 9th of January, 2000, more than 10,000 people gathered in Denmark to celebrate the first World Laughter Day.It was very successful.

World Laughter Day is now celebrated on the first Sunday of May every year.Hundreds of people all over the world laugh together on that day.No one thinks that laughing doesn't make us feel good

Today, some people in the world still face war(战争).Laughter is a good way to deal with world problems.When different groups laugh together, they can get along better.Many difficult problems can become easier to solve if people feel good.

Laughter is a world language, which is the same in every country.We should believe that only laughter can bring the world together and help people become good friends.

The famous writer, Mark Twain said, "Mankind bas only one really effective weapon(武器), and that is laughter."

1.World Laughter Day was started                 

A.in 1998             B.in 2000             C.in America         D.in China

2.The celebration of the first World Laughter Day was held                 

A.in India              B.in Denmark         C.in Mumbai           D.by Mark Twain

3.The meaning of the underlined sentence is                  

A.laughing doesn't make us feel good

B.laughter makes us feel happy

C.nobody thinks it is good to laugh

D.everyone thinks laughing together makes us feel sad

4.The Laughter Yoga movement tells us                

A.laughter can stop war

B.people want to make the world peaceful

C.laughter is the best way to deal with world problems

D.laughter can bring the world together when people laugh together

5.What's the best title of the passage?

A.World Laughter Day                       B.Successful Laughter

C.The first World Laughter Day               D.The celebration of World Laughter Day

Here are three pieces of news from some newspapers of 2007.

China's astronaut will walk in space in 2008

China's next spacecraft,Shenzhou 7,will take three astronauts for a five-day travel in space and one of them will carry out(进行)China's first spacewalk task in 2008.It bas not been decided how long the walk will be.We believe China will make more improvement in spaceflight in the future!

Chinese parade promotes 2008 Olympics

Nearly 600 performers from Beijing had a large parade for about two hours in Hollywood to show traditional(传统的)Chinese culture(文化)to the American public and promote(推动)the 29th Summer Olympics,which will be held in Beijing next year.

Beijing stops selling lottery tickets to teenagers

Now lottery tickets(彩票)in Beijing can't be sold to anyone under l 8 years old.The lottery sales are required to put up signs to warn the young--it is illegal(不合法的)for them to buy lottery tickets.

It's China's first effort to stop the teenagers from gambling(赌博).

1.The astronauts of Shenzhou 7 will stay in space for               

A.2 hours                B.3 hours                C.5 days                   D.7 days

2.Where did the performers have a large parade?

A.In Beijing.          B.In Hollywood.     C.In Shanghai.         D.In Shenzhen.

3.According to the above news,what will happen in Beijing in 2008?

A.The 29th Summer Olympics will be held.

B.There will be a parade about traditional Chinese culture.

C.Shenzhou 7 will be sent up.

D.China will make its first effort to stop the teenagers under l8 buying lottery tickets.

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