Fresh green grass. Hundreds of colorful wild flowers. Water running into little pools. Birds making their homes in boxes. The 9, 500-square-metre Augustenborg Botanical Garden may look just like any other well-organized park but there's a difference. It lies on the roofs (屋顶) of industrial and office buildings in the city of Malmo in Sweden.

Green roofs are not a new invention. And now they are getting popular again. The common roofs of a modem city have endless black surfaces with no life or water. Perhaps that's why a garden on a roof becomes such a perfect choice for more and more people.

Green roofs are not just pretty. They also help to moderate the city temperature. The high temperatures on common roofs in the summer can make top floor flats uncomfortably hot. What is more, they play a part in making the cities hotter than the countryside around them, causing the "urban heat-island effect". On a green roof, however, with its plants and water, temperatures change only a little, as they do in a park. This can greatly cut the costs of heating and cooling in the building below.

Also, a green roof takes in rain water, and protects the city drainage(排水) system. ________. And small animals and birds can make their homes on it. Thanks to this, the city may become part of nature, rather than something completely separate from it.

While the cost of building such a roof can still be higher, it can be cheaper in the long term as a result of energy savings. And wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to walk out into a garden high above the city's noise and traffic, whether you're at school or in an office or just at home in a ten-floor block.

1.The underlined word "moderate" in Paragraph 3 is the closest in meaning to "________".

A.raise B.control C.record D.check

2.Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?

A.A green roof is alive B.A green roof stops pollution

C.A common roof is noisy D.A common roof increases the cost

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The Augustenborg Botanical Garden is the same as any other well-organized park.

B.Green roofs are now getting popular though they are a new invention.

C.It is worth building green roofs because it costs little.

D.Green roofs can help cut the costs of heating and cooling in the building below.

4.The purpose of the passage is to ________. the problems with green roofs B.introduce the change of green roofs

C.describe the advantages of green roofs the amazing beauty of green roofs

Have you ever noticed the black and white bars on a book?Do you know what they are used for?

They are bar-codes(条形码)used in most products. If you go to a supermarket,you can see almost every product with a bar-code on it. Bar-codes have information about the product, such as name and production date.It's an easy and convenient way to know about the products. Just scan the bar-code and everything is clear.

The first use of a bar-code in a supermarket checkout system was on a pack of American Wrigley Company chewing gum in 1974.Beyond supermarkets, bar-codes are needed everywhere:for renting cars, for luggage checks on a plane, for parcels(包裹) you send. Life would be rather difficult without bar-codes.Most of our things would get lost in the post.

Bar-codes change as well.Bar-codes in the past were 1-D(one-dimensional空间), but now there are 2-D bar-codes,such as QR code.Since 2009, QR has been used on Chinese train tickets. People can enter stadiums,cinemas and theaters by holding certain types of bar-codes.

With these small codes, life is getting much easier for us.

If you find these bar-code things boring, a bar-code building might be more up your street. In St Petersburg, Russia, there is a building designed like a bar-code.It looks strange, but it's actually a shopping mall. There are games too. Bar-code Monsters is a mobile phone game. You have to scan bar-codes and find the monsters!

1.Bar-codes were first used in ________.

A.1974 in the UK B.1974 in the US C.2009 in China D.2009 in Russia

2.The underlined word “scan”might mean “________” in Chinese.

A.复印 B.展示 C.描写 D.扫描

3.From Paragraph 3 and 4, we can learn that ________. are very useful in our daily life B.our things will get lost without bar-codes make our life rather difficult D.we can’t live without bar-codes

4.Which of the following is NOT true about the bar-code building?

A.It looks like a bar-code. B.It’s in St Petersburg, Russia.

C.It’s used as a shopping mall. D.Its name is Bar-code Monsters.

5.The best title of this passage is________.

A.From 1-D Bar-codes to 2-D Bar-codes B.Why Bar-codes are Black and White

C.Small Codes that Make a Big Difference D.What if the World Doesn’t Have a Bar-code

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