Are you interested in movies? Do you believe Chinese are also able to make good science-fiction movies? One hot movie in China this month means something.

Liu Cixin is the most popular science-fiction writer in China. He received the prize in 2015 for his novel the Three Body Problem (三体). Many people admired him for this novel, including Obama. His rich imaginations can be seen in the movie the Wandering Earth (流浪地球). This movie was filmed on his novel with the same name. This tale is about the Sun is going to crash into the Mercury (水星) and this will cause the Earth catching on fire and killing all life on the planet. In order to survive, people put together about 10,000 big engines on Earth to push the Sun so that people can run away to another planet. Yet, as Earth gets close to Jupiter (木星), the huge force will break the Earth into pieces. Who will save the Earth?

Thanks to Liu’s fame, as well as the great efforts of the movie team, the Wandering Earth made 670 million yuan on the first day. More importantly, the Wandering Earth is the first “made in China” science-fiction movie on the big screen. And the director, Guo Fan, is also Chinese. Some people predict that 2019 marks the starting year of popularity for Chinese science-fiction movies.


1.The movie the Wandering Earth is made on Liu’s novel the Wandering Earth.

2.When the Sun gets close to Jupiter, the huge force will break the Earth into pieces.

3.The movie made 670 million yuan in total.

4.Guo Fan is the most famous science-fiction writer in China.

5.The Wandering Earth shows that Chinese have ability to make good science-fiction movies.

Since 2018, the English listening and speaking test in Beijing has to be separated(分开) from the written one.And the listening and speaking test is becoming more and more important for the students who are taking senior high school entrance exams in Beijing.The test counts for 40 points on their full English exam.During the 30—minute test, students have to fill in blanks, answer questions and retell stories after listening to different materials.

The test is taken on a computer.They can take the test twice (once in December and again in March) to try to get the highest score possible.

Final exams are coming.Liu Haoxuan, 14, who studies at Beijing Dayu School, is quite busy.However, he still has to find time to practice his spoken English.That's because he will take a new English listening and speaking test. It pushes me to speak.Though it was hard at the beginning, it's a good thing,”Liu said.He got a low score when he first took it last term.But he kept working hard in order to improve his pronunciation and other skills.He practiced speaking in front of a mirror every day.Later, he got a score of 39 on the test.

Liu Tianyou, 14, from another middle school of Beijing, has his own way to prepare for the listening and speaking test.He used apps to take practice tests every day." The apps will score your performance so that you can improve accordingly(相应地),” he said.Also, the practice tests help me learn to take notes properly.They help me understand topic sentence and key words.”


1.What do students have to do in the test?

① Fill in blanks. ② Answer questions. ③ Retell stories. ④ Write stories

A.②③④ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.①②③

2.What do we know about the English listening and speaking test from the passage?

A.It counts for 40 points on the full English exam. B.The test was introduced many years ago.

C.Students have to take it three times a year. D.Students can get high scores on the test easily.

3.What do you learn from Liu Haoxuan's story?

A.Practice makes perfect. B.Think twice before acting

C.Two heads are better than one. D.Knowledge is everything.

4.What do we know about Liu Tianyou?

A.He got a score of 39 on the test. B.He prepared the test on the apps.

C.He failed the listening and speaking test. D.He found it hard to get a good score.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The difficulties students face in learning English.

B.The improvement of English education in Beijing.

C.An English class that students in Beljing have to take.

D.The new English listening and speaking test for Beijing students.

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