

Atlantis, a beautiful and wealthy island, is supposed to exist over 11, 000 years ago. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, it was a center for trade. Its people were very wealthy and powerful. The rulers of Atlantis controlled their people and land, and their power spread to Europe and Africa.

The weather was very good in Atlantis, and therefore people could grow food all year around. Many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and nuts grew there, and a lot of different animals lived on the island, including elephants.

Atlantis was the home of Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea. Poseidon had ten sons, who became the first rulers of Atlantis. The island’s many hills, fields and rivers were divided between the ten brothers. The eldest son, Atlas, was the first king of Atlantis. He controlled the island’s central hill and its area nearby.

At the top of the central hill, a temple was built in memory of Atlas’s father, Poseidon. Inside the temple was a huge gold statue of Poseidon. The rulers of Atlantis discussed laws in the temple.

For centuries the people of Atlantis lived simple, honest and happy lives. However, over time they began to change. They enjoyed the power they had and wanted to have more of it. When the God Zeus saw how corrupt (腐败) the people of Atlantis were, he was very angry and gathered the other gods together. At last the gods agreed with Zeus and decided to sink (下沉) the island. In one short day and a half, the island of Atlantis, its people and its memory were destroyed forever, swallowed (吞) up by the sea.

Atlantis: The Lost Island

Brief1. of the island

●It is a beautiful and wealthy island which is supposed to have existed over 11,000 years ago.

●It 2. in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and became a center for trade.

●The rulers of it got its people and land3. control.

Weather on the island

●It had very good weather.

●It was suitable to grow food the4.year.

●It was 5. in fruits, vegetables and animals.

Stories about the island

●It was the home of Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea.

●The ten brothers 6.its hills, fields and rivers with each other.

●The eldest son, Atlas was the first to 7. the island.

●A temple was built on the top of the central hill to 8. people of Poseidon.

9. for the sinking of the island

●People wanted to enjoy more power which made them corrupt.

●Zeus gathered the other Gods to decide to 10. them by sinking the island, which was swallowed up by the sea in one and a half days.


I'm often asked the question “How did you become a reporter?” You see, everybody expected me to follow in my father's footsteps and become a doctor. Well, during my last year of school I visited a career counselor(置业顾问)named Lisa and I drove her crazy with my choices.

My first choice was a chocolate tester. Although Lisa didn't know the job well, she got me some information about it. I discovered that chocolate testers make a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when I found out that chocolate testers don't just sit around eating chocolate all day, I lost my interest.

Next, I thought of becoming a football referee(裁判). I had loved football from a young age, but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as I couldn't play very well. However, it seems that referees must be able to run two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take exams throughout their training. So, my dream of becoming a referee died.

Finally, I had this idea of becoming a dog stylist(造型师). That was after I realized how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was being paid. However, once, while she was styling Philipo. I noticed that he tried to bite(咬)her. “It happens all the time," she told me. As you can imagine, that really put me off.

To cut a long story short, all this research made me realize I had a talent for investigation(调查)so by the end of school year I had decided to become a reporter.

1.What can we know about the writer's first dream job?

A.It is a job that pays well. B.It is what his father is doing.

C.It is what Lisa expected him to do. D.It is a job that requires one to sit all day.

2.Why was the writer interested in becoming a football referee instead of a player?

A.He wanted to run less. B.He wasn't young enough.

C.He wanted to take fewer exams. D.He couldn't play football very well.

3.Philipo is probably ________.

A.Shirley's dog B.the writer's dog C.Shirley's stylist D.the writer's stylist

4.Which is closest in meaning to underlined part in Paragraph 4?

A.拖延时间 B.推迟 C.把…放在… D.对…失去兴趣(反感)

5.What's the passage mainly about?

A.How to choose the right job. B.Different jobs the writer has tried.

C.How the writer became a reporter. D.The importance of career counselors.

Just for today I will be happy. I quite agree with Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in the US. He said, “Most people can be as happy as they hope to be in their mind.” ________ is from inside. It is not a matter of outside.

Just for today I will take care of my ________. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, so that it will be a ________ machine for my building. I plan to run for an hour every morning, and play basketball three or four times a week. ________ it is possible, I will join a basketball team and train myself there too.

Just for today I will try to strengthen my ________. I will learn something useful and meaningful. I will keep reading as part of myself. I will choose ________ to read, especially books that need thought as often as I can, because reading is like a key that can ________ my mind to the outside world. It nourishes me deeply and ________ me a full man.

Just for today I will have a plan. I will write down ________ I expect to do every day first. And then I will begin ________ a very small thing, such as getting up on time. I may not follow it ________ the same as I have expected, but I am sure that I will have it. ________, a good plan is half done.

Just for today I will be ________ enough to enjoy myself. I will not be afraid to be happy, and to enjoy what is beautiful. I will not be afraid to love and to believe that those I love also love me. I’ll value every moment that will be ________ with my parents, my children and my friends. And I will say “I love you” loudly to them. Never keep my love as a ________.

Just for today I will start my new journey and enjoy life as well.

1.A.Agreement B.Happiness C.Friendship D.Communication

2.A.pet B.kid C.body D.house

3.A.noisy B.heavy C.simple D.perfect

4.A.If B.Till C.Unless D.Whether

5.A.mind B.pride C.power D.memory

6.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

7.A.put up B.open up C.make up D.clean up

8.A.calls B.makes C.writes D.expresses

9.A.that B.what C.which D.where

10.A.by B.at C.with D.through

11.A.mainly B.exactly C.recently D.suddenly

12.A.Instead B.Finally C.Anyway D.However

13.A.brave B.careful C.nervous D.worried

14.A.spent B.wasted C.missed D.offered

15.A.doll B.poem C.secret D.painting



Happy people are healthier; they get sick less often and live longer. They have more friends. They are more productive at work.

Happiness doesn’t come easy, but you can develop it with practice. A simple way to start developing happiness is by recognizing good things. For this, each evening, you can write down three things that went well and add some details about each, including how they made you feel, and why they happened. Also you can take a 20-minute walk and pay attention to the sights, sounds and smells you meet with. Each time you notice something positive; take time to think about why you enjoy it.

Another simple way to develop happiness is to find meaning and purpose. For example, look out for whatever makes your life meaningful. We can also develop happiness by fostering(培养) a sense of purpose, and here is one way to do that. You imagine for 15 minutes an ideal future in which everything is going as well as possible, from your family and personal life to your studies and health. This exercise motivates(激励) you to make changes, rather than reminding you — how imperfect and meaningless your life is now.

In addition, you can develop happiness by putting more time and attention you’re your strengths. Each day for a week, choose one strong point and make a plan to use it in a different way. You can focus on the same strength for a week or work on different strengths each day. At the end of the week, synthesize(综合) the experience by writing about what you did, how those exercise made you feel, and what you learned. This exercise will help you feel happier and less sad.

Lastly, connecting with people around you is also one of the surest ways to happiness. To achieve this, you just need to help a friend or do something for your family. You can also do something for those who you don’t know. In this way, you can surely achieve happiness.

Developing happiness

Advantages of happiness

Happiness can 1. the risk of getting ill and make people live longer.

Happiness helps to make more friends and makes one work more productively.

2. for developing happiness

Recognize good things

Keep a(n) 3. of positive things in your life, adding your feeling and reasons for their happening.

Take notice of positive things around you while walking outside and find out the reason why you love them.

Find meaning and purpose

Look out for the meaningful things in your life.

4. your dream future and then write it down.

Use your strengths

Choose one strength and then plan to use it differently.

Write down about your 5., your feelings about them and the lessons they taught you at the end of the week.

Connect with others

Volunteer to do something kind for those close to you or even strangers.

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