
     Dr Albert Einstein's neighbour was worried. Every day her small daughter went to call on the great
scientist after school. At last the mother went to Einstein. She told him she was sorry if the girl was keeping him from his work.
     "Oh, not at all," Einstein told her. "I like her to see me. We get along quite well." 
     "But what could you and an eight -year-old girl have in common?" asked the mother. 
     "A great deal," said the scientist. "I love the cookies she bring me. And she loves the way I do her
maths lessons."        
1. Which of the following is right?
A. The girl was eight years old.      
B. She was Einstein's neighbor. 
C. She was a pupil.                
D. All of the above.
2. The mother was worried about _______.
A. her daughter      
B. Einstein    
C. her daughter's study  
D. none of the above
3. The mother went to Einstein _______. 
A. only to visit him                
B. to thank him  
C. to say sorry if her daughter troubled him  
D. to look for her daughter
4. Did Einstein think that the girl troubled him?
A. Yes, he did.    
B. No, he didn't.  
C. Yes, he thought so.  
D. No, he didn't think.
5. The story tells us that Einstein loved ______.
A. the child    
B. her cookies    
C. to help others    
D. others to visit him
Text 1: The City Council has spoken highly of Dr Miles Larson. Larson is a doctor but his patients are a lot
of 4-legged animals like cats, dogs, sheep and cows. Larson gives away thousands of dollars worth of vet
services to keep animals healthy. a) He also tries to place homeless animals in good homes.
Text 2: The traveler returns to the Art Museum this week with painting and photos from all over the world.
If going to new and interesting places is your idea of fun, come and join us in guessing where these art
objects are from. Who knows, maybe you'll take a holiday in one of these places. Come along and explore
the world without leaving your hometown!
Text 3: It's Charity Week soon. b) And it's time to start thinking about how you can help people who are
not as lucky as you are.
Perhaps you can give money, maybe you can donate clothes or household things
you don't need. Or perhaps you call give your time and your services. If you are happy and successful in
your life, it's time to think of other people who need help.
Text 4: Come to Teen Scene, the special program for teenagers to talk about their ideas and concerns. So
if you're worried about exams at school, need help in being more confident, want to know about cool
clothes and where to buy them, come to Teen Screen, every Monday night 7pm.
1. 阅读所给信息,选出适当的标题。
    Text 1____ Text 2____ Text 3____ Text 4____
    A. Holiday for your mind B. Come to us for help 
    C. What can you give?    D. A friend to animals
2. 将(a)处画线部分译为中文。
3. 将(b)处画线部分泽为中文。 
4. 请从上文中找出与此句意思相近的句子。
     Come to the Art Museum, and you will know more about new and interesting places in the world without
     Reading for pleasure is the  easiest  way  to  become a better reader  in  English. It is also  the most
important way.
    Some students say they don't want to read for pleasure. They saythey want to use their time to lcarn
the rulcs of the language and ncw words. They  say  that  pleasure  readling is too easy.  Many experts
say pleasure reading is very important  for  learning  English. Dr. Stephen Krashen, a famous expert on
learning languages, says that pleasure  reading  helps  you learn many  important  things  about  English.
Students learn more grammar and  more  words when  they  read  for  pleasure.  They also learn more
about good writing.
    Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading heIps  each  student in a different way. Each student needs
to learn something different.  Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to iearn what he or she
    Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying.  When  you  read pleasure,  you choose your own
books,   and  you don't  have  to  remember  everything.  There are no tests on your pleasure reading
books.  P1easure reading will help you.
    *  learn how English speakers use En91ish
    *  read faster in En91ish
    *  find examplcs of good writing in English
    *  learn ncw words
    *  learn about the cultures of En91ish speakers
1.Is pleasure reading important for learning English?
2.Which is the easier way to become a better reader,  pleasure reading or studying?
3.What do some students think of pleasure reading?
4.How can we become better readers7
5.What's the greatest advantage of pleasure reading?
A: Recently, the word "clone" has appeared very often in the newspapers. Do you know its meaning?
B: Not exactly. I read a report in yesterday's newspaper. It said a Scottish scientist had successfully cloned
    a lamb named Dolly. It was the first time that a cloned lamb had been made from an adult sheep.
A: Actually, the word "clone" means to produce the "same" animal by taking cells (细胞) from an adult one. 
    I think, if we know how to do cloning, we need only keep a small number of sheep, cows and horses.
B: (A) It's said that recently there have been some people who ever wanted to clone humans.
A: It seems interesting. (B)但你觉得那样做可能吗?
B: No, I don't think so. First, I think we can't clone a dead person because the cells in his body have been
    dead already.
A: Then can we clone a living person?
B: Again no. You might clone yourself one after another, but it is only a copy, not a real you. It is only
     something, not a human.
A: Well, you mean that a real human can speak, think and create, and these abilities(能力) can't be cloned?
B: That's right! I think the main purpose of  Dr. Ian Wilmut, the "father" of Dolly, is to make better animals,
     and it has nothing to do with human cloning.
1. Which kind of animal did a Scottish scientist clone? _____________________________________
2. 把文中画线的(B)句翻译成英语。 _____________________________________
3. Why can't we clone a dead person? _____________________________________
4. What's the purpose of clone? _____________________________________
5. 把文中画线的(A)句译成汉语。 _____________________________________

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