
I want you to say _____ about this concert.

A.anything differentB.something different
C.different anythingD.different anything


点评:thing和some any every等构成的复合词一直是初中英语考查的重点,需要注意他们应用环境的不同,并注意修饰这些词语的形容词要放在他们的后面。


One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future. In our minds we can see what has not yet happened. For example, while we are looking forward to 1._____a new place or country, we 2._____what it will be like. We predict( 预料) the habit people will eat, dress and act. Of course, we do not always predict things 3._____. Things are often very different from the way we 4._____them to be.

One of the 5._____ dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist, Kekule, who had been 6._____ to work out a very difficult problem in physics. He had studied and analyzed(分析) the problem from every angle(角度) for days, but there 7._____ to be no way of 8._____ out the answer. Then one night he went to bed and dreamed. When he 9._____ up, he realized that he knew the answer. He had solved the problem in his 10._____.

The hypnotist(催眠者) sat in the chair opposite him and spoke 11._____: I want you to concentrate on my voice. Think about 12._____. You know nothing but my voice. And as you pay attention to my voice, your 13._____ will get heavier. Soon you’ll be asleep.

You will hear my voice and understand my words, but your body will be asleep, your eyes are too heavy. You are almost asleep, and when you wake up you will 14._____ nothing.

You will forget everything. Now I am going to 15._____ slowly from one to five. One, two, three, four, five.

1.                A.visiting         B.seeking         C.reaching  D.discovering


2.                A.imagine        B.know           C.feel  D.guess


3.                A.quickly         B.simply          C.correctly  D.neatly


4.                A.required        B.wished         C.left  D.expected


5.                A.funny          B.dull            C.famous   D.silly


6.                A.managing       B.trying          C.thinking  D.hoping


7.                A.used           B.ought          C.seemed  D.had


8.                A.making         B.finding         C.turning   D.letting


9.                A.gave           B.sat             C.woke D.got


10.               A.dream         B.lesson          C.research  D.exercise


11.               A.softly          B.loudly          C.slowly D.firmly


12.               A.everything      B.something      C.nothing   D.anything


13.               A.eyes           B.feet           C.head D.body


14.               A.accept         B.remember      C.hear  D.receive


15.               A.count          B.say            C.add  D.speak



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