【小题1】Kate wants to keep thinner and healthier.
【小题2】Tom is collecting information about how to prevent electrical fire.
【小题3】Betty is trying to advise her mother to do some sports.
【小题4】Sophia has to know some ways to prevent common cold.
【小题5】Jane is studying health insurance(保险).
A.This book will help you understand how to stay well and avoid disease. You’ll learn some things that you might use at home to be away from cold.
B.Do you want to know how much food you should eat every day? Do you want to make a good plan about your meals? If so, please read this book. From the book, you will know about safe ways to lose weight and how many calories you need each day.
C.Do you have difficulties to communicate with others? Do you often say something wrong when you talk to others? This book will teach you how to say proper things to different people in different places.
D.This book will tell you something about how to keep healthy by taking exercise, but also the ways of taking exercise.
E. Are you worried parents? Do you have trouble in teaching your children? This book is written by a famous psychologist. It can help you understand your children well and make friends with them.
F. You will know why people need health insurance by reading this book. You can also know how to choose health insurance and how to use insurance to pay for your health in this book.
G. You will get useful information about how to prevent common accidents from this book. It’s about safety both indoors and outdoors.

Peter is from Japan. He went to America last month. One day, he walked into a small restaurant for dinner. He wanted to eat eggs, but he didn’t know how to say them in English. He looked around, and he saw a girl eating eggs. So he pointed the eggs on the girl’s table. The waiter knew what he would like. After some time, he brought eggs to Peter.
Then Peter wanted to eat mushrooms(蘑菇), but nobody ate mushrooms in the restaurant. He took out a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroom on the menu. The waiter saw the picture and then went away. After some time, he got back. He didn’t bring mushrooms to Peter, but he gave him a black umbrella(雨伞).
【小题1】Where did the story take place(发生)?
A. In a library           B. In a hospital                C. In a restaurant
【小题2】How did Peter get the eggs ?
A. He pointed the eggs on the girl’s table. and the waiter understood what he wanted to eat.
B. He told the waiter what he wanted to eat.
C. He drew a picture of an egg and the waiter understood what he wanted to eat.
【小题3】What’s the Chinese meaning(意思) of “point”?
A. 扔                       B. 卖                   C. 指向
【小题4】 Why did the waiter bring an umbrella to Peter?
A. Because Peter wanted an umbrella.
B. Because the waiter thought the picture on the menu was an umbrella.
C. Because Peter drew an umbrella on the menu.
【小题5】What can be the best title(标题) for the story?
A. A happy Trip             B. A Hard Dinner            C. A Bad Restaurant

Miss Evans taught physics in a London school. Last month she was explaining to her class about sound, and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her work. She said to them, Now, I have a sister in Washington. If I was calling her on the telephone, and at the same time you were 20 meters away and listened to me from the other side of the street, who could hear what I said earlier, my sister or you? And why?

   The cleverest boy at once answered, “Your sister, Miss Evans, because electricity (电)travels faster than sound waves(波).” That's very good, Miss Evans answered, but then one of the girls put up her hand, and Miss Evans said, Yes, Betty?

    “I don't think so. Betty said, Your sister would hear you earlier because when it's eleven o'clock here, it's only six o'clock in Washington.”

(   )6. Miss Evans was teaching her class __________.

       A. about sound                       B. to hear some strange sound

       C. about electricity                    D. how to say time

(   )7. She wanted to make her students know__________.

       A. whether she could hear her sister in Washington

       B. whether her students could hear her from 20 meters away

       C. which was faster, London or Washington

        D. electricity travels faster than sound waves

(   )8. The cleverest boy thought that___________.

        A. sound waves travel faster than electricity

        B. they would hear her sister in Washington first

        C. Miss Evans's question wasn't right

        D. Miss Evans's sister would hear her earlier

(   ) 9. Miss Evans________.

        A. thought Betty's answer was much better

        B. thought the cleverest boy's answer wasn't so good

        C. was satisfied with what the girl had said

        D. was satisfied with(对...感到满意) what the cleverest boy had said

(   )10. Betty thought the cleverest boy was wrong, because_____________.

       A. clocks in Washington showed a different time from those in London

       B. electricity was slower than sound waves

C. they were only 20 meters away from the telephone

       D. electricity travels as fast as sound waves


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