
On May 7th, 1970, London, a young man met a girl who first arrived in London. The young man was studying MBA at London Business School. He was about to graduate and become a nine-to-fiver. However, his life was going to change because of the girl in front of him. The two of them fell in love when they first met and they got married a year later.

Normally, most people who don’t want to change too much will choose to get a stable job and live a middle-class life after their graduation. However, the young couple don't think this is what they want. They want more freedom in their life. As a result, they bought a small car a year later and started an overland journey.

First, they drove across Europe. They sold their car half way. Then they traveled to Asia. It took them more than one year. Finally, they arrived in Australia. Here they met with many other people who wanted to travel on their own, all of whom wanted to know the details(细节) of their travels. So the couple published(出版) a book to share their travel experiences. This book soon became popular with backpackers(背包客) and the couple went on writing books one by one. In the end, they opened a company to publish books of all kinds of knowledge and experience about traveling. They became the richest backpackers in the world.

The young man is called Tony Wheeler, and the girl is Maureen Wheeler. That is how Lonely Planet was born.

1.The young man and the girl got married in ________.

A.1969 B.1970 C.1971 D.1972

2.The underlined word in Paragraph 2 means “________” in Chinese.

A.简单的 B.辛苦的 C.临时的 D.稳定的

3.The correct order of the following sentences is ________.

① They arrived in Asia.

② The young couple bought a small car.

③ They opened a company to share all kinds of knowledge and experience.

④ They sold the car half way.

⑤ The couple published a book about all the details of their travels.

A.②④①⑤③ B.④①②⑤③ C.①②④③⑤ D.②①④⑤③

4.The best title of this passage should be ________.

A.The Start of Lonely Planet B.The Importance of Lonely Planet

C.The Guide for Backpackers D.A Couple’s Love for Traveling


What is love? It’s a simple word with so much meaning.

People around the world are talking about love today. And not without reason-love is a wonderful feeling! But close your eyes and _______ love for a minute. What does love mean to you? Love is a feeling, but what else is it?

Love is _______

We can find that love is not always expressed through words. If you are in love, you keep thinking of ways to show your love to the other person. When you are completely in love, there’s _______ you wouldn’t do to show your feelings to the person you love.

Love is sacrifice (牺牲)

Sometimes showing your love includes sacrifice. An old saying says, "There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. And there are hundreds of books filled with stories of people giving their lives for their country, family or friends. When you love someone dearly, no sacrifice is too great. _______ , laying down your life doesn’t actually mean losing your life. It can mean giving up something you want for someone else. We can all choose to sacrifice our needs and wants for the sake of (为了 ...) others. Learning how to love means learning how to be selfless.

Love is sharing

Some might say that love is giving. But I believe it goes beyond giving because love is about _______ . So I like to say, Love is sharing! When you have a lot of love in your heart, you want to share it with the ones you love. Love is the reason why our parents share their life experiences. Love is the reason why our friends share their joys and sorrows. Love is the reason why our teachers share their knowledge and friendship. Love comes from everyone around you.

What’s love like? It is just like the _______ . We can’t see it, but we can always feel it.

1.A.find out B.look for C.go over D.think about

2.A.wisdom B.language C.action D.pleasure

3.A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything

4.A.Besides B.Therefore C.In addition D.However

5.A.happiness B.relationship C.honesty D.charity

6.A.chocolate B.light C.wind D.flower

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