
When I __1___ a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel; and decided that the best way _____2__ this was to become a ___3____ . I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now. It’s a really ___4___ job because I travel all over the world. I ___5____ that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School __6___ five years before I become a flight attendant. It was because I could speak English that Igot the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School!
I want to be a tour guide. In fact, it’s all I have ever wanted to be. I want to travel, __7____ to English- speaking countries____8____ the United States and Australia. However, I know that I have to improve my English, so I’ve started taking lessons at the Hilltop Language School. The Hilltop language School has really helped me __9____ English. I’ve been a student here for a year now, and I really love it. Maybe when I leave I’ll ___10____ becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide.
【小题1】  A. am          B. was         C. is
【小题2】  A. to do        B. doing        C. did
【小题3】  A. teacher       B. shop assistant  C. flight attendant
【小题4】  A. interested     B. interesting    C. interest
【小题5】  A. discovered    B. found out     C. found
【小题6】  A. for          B. in           C. since
【小题7】   A. special       B. specially     C especially
【小题8】   A. for example   B. like         C. such as
【小题9】  A. learning      B. learn        C. teaching
【小题10】 A. think over    B. think about   C. thank for


【小题2】本题的含义是想去各地旅行最佳的办法就是成为航空服务员,修饰名词way,动词在后应用动词不定式to do,故本题选A。
【小题8】表示举例,后跟名词,相当于诸如的意思,英文中可用such as来表示,故本题选C。
【小题9】帮助某人做某事英文中可说help sb (to)do sth,故本题选B。
【小题10】本题的含义是我将会考虑成为一名英文教师,而不是导游,think about可以考虑的意思,故选B。


It’s not easy to be an astronaut’s son.Everybody expects you to be special or perfect. I often wonder how my father ever had a son like me. I mean he’s so special and so good at everything he does. Even in middle school he was monitor and captain of the football team.

Well, to be honest, I often dream about being some kind of hero or doing something special—like saving a child from a burning building One morning my teacher said there would be a Father’s Day writing competition for the whole school.“I hope we have a winner right here in my class.”

When I got home,I started to think about what to write.My father is an astronaut. No, I wouldn’t start like that. That was the way others saw him.How did I see my father?

Hmm…I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a terrible dream.I remembered how he hugged me for hours when my dog Spotty was killed by a car. Yes, these were the things I was going to write. To me,he wasn’t just a famous astronaut. He was my dad.

My parents and l went to school Thursday night. There were so many people in the big hall! My dad looked at me, and I shrugged(耸肩).

The third prize was announced and it was not me.1 was relieved(释然)and disappointed(失望) at the same time. The second prize was announced.  I t  was me. I went up to the stage and read what I had written,“My father’s son”.When I finished,Dad put his hand on my shoulder.“Son,this is the proudest moment of my life.’’

It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe I’ll never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was enough just to be my father’s son.

1.The writer felt it        to be the son of a famous person.

A.1ucky                       B.natural           C.hard                D.pleasant

2.In order to_        the writer would like to save a child from a burning building.

A.become astronaut                      B.become a great hero

C.be made school team captain            D.be made monitor

3.What did the boy probably write in his composition?

A. A lot of special things he had done.     

B. The story of his father as an astronaut.

C. The unforgettable time he spent with his father.

D. The experiences his father had in middle school.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.My daydream                                                 B.My father’s son 

C.My famous father                                  D.My happy family


When I was a teenager growing up in Russia, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way I could do this was to work in the local brick factory in my town, or get married. I was nervous when I told my father I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say, " No! You are going to college. " He took me by surprise when he said, "OK. We'll go to the brick factory. "

Two days later, he took me to the factory. I had a very romantic idea of working in a factory. ' I had imagined everyone to be friends working together and having fun. I even imagined there would be music and singing. I guess I had watched too many movies as a teenager.

When we arrived at the factory gates, my father spoke to the guard and one minute later we were inside. My father said, "Take your time. Look around." I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was horrible. I ran back to my. father and said, "I want to go home. "

He asked me, "What do you think of the factory?"

"It's terrible," I replied.

"And marriage is even worse!" he said.

I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard so I could get into a good college. I enjoyed studying English so I decided to major in languages at college. Thanks to my father and our trip to the brick factory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the factory!


1. The writer lived in_________ when she was a teenager.

A. Russia B. Japan C. China

2.At first she thought life in the factory would be _        _ than in school.

A. more careful B. more colorful C. more beautiful

3.When she told her father that she wanted to leave school, he expressed his disagreement________.

A. by doing nothing    B. in a special way C. by saying nothing

4. After they visited the factory, the girl________.

A. decided to work there        B. decided to get married        C. changed her mind

5.The underlined word "horrible" means "_     _" in Chinese.

A. 糟糕的    B. 紧张的    C. 浪漫的


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