Toronto, Canada, is a fantastic city. It’s large, has many job opportunities, and most importantly, it is open and tolerant(包容的). It is one of the most diverse(多样的)cities in the world, with over 140 languages spoken there. What’s more, 12.5 percent of the city’s population is Chinese.

With all these different groups, it’s no surprise that you can find food from all over the world, from Vietnamese to Ethiopian. Many of these restaurants are located in the Kensington Market area, where there’s also music to hear and art to see.

This diversity is probably the reason why people living there consider it a mysterious place. Speaking to BBC News, travel blogger Alyssa James said, “The city doesn’t give up its secrets easily. I love Toronto because you really have to love it to know it.”

Toronto is also a great place to explore. Bruce Poon Tip told BBC News, “Toronto gives me big city benefits with small-town living.” He added, “it’s clean, it’s safe, it’s secure … and it’s beautiful.” The good news is you won’t miss any of this beauty, as Toronto has a very good public transport system.

It is also famous for being home to many talented computer geniuses. So if you’re hoping to work in the technology industry, Toronto is the place to be.

With all this to offer, it’s not surprising that this Canadian city is a dream place, whether you’re going on a vacation or even looking for a home.

1.How many languages are spoken in Toronto?

A.140 B.more than 140 C.about 140 D.less than 140

2.What can’t we do at Kensington Market, according to the passage?

A.Listen to music. B.Have a meal.

C.See arts. D.Play sports.

3.In Toronto, you won’t miss any beauty because ________.

A.Toronto is clean, safe, secure and beautiful

B.Toronto has a very good public transport system

C.Toronto is a great place to explore

D.Toronto has many talented computer geniuses

4.What is the main idea of the story?

A.Toronto is a good place for traveling and living.

B.You can eat food from all over the world in Toronto.

C.There are many languages spoken in Toronto.

D.There are many Chinese in Toronto.

5.Where might you possibly find this story?

A.A story book. B.A math book.

C.A magazine. D.A world map.


Many people think of bully (欺凌) as one child pushing or hitting another, but bullying is not only physical. When I was in junior high, the girls in my class would laugh at me or ask questions designed to embarrass (使….窘迫) me. Once a girl looked at me and shouted loudly, " I don't want to sit next to her!" Their comments (评价) didn't hurt me physically, but they did make me sad.

Bullying is a common problem in schools, and some adults even have to deal with it at work. But anyone can take action to stop it.

Be kind

You may not think of yourself as a bully, but do you make jokes at others' expense (消费) ? If the other person isn't laughing, your words or actions may hurt more than you think. Many bullies were once victims (受害者) of bullying and now bully others to feel powerful. If that's you, don't hurt others, but treat others well. Being kind can truly make you powerful.

Speak up

If you notice one person bullying another, please tell them to stop. Many bullies are motivated (刺激) by a desire to look cool, so if you tell them you are not cool, then they'll stop.

Be confident

If you're being bullied, don't try it face it alone; but ask a parent or other trusted adult for help. Similarly, in places where bullying happens, stay close to a friend since bullies often target people who are alone. When you're being bullied, walk away calmly. If you don't seem scared, the bully may lose interest in you.

Remember that what is happening it not your mistake. You are valuable (有价值的) for who you are.

1.Why did the girl say " I don't want to sit next to her"?

A.Because she is trying to express her love to me.

B.Because she is trying to hurt my feeling.

C.Because she is trying to show her voice.

2.What is TURE according to the passage?

A.Bullying is a common problem in schools.

B.If the other person isn't laughing at your joke, he/she must feel nothing.

C.What happens to you is always your mistake.

3.If you were bullied before, what is the right way to make yourself powerful according to the passage?

A.By bullying others. B.By telling others. C.By being kind.

4.What can you do when you see the bully?

A.You can stay where you are.

B.You can argue with them.

C.You can try to stop them.

5.What is the attitude (态度) of the author to those bullies?

A.Appreciative (欣赏的) B.Helpful. C.Unacceptable.

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