
Four of my friends and I gathered at our favorite restaurant for Anna’s birthday. We were all having a good time when suddenly Julia said, “Hey! Let’s go to ___________house and party on!”

“I’m not sure if it’s a good idea,” I said. I looked to the others for support ( 支 持 ), but it seemed they were ________going to Julia’s house, for they didn’t know _________to say “no” to Julia. Julia always tries to bully (欺负) the rest of us. She knew that we would all get into trouble with our parents if we left the restaurant. But that didn’t _________her.

“Don’t forget Anna’s mother will bring the birthday cake at 8:30,” I said, “We should wait ________Anna’s mother arrives!”

“Don’t be silly. She’ll find us,” Julia said, laughing, like it was no big deal.

“My mother is coming here to pick me up,” I ________, not wanting to tell her I knew my mother wouldn’t allow me to go.

“Stay here by yourself,” Julia said, “The rest of us are going.” Then she began calling me names. I felt tears coming to my eyes, so I ran to the bathroom. I felt so childish, crying alone. It’s really ________to go against your friends, especially when you’re hoping to be popular with them. A moment later, Amanda came in and said, “Julia is just that _______. I agree with you. If we get out right now, maybe we can persuade (劝说) the others to stay.”

“I’m staying here with Susan,” Amanda said as soon as we ________to the table. Then she said something I hadn’t _______. “If I leave, I’ll get into trouble with my parents, so let’s take( 采 纳 ) Susan’s ________.”

Anna looked happy again as she said, “My mother wouldn’t agree, either. I’ll stay with you two.” “Okay, I’ll stay, too.” Ellie added.

“Well, I’m not going alone. I have to stay! Oh!” Julia said.

I was surprised it was so ________. None of the girls left and I knew it was because Amanda sided(支持) with me. I guess it’s true that there’s strength(力量) in numbers. Friends can influence(影响) each other, for good or bad.

1.A.her B.your C.my D.their

2.A.trying B.considering C.imagining D.suggesting

3.A.how B.when C.who D.why

4.A.help B.stop C.please D.touch

5.A.because B.if C.after D.until

6.A.lied B.shouted C.invited D.complained

7.A.brave B.hard C.necessary D.strange

8.A.matter B.state C.shape D.way

9.A.traveled B.referred C.returned D.pointed

10.A.described B.checked C.expected D.completed

11.A.advice B.offer C.answer D.plan

12.A.natural B.direct C.wise D.simple


There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. In fact, she loved nobody except her boyfriend, for he was always ready to help her. She used to tell her boyfriend, "If I could see the world, I would marry you."

One day, someone gave away a pair of eyes to her. When the bandage came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend, for the first time. He asked her, "Now that you see the world, will you marry me?" The girl looked at her boyfriend and was greatly surprised to see that he was blind. She had never expected that. She would not like to be with a blind husband for the rest of her life. She refused to marry him.

Her boyfriend left in tears and a few days later wrote a note to her, saying, "My dear, take care of your eyes. Before they are yours, they were mine."

This is how the human brain often works when our status (地位) changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before. And we often ask for more than we need. Life is a gift. Today, before you complain (抱怨) about the taste of your food, think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about life, think of someone who lost his life early. Before you complain about your old house, think of the people who are living on the streets. And when you are tired and complain about your job, think of those who have no jobs.

So enjoy what you have and don't forget your past.

1.The blind girl loved everybody except her boyfriend because he was never helping her.

2.The reason why she didn't feel like marrying her boyfriend after she could see everything was that he was blind at that time.

3.From the passage, we know that in order to let the girl see the world, her boyfriend gave away his eyes to her.

4.A great number of people remember what life was like before in our daily life.

5.From the story, we realize that we should value what we have and never forget the past.

I live in Mentone, a quiet, simple, peaceful place, where the rich never come. I met Theophile Magnan, a retired, rich, old man from Lyons yesterday, in the Hotel des Anglais. Theophile looked sad and dreamy, and didn’t talk with anybody else, which brought me back to the past.

A long time ago, Francois Millet, Claude, Carl and I were young artists—very young artists—in fact.

Yes, Francois Millet, the great French artist, was my friend.

Millet wasn’t any greater than we were at that time. He wasn’t known, even in his own village.

We were all poor though we had stocks(存货) and stocks of as good pictures as anybody in Europe painted. Once a person ever offered four francs (法郎) for Millet’s “Angelus”, which he meant to sell for eight.

It was a fact in human history that a great artist would never be accepted until after he was starved and dead. His pictures climbed to high prices after his death.

Then we made a decision that one of us must die, to save the others and himself.

Millet was chosen, chosen to die.

During the next three months Millet painted with all his power, enlarged his stock all he could, not pictures, no! sketches, studies, parts of studies, fragments of studies, of course, with his cipher(暗号) on them.

They were the things to be sold.

Carl went to Paris to start the work of building up Millet’s name. Claude and I went to sell Millet’s small pictures and to build up his name as well.

We made Millet a master. I always said to my customer, “I am a fool to sell a picture of Francois Millet’s at all, for he is not going to live three months, and when he dies, his pictures can’t be had for love or money.”

Claude and I took care to spread that little fact as far as we could.

Carl made friends with the reporters, and got Millet’s condition reported to England and all over the Europe, and America, and everywhere.

The sad end came at last, Millet died, not really. He became Theophile Magnan.

The pictures went up. There’s a man in Paris today who owns seventy Millet pictures. He paid us two million francs for them. Do you still remember the “Angelus”? Carl sold it for twenty-two hundred francs.

We are no longer artists and Millet dead.

1.Why did the four friends decide to choose one of them to die?

A.They wanted to be rich. B.They wanted to be famous.

C.They wanted to save money. D.They wanted to be respected.

2.Which of these is a fact based on the passage?

A.The story was written in memory of Millet.

B.Millet was still alive but had a new name.

C.Millet lived a wealthy life at first.

D.Millet failed to make a famous artist.

3.What made the four friends’ plan succeed?

A.That they didn’t want to be artists any longer.

B.That Millet’s pictures were sold at very high prices.

C.That people had pity on these poor artists.

D.People’s wish to own valuable art works at low prices.

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