People often say that the earth is like our mother. She gives life to all the living things on the earth and provides us with air, food, water and other essential things we need for living.

Once she was beautiful and rich, but now she becomes dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer. It is due to what we have done to her. Please have a good look at her: polluted rivers and lakes, growing deserts, the destruction of the forests and wild life, and the depletion (消耗,用尽) of the ozone layer (臭氧层)...

Can she bear to see her children putting the waste here and there? Can she bear to see her children cutting down the trees and destroying the grassland, to see the acid rain destroying everything? Can we bear to see our mother suffering (受苦) so much? Isn’t it time for us to ask ourselves whether this is the way to treat our mother?

Floods, droughts, acid rain..., these are the punishments (惩罚) from nature. Everyone should know that there is only one earth. If we go on treating her like this, it won’t be fit for us to live in any longer. It’s time for us to love her, take good care of her and cure her. We should save the earth so as to save ourselves.

1. What does the earth look like now?

A. It has clean rivers, lakes and green forests.

B. It is like a beautiful girl.

C. It is more beautiful and richer.

D. It is dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer.

2. What is the meaning of the underlined word?

A. Know     B. Stand     C. Imagine     D. Hear

3. What is the best title of the passage?

A. The earth—our mother.

B. Defenders of the Earth (地球卫士).

C. The earth is very beautiful and healthy.

D. The water on the earth is very clean.


Swimmers Wanted

Can you swim? Do you like kids? Can you help them with swimming on weekends? Come and join us. Call Jane at 330-8976 for more information(信息).

Chess Club

Do you like to play chess? Mr Chen can teach you. You can come here every Friday afternoon.

Tel: 623-1940

Add: Room 102 in School’s P.E. Building

Let’s Learn French

Can you speak French? Do you want to learn French? Join the French club now.

Time: 9:00 am—11:30 am(from Monday to Friday)

Call Henry at 543-1248.

Musicians Wanted

Boys and girls, are you music lovers? Can you sing or dance? Can you play any instruments(乐器)? Welcome to our Star Rock Band.

Please call Victor at 891-3453 or send an email to


1.What can Mr Chen teach you?

A.Playing chess.

B.Speaking French.



2.Betty can swim well and she wants to find a job. Who can she call?




D.Mr Chen.

3. Mike is in the chess club. When does he go to the club?

A.On weekends.

B.From 9:00 am to 11:30 am.

C.Every Friday afternoon.

D.On Monday.

4.You love music and you want to be a singer(歌手). What can you do?

A.Send and email to

B.Call 543-1248

C.Call 330-8976.

D.Go to Room 102 in School’s P.E. Building.

5.Judy speaks French very well and she teaches kids from Monday to Friday.

Where does she work?

A.In the start Rock Band.

B.In the chess club.

C.In the French club.

D.In the swimming club.


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